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>Event: 01/01 - 01/?? Live Groove "Happy New Yeah!" (Shin, Rin)
>Gacha: 12/31 - 01/04 CinFes (Anzu, Kirari)
>Party: 12/04 - 01/04
>Lottery: 12/26 ~ 01/07
>Results: 01/16 ~ 02/06
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0

>Event: 12/31 - 01/02 Theater Showtime
>Gacha: 12/31 - 01/15 (Nao, Chihaya, Hinata)
>Boost: 12/16 - 01/15
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Trackers: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Event: 01/01 - 01/09 "New Years Live 2018" (Minoru, Hokuto)
>Gacha: 12/25 - 01/08 (Hayato, Natsuki)
>Event Gacha: 12/31 - 01/09 (Jiro, Kaoru)

>Archive of : archive.is/RWv48
- SS Update (Dec 31st) part 4: - TD Update (Dec 31st) part 3: - CG Update (Dec 31st): - TD Nao's unique animation: - SM Shiki figure: - CG Theater 1021 raw: - U149 chapter 26 TS: - SS Update (Jan 1st): - TD Update (Jan 1st): - Chie's doujin Our Promise RAW/TS:

Why is Kako the New Year idol if Kako means past?

Happy New Year!

Happy Nude Years in Japaneseque

Kako means eggplant

I just got cinfest Anzu from that free roll and I'm very happy, Anzu was my first SSR in this game after all

Happy New Year in nipland!

It's not eggplant, it's Kako

>4x10 rolls
>no ssr
6% my ass, chihiro

>limited Nana SSR
Heeeeeeeey waitasec

Intense blushings with Chie.

Remember: Jews always win.


But Karin and Yoshino aren't in the OP with Kako. Instead, there's that ugly thing they call Chie.

Hayamin is a great singer.

*Jaws always wins

Fuck off (((Chihiro)))

Happy new year, /@/.
May we be blessed by our OL overlords this year.

Shut up and buy more jewels, goyim.

In bed!

>event ended before play count reached 6 million
Jews won.

I stand by my statement
you homo

New Year Producers

Saki Yoshioka most cofy iodl

If they had some secret prize at 10mil they had to announce it beforehand, nobody is going to bust their ass for 2000 friendship.

2018 will be the year!

I'll bust your ass for 2000 friendship.

Takes for the dupe, you fucking bitch.

I'd bust my ass for 2000 friends

Then you go stand with it you... You... DOUBLE homo

Gimme your Yasuha

And January will be the month.


I'm your friend

A year to have SEX

Would you really though? Or are you just saying that and in reality you're too weak to put yourself out there and try to make friends?

I'll never forget the 6 million.

No one can have that much friends

Shut up you

What's a sacrifice of 6 million for a continuous control of the world?

Tickling your armpits, Rin.

Welp, there goes my new year luck..

I am no MLoremaster so I have no clue what Nao is into, she does a sort of banging and goes "jyan, jyan, jyan, jyan/ jyan, j-jyan, jyan". Might have heard it wrong, what does it all mean?


Banging the Naos


Karuta idols

With my tongue.

>she does a sort of banging and goes "jyan, jyan, jyan, jyan/ jyan, j-jyan, jyan"

There's no one that I want to ticket but I'm still going to do it.
Which idol has the best dress?

It means NANTO is truly dead

She makes cute noises and giggles and loves to eat, this probably has to do with the former.

I think she is being a cheerleader.


Boy idosl

Who do you already have?

Well if it isn't New Years where you're at it could be considered this years luck, its flawless logic.

>Which idol has the best dress?

Kyoko, Yui, Karen.

I don't know, but her noises are cute.

What is Chihaya's unique animation?

Boyish elegant

Thank Chihiro

Fucking baseball.


Dress is important but let me suggest something


Karen, Rin, Fred, Ryo, Sachiko, Yukari, Yoshino, Hotaru, Ranko and Natalia from the perm pool.

It means they managed to make Yui become 2D.

I'll probably use the SR ticket on that Eve. Just goddamn.


Happy new year nerds.

I'm going to kiss them both!

Jitsu wa watashi

Kako, please give me this luck.

Emi is cute!

But Nao isn't a fujoshi who's also obsessed with baseball

Literally the sexiest idol in all of im@s

OR is she?

Yip yip

sexual baseball


Doing Emi on the baseball field!


and I are having sex!

I might actually ticket Emi if I don't accidentally get her in the upcoming free rolls.

And I liked her better when she was going CHOCHOTOMATTE

She is now.

Tsukasa isn't a bad choice

Emi's dress is ugly

Well, that's, like, your opinion, man.



Eggplant Fujihawk!

I miss Google translate names

>Oh, Producer-san, congratulations on another year... Eh? You're congratulating -me-?... Ah! It's my birthday! Thank you very much~! Hehe... I'm happy!
>On top of celebrating the new year, you're here for my birthday... Hehe! Producer-san's wishes are my lucky charm, I'm going to work hard this year too!
>In response to this celebration...! This year.. I'm going to do my best to stop being a klutz! Absolutely!... Please keep supporchin-... aw...

Her octopus is cute though

>Spending a festive day like this with my most important person... I am the happiest I can be. It's going to be wonderful year full of happiness.
>I will cherish your present forever, Producer-san. Rather than a lucky charm, it's a perfect blessing.
>To give you something in return... I will make Producer-san happy this year too! Please keep showing me your smiling face, okay?

New Year's with PCS!

Okay, thanks! I'll ticket two idols but I'm going to wait until the last day because of the free rolls. I don't want to get duped after buying the ticket.

Kako's lucky 88s. Please shine some luck onto me, eggplant.

Emi is really lovely

Happy birthday Karin. Happy birthday Kako.

Kyoko we're spending Nude Years together