MANGA >P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology >Scans
Matthew Cruz
Ritualposters need to be gassed
Elijah Lewis
Xth for Goro apologists need to be gasslighted
Andrew Bell
I love Ann!
Brandon Moore
FemMC is a SLUT
Josiah Nguyen
lovekoto happy new year
Joshua James
Ritualposters need to be liquefied
Cameron Wilson
Claiming this new year no. 1 of mine. Best model. Most compassionate. I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Happy new year Personababs. And since that guy didn't get the thread, happy Sae Sunday.
You too Makobab.
Nicholas Evans
2018 is Goro's year!
Blake Taylor
makoto is best girl
Samuel Reyes
I like this thread a lot.
Christian Powell
This is bull shit, you posted before there was even a bump limit.
Real thread here.
Noah Barnes
Why the fuck would you people migrate to a thread with that trash in the OP?
Logan Murphy
P5AG here we come!
Fuck off.
Jayden Evans
Happy new year everyone!
Mason White
Well this is it. It's approximately 9 hours until I sleep forever. It's been nice knowing you guys. I'll think of you guys as I watch my last sunrise tomorrow.
Jaxon Morales
Mason Baker
but he did it at 750 posts, which is the bump limit
Chase Brooks
I love my wife Yukari!
Hunter Baker
why don't you hang out with your friends from inaba instead?
Mason Ross
How do you plan on doing it?
Carter Gutierrez
dude it's new year's, why choose this image especially today
Camden Baker
>when arguing about goro's morals isn't autistic enough so you start thread wars embarrasing
Tyler Butler
GoroxHaru is OTP you uncultured swine
Luis Moore
Elijah King
Why are you dying
William Foster
I want to kiss Joker while being a NEET
Jeremiah Mitchell
I'm hanging myself.
Gabriel Thomas
Best P3! Good taste, user.
Noah Torres
So what's your new year's resolution /pg/? I hope P5U is announced this year on PS4 and Switch.
Luke Walker
Please don't.
Justin Cruz
Let's just say I couldn't take it anymore. I don't want this to be a sob story.
Camden White
Ethan Martinez
Call a suicide hotline
Robert Young
no, call me
Hudson Murphy
you wouldn't have posted about it if you didn't want to tell us about it. Cut to the chase already
Juan Nelson
It might be your last chance to share.
Connor Phillips
don't do it, us anons care about you
Easton Reed
If you're gonna complain of dying, do it in the real thread
Parker Rivera
Grayson Adams
Nathaniel Harris
>real thread >only 2 replies riiight.
Joshua Anderson
Sheesh just go out and actually try anything
If that won't work use helium instead
Justin Anderson
stop shilling your shitty sae sunday thread
Isaac Garcia
Poorfags who cant afford a PS4 dont deserve to play P5
Jackson Powell
You know a Persona game is going to head to Switch eventually. I mean it was on that survey.
Jackson Butler
The only fucking thing keeping me alive right now is Persona.
Anthony Miller
user, how about you, you know, don't? Instead, either make yourself useful for somebody else or find someone that needs help more than you and give them a hand. People care about you (even if we're randos online). Would you be able to handle the weight of hurting us by offing yourself?
Carson Hughes
Which Maki is the cutest Maki?
Benjamin Diaz
Tyler Wright
What survey?
Brandon Martin
Oh hey, a DoorXAigis pic I don't have.
Manga Maki. Like, inarguably.
Nathaniel Myers
I guarantee you if that Ryuji/Makoto or some Goro/Makoto picture was in the OP instead nobody would have used this thread. You people are the fucking worst.
Nathan Torres
Door would be very sad that you're not waking up, getting up, getting out there and living life to the fullest. Today is the start of brand new days, so reach out to the truth and live.
Oliver Nelson
>wasted at least 2 hours on NYE on one unsuccessful merciless reaper fight
I'm not sure what I feel
All I had to do was fuse that hell biker jacket that prevents mudo
Joseph Cooper
Who is your Persona waifu and what would you do with them on New Year's eve?
Jayden Jackson
sorry that makoto is only for mama mia
Gabriel Carter
Not going to Juvie
Adrian Phillips
don't get so buttblasted over something no one will remember in few hours, harufag
Justin Foster
Thanks for all the concerns but I made my mind up since a few months ago, as I posted in the thread back then. It was fun posting with you guys. Good bye.
Ayden Mitchell
Going to Dennys with her.
Henry Gomez
who is your waifu
Charles Fisher
Maybe if you didn't make a big deal about wanting a Sae thread, we would have. But now every waifufag is willing to let it slide to cuck YOU, personally.
Aiden Edwards
She's mine /pg/ I didn't want to use this thread either. I'm really sorry.
Jackson Stewart
I'm already excited.
Jacob Diaz
dude don't do this
if it was fun posting with us, let's make it fun again, no need to say goodbye instead
Levi Cook
I'm not a Saefag.
Asher Evans
>It was fun posting with you guys. shame I can't say the same
Josiah Wright
Goro, but with almost-boobs.
Nicholas Thomas
user, you wouldn’t be posting here if you didn’t want us to tell you not to
Jace Clark
should've fucking let nyx finish the job
Josiah Carter
What if something goes wrong? You can survive something like that, you know. What if you live through it, only to live the rest of your life in a vegetative state? You'll regret it then. Think about what that would be like. You're bedridden, alive, almost all freedoms taken away from you. Are you prepared for that life should something go wrong? You will regret it.
Evan Hughes
It's strange to me that most artists seem to agree that Kokoro should be flat.
Grayson Lee
Goodbye user. I hope to see you in the afterlife some day.
Zachary Allen
Fuuka is a slut that loves doggy cock!
Blake Lopez
or is this the right thread
Ethan Reyes
user, stop eating trash, go work out, look for some new hobbies and friends. You can always turn your life around. Don't you have any people who'd miss you? If you're posting in this thread doesn't that mean you want somebody to care and stop you?
Jeremiah Lewis
Celebrating with others and blowing up some fireworks i guess
Ayden Fisher
I only wish I could've known you better. There's still time to talk.
Jayden Reed
I need help with p3. I maxed out all of my social stats and the devil, but now I have nothing to do at night when the monk isn't available. What am I supposed to do?
Bentley Thomas
Please don't I beg of you call a sucide hotline and get the help you need. Yeah we always fight and shit but we'd miss you greatly. Besides there's a lot of good games coming from atlus soon you wouldn't want to miss out on that. Please reconsider.
Justin Kelly
I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!
Kevin Butler
And seeing the fireworks.
user please don't do anything rash. Just find a waifu to love.
Carson Bell
t. natsuki
Noah Hall
If this is some ruse for (you)s it's working and you need to stop, otherwise don't kill yourself you faggot
Isaac Stewart
I want Goro to have his own game.
Brayden Diaz
Try working on your personas stats at the arcade but other than that you might as well go to bed early or fuck around in Tartarus there really is nothing better to do
Hudson Robinson
do NOT lewd Koromaru. I will burn your fucking bread bub
Cameron Perry
I'm kinda amazed Shiho isn't a Confidant.
Ryder Garcia
I'm excited too! 2018 is going to be a great year!
Ethan Jones
German Spy is streaming P5 NG+. Madlad, it's going to take him the whole year with the way he reads comments.
William Long
Ann At first I thought I'd just want to stay home with her. But then I realized that I could make it a lot more fun. I'd like to have a party with all our friends and end/begin the year with a bang. It's with her that I'd be inspired to do things like that, so even though it's a party for the new year, for me it's really to celebrate how much she and my friends mean to me.
Lucas Perry
Kawaclaimed. Kawawriter here.
Angel Murphy
How will P5AG even start off?
Noah Gutierrez
This is a Chie post! I wish for a healthy relationship this new year with Chie. All night sitting in the park that the fireworks will shoot off at doing Kung-fu and relaxing before the fireworks go off.
Ian Brown
guess we still have these 9h to talk. what made up your mind to do it? tell us what happened
Hudson Cook
With Goro killing himself.
Benjamin Cox
She will become Goro's Confidant.
And will be romancable.
Juan Diaz
Sadayo. I would cuddle with her and lay down on her lap as we ring in the new year with a warm and cozy kiss.