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>Event: 01/01 - 01/?? Live Groove "Happy New Yeah!" (Shin, Rin)
>Gacha: 12/27 - 12/31 (Nana, Mika, Anastasia, Akane, Airi, Kanako, Karin, Tamami, Koume, Kyoko)
>Gacha: 12/31 - 01/?? CinFes
>Party: 12/04 - 01/04
>Lottery: 12/26 ~ 01/07
>Results: 01/16 ~ 02/06
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0

>Event: 12/31 - 01/?? Theater Showtime
>Gacha: 12/27 - 12/31 MilliFes (Tsumugi, Kaori)
>Boost: 12/16 - 01/15
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Trackers: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Gacha: 12/25 - 01/08 (Hayato, Natsuki)
>Event: 01/01 - 01/?? "New Years Live 2018" (Minoru, Hokuto)
>Event Gacha: 12/31 - 01/?? (Jiro, Kaoru)

>Archive of : archive.is/70wgu
- SM anime BGM CD preview: - TD Update (Dec 31st): - SS Update (Dec 31st) part 2: - YUKUM@S KURUM@S 2017 stream rip: - ML staff doujin: UPCOMING:
Jan 4th/5th, 8PM JST: ML 3rdLIVE @Makuhari stream: Jan 6th/7th: 765PRO ALLSTARS LIVE Hatsuboshi Enbu
Jan 10th: ML M@STER SPARKLE 05

Other urls found in this thread:


Yorokobe AnnaP, you may try again when the they decide to rerun limiteds, now you have sparks.


It was a nice concert.


>rerun limiteds
Probably gonna be in like 2 years.



Press F for SS.



Ah fucking Shobitch cucking me out of Nana

F, had a good run.

>mfw I realized I'm going to be sleeping when Cinfes starts

Speaking of gacha and sparking systems, does TD let you spark for cards you already have? What I mean is, if you did 300 rolls during the FES period, could you exchange those for an FES SSR you already have, so you're paying 300 Dream Stars for a FES masterpiece instead of 600 Dream Flowers?

Did it take that long for limited reruns in SS? I don't remember anymore, but I feel like it didn't take two year.


>if you did 300 rolls during the FES period, could you exchange those for an FES SSR you already have, so you're paying 300 Dream Stars for a FES masterpiece instead of 600 Dream Flowers?
I'm guessing that's what'll happen. If you roll an SR in the MilliColle gasha before unlocking that SR from the point rewards, the second SR gets converted to an SR Masterpiece, so the same logic probably carries over to FES SSRs.
Don't quote me on that, though.

TD will be long dead by then, hopefully

Hope nobody in the audience got beaned

Hey, Nana doesn't have that nice furisode, enjoy

What's going to be the next set of limited reruns in SS?

why is she so smug?

For the gays.

Yeah "tower defense" is a pretty tired game genre at this point.

At this rate with the game dying like this, probably no one.

why are millishitters always so insecure about their game


>「Brand New Theater!」のプリンセススターズver(17人)



Anyone remember the MV for Next Life from Shiny Festa

What does ML have to do with SS dying?

Don't lump us in with that faggot, we hate him too.

why are you still trying to push this narrative that nobody believes? except for newfriends like you, maybe.

I remember seeing a chart a little while back that showed the predicted rerun schedule.

>1% rate for 5 stars
Assuming 5* is the highest rarity, it doesn't sound that bad.

Are you fucking kidding me
What game is this

what game?

>You see her first thing on the New Year's entrance scene

>6 stars

The fuck?

Oh yes.

Flower Knight Girl, it's on DMM.

>Kotoha is tonight's limited Princess SSR

Oh fuck.
Will Kotoha actually come back next month?

Kotoha I waited. Oh how I waited. Soon I will wait no longer.

you are setting yourself up for disappointment again user

>1 million lives in 10 hours
>they expected people to play 9M

SS goal has changed, now we only need to reach 5 million.

Imagine being so scum you waste your days away angry at imaginary pop teen singers and their fans

Isn't the digital version of the CD already out?

I'm thankful for Chihiro and Aoba's generous rates.


Oh no, my friend points!

The digital version only has Princess Bee Ambitious!! It doesn't have the other tracks from the CD. FairyTale and Angelic Parade were the same way.

See them chang-


Oh, it's one of those X-rated gasha games? No wonder.

I just want to ask translation user to translate Kotoha's Commus as fast as possible once she comes to put it in the Youtube page.

The hentai scene isn't very good but FKG is one of the better games on DMM. Imagine GBF but with even more sprite movement animations and effects for each of the girls.

Shiho is a princess. And you know it.

>once she comes

I hope you Kotohafags are ready for her return and limited SSR.

I'm not a Kotohafag, but I might roll for her SSR.

When does that CD come out?

Water Lily is my wife.

January 31st.

The best thing will be seeing the live numbers magically going up in a totally inconspicuous way.

Hell yeah motherfucker

Oh yeah, it must be fake players. There's no way nips would play the game, that's simply unthinkable.

GODDAMM, user.
You got for what I was rolling.
Why does gacha exist?
Just to make us suffer?


Well, it's clearly showing nobody's playing it, so.

Yeah man, it's totally impossible for players to play the game.

I wasn't really keen on TD's type classifications when they first unveiled them, but I actually like them now that I've seen the image song for each type. They seem to fit pretty well.

Teru can fist me.

I'm just curious what the next Tour is going to be about now that we've done a song for each type.

Will Tours be the designated "new song" events?

SS used to have 500K players per event, what happened bros? Where did they all go?

Well, MILLION THEATER GENERATION 04 is the last of the Type songs, and they've announced MILLION THEATER GENERATION 05 (Feb 28th) and MILLION THEATER GENERATION 06 (Mar 28th) already. So I'm gonna go with a big fat yes on that, user.

The constant devs fuck-ups drove the players off.

You're a big fat yes.

I'm hoping for an All type song, we really need more of those.

>Will Tours be the designated "new song" events?
They will eventually run out of LTP/LTH group songs for PSTheaters, so those might get some news songs too unless they plan on releasing LTD and LTF songs as PSTheater events.

Hope you enjoy motion sickness

Maybe they went to TD. All 123k. And only the 123k.

That's a big possibility.

>people are leaving ss
Great, that means my chances of getting a top 3 in the lottery are getting higher

Princess be Ambitious full version was rather underwhelming. I don't know what they were thinking with that percussion earrape halfway through the song. Looks like Angelic Parade (music note) was the only type theme that didn't have a disappointing full version and had a proper climax. Oh well, at least they're all good songs in the end.

They still haven't put the event missions into the mission panel like they said they were gonna? 'Cause I still dunno wtf I'm supposed to be doing.


FGO? Azur Lane? GBF? GBP?

Of all the shitposts we've had today, this was the one that crossed the line?

Yes, you can spark for a FES SSR that you already have. It does get converted into a FES masterpiece.

Just tried it as it took me 280 rolls to get both limited SSRs.

Just go to bed mang.

It's hilarious actually. Tells us something about whomever was responsible for deleting it.

They are fucking awful, haven't seen a dev team fucking up this bad in a long while. I'm genuinely mad, I'll uninstall this shit and hoping more people do it to show them how terrible they are.

Hey it's the OP again


I'm pretty sure you uninstalling anything won't make any difference since you don't play any of the games.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Shijou Takane

Your continued patronage is appreciated, user.

>got warned for reporting the shitposters fishing for (you)s last thread
not going to do it again here. free reign for them i guess.

Kotoha your fat bitch is showing. That's only for me to see.

I always knew Takane was one of the smart idols, not all her nutrients go to her ass.

Talking about the game is not shitposting.

Just ordered Stella Stage, the base game has a good amount of songs and outfits? I have a japanese psn account for the occasional DLC purchase though.

Also, is Relations included in the tracklist?
