/vn/ - Politically Correct Edition

Visual Novel General #1777

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

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First for Fatefags can kindly fuck off.


EOP trash should know their place. Stick to kusoge chuuni trash like FSN and DI.

Nothing but respect for my king

Even worse than pedoshitters.

>fight scenes in VNs


Your king is a glutton.

Watch as the plotgetards eat one another. Truly, moege is great uniter.

I thought the Metal Gear stuff was just a meme

Nothing but respect and absolute admiration for my Lord, the Golden Beast

Hey /vn/, this is my wife, Sakura. Say something nice to her.

Grisaia goes full retard, for better or for worse

>Heaven's Feel is Sakura's route
what a story user

Trifa's entire character is about running away from pain and weakness and the delusions crafted to make the mind capable of coping. From the unwanted power to hear the thoughts of everything around him in his original body to his motivation of crafting an imperfect Transmutation of Gold to bring back the kids he lost.

His actions and emotions change in routes because of the experiences of Rea and Ren, which is why he's finally allowed to grow and redeem himself somewhat in Rea's route. By putting Rea ahead of himself instead of his suffering and self imposed penance he frees himself from the past and moves forward.

It's a shame that the Thanatos System in Grisaia really is Yuuji's dead sister and not some computer program making him believe it its his sister to fuck with his mind
Rakuen had kamige pontential

Hi again /vn/
I'm back from being banned!
I missed shitposting so much

I'll leave it to my boy.

If I knew shitting on Dies would trigger everyone to go into Fate vs Dies shitposting war I would have held my tongue...

What is the most literary vn?
What is the most vn-like literature?


Fate obviously

Nothing but respect and worship for my God of a Thousand Forms, Stalker among the Stars, The Crawling Chaos

I wonder who was the faggot that got Microsoft's proxy banned. I can't shitpost from my workplace.

>What is the most vn-like literature?
Fifty Shades of Grey

Literally me.

The lack of NTR in vanilla VNs is exactly why VN will never be mainstream.

If I don't care at all about Grisaia's story and just want some more Mitcher, should I still play the sequels? Or are they really story heavy?

if you like seeing her die sure



Play them for the Michiru rape scenes

>everyone lost to the retarded girl

You're better off reading the magical girl spinoff desu


Nothing but respect and worship for my Computer of a million calculations per millisecond, slayer of Beta, the hope of humanity

Now I need to play it.

Will Hisasi ever do the last installment for this series? My dick needs it.

and yet killed so easily

She's dead in that picture

Explain. This better be a Mitcher route thing or something about her being dumb and thinking kissing gets you pregnant. If everyone lost to worst girl I'm not even going to bother.

Use spoiler tags, user

Didn't Hisasi go official?

>wanting to get spoiled

What's wrong with you

Just finished Fata Morgana, is there anyone as loyle as best girl Giselle?

Too soon

Y-You are all just jealous
She is just have a rest! This spoils nothing!

I don't give a shit, I'm not going to read if if Mitcher wins the fucking Juicebowl.

NTR Pregnancy!

>mfw every Michiru hater got BTFO

Why wouldn't you want best girl to win?

De-limbed torso fucking!

What's this?

Since the day I had to read Grisaia and encountered the mentally deficient Mitcher, snakes started physically manifesting in my house.

"Good drama in a VN"

Please Read My Book

any moege

Mitcher is too stupid to use protection during sex.

Ending of Maki's route

Wanna see my knife collection?

Who does this


Replacing limbs with hooves!

That is not normal behavior.


and yet she is the one who love the blacks the most

I honestly have no idea how you fags can stomach this bitch besides being straight up masochists.

Tokizaki "Throw every kokujin in the garbage bin" Maya does not love blacks at all.

I want to FUCK this train.

Why are their boobs so big?

cause boobs are great?

So now that 2017 is almost over what did you guys think about the VNs that came out this year? I thought it was a pretty good year.

Acktually she's a railway, not a train.

Did you play her route at all? She just enjoys teasing you. And all her H scenes revolve around her being submissive, she never really takes the lead.

>She just enjoys teasing you.
with black dicks?

Reminder not to reply to obvious bait

actually yeah, michiru wind the yuujibowl


So that's a yes then, got it.

what's her name?

Why can't more VNs have beautiful CG like this

What the fuck, Asako

she wants more cheese

>tfw reading Maki route just makes you appreciate Ai more

Reading Kyou's route atm. And so far, Yuuma's love for Kyou seems more realistic than Maya. As in, it seems like a how a typical High School romance would develop naturally between a couple after spending so much time together.

>Ai is actually better in Maki's route than in her own
don't like when this happens

Yuuma actually wanted loli Maya from the movie and had to make due with teenage Maya

I thought she was fine in her route but the drama was dumb and I wanted to smack Hiroshi for his nice guy tendencies that always bordered on cheating.

Why the fuck do they write this? Who wants to read that?

Does it not help you self insert?

This place used to be good at actually using spoilers for images and text when relevant, what happened?

shirou is the redman

Now that we can talk about Grisaia again

Amane > Sakaki > Sachi = Makina > Michuru

Circumsized cucks like you will never be able to truly appreciate it.

yea, I've already finished Maya's route. Not saying the romance was bad between her and Yuuma, just that Kyou's romance seems more realistic.

It makes me disconnect even more if anything

t. Amutticut

Reverse that and it's correct.
Amane < Sakaki < Sachi = Makina < Michuru

Yo-You bastard! Now how can I enjoy fate?!