#1302 - New Years Edition Previous: >How to play New Leaf/Pocket Camp online with /acg/ People need to add each other's Friend Codes in order to visit. Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.
>Bob's birthday is January 1st Huh, cute. I never knew that.
Aiden Morgan
Bob in PC fucking when?
Colton Barnes
My Snowman Bingo number is 2. I need 45 or 48 for Bingo.
To give away I have: 1 famous painting (if you need it for your museum) 2 snowman matryoshka 1 mini clankoid 1 mini plinkoid 1 metatoid 1 green glow wand
I have all the standard and Sanrio ACNL Welcome Amiibo cards and figurines. Would anyone like me to scan a villager or NPC?
Redd's selling the red and yellow New Year's hats. Would anyone like to visit him?
Tyler Scott
Remember not to buy in bulk or I'll block you forever!
Charles Moore
Reminder to add anouv to the blacklist pastebin.
Eli Williams
xD fucking autism, bros, smfh at all you min price sperglords that get mad when stuff sells. the whole fucking point is to sell your stock, not hoard it like a dragon.
Mason Baker
I just check to make sure fags don't buy me out and resell it for more. I don't give a fuck how much you buy. Even I think this guy's a massive faggot.
Hunter Hernandez
Okay what's the deal with the market box. Why do you guys keep going on and on about it? I don't see anyone else caring about the whole feature at all but /acg/ argues for hundreds of posts about whether you can sell items in 10 stacks and should you kill yourself if you sell normal bugs for 100 bells a piece.
Jeremiah Lopez
It's annoying when someone buys out your shit and resells it. Bells are useless, the entire point of the market boxes are to help other people who need shit. Having an empty box makes you look bad. It's like having dark skin. If your box is empty, why should I expect you to help with quarries? If you don't do that, why are you on my friend list?
Aaron Phillips
You’re making too much work. Autism requires a sustained market box.
Joking aside, market box not being retarded when. There’s no reason to use it. Whether you go min price or double, you make chump change. And bells are only used en masse for camper upgrades, everything else is dirt cheap.
Jose Young
It's there so you can help others when they don't get the shit they need spawning. Other than that, if you're buying out someone's shit just to make them sperg, you probably have as much autism as the one complaining about it.
Wish we could view the whole market box without having to go in someone's camp first.
Brayden Barnes
Countdowns shifted to its 30 minutes or less mode! Everyone gather in the plaza!
Nolan King
My shit gets bought out asap so it might seem like I constantly have an empty box. I have some random that added me and basically buys everything I put up instantly. And no, they don’t resell, they’re an idiot with a box full of overpriced rares. I really need to remove them, but I’d feel bad. Ironically, /acg/ rarely buys compared to random Nips so I feel like it’s all a waste of effort to list anyway.
Aiden Thomas
Visit them and check their box. They might be reselling after the rares. Market box previews are sorted by rarity.
Carson Jenkins
Or I'm buying everything out because I know I'll need it eventually and I want to stock up by buying shit from the open public market from some person who showed up in my camp. Not all of us are autistic fucks about our camp markets. I personally only put shit in mine when I run out of open space and don't feel like getting 10 Bells a fish. If I see your box I'll buy everything in it I think I want. You have no control over it, that's not how the game works and you're a loser for trying to put rules in place when the game isn't yours to begin with.
Ethan Miller
Who are your current villagers, /acg/? Hope you enjoy next year with them too.
Ryder Ross
I don't get what you're trying to argue. You're buying stuff you need, not buying it just because it's there. I personally don't give a shit if someone buys out my market. I just fill it up with items I have excess of.
Parker Rodriguez
Vic, Dotty, Rosie, Curlos, Snake, Stitches, Phoebe, Freya, Hamphrey and Moose. I'd probably be looking to set some of them free... but NL general seems doomed and I don't want to void them.
Also 5 minutes or less countdown in progress!
Ayden Thomas
Marshal, Hamlet, Angus, Bitty, Ketchup, Charlise, Lily, and Hopkins are my campers, I might swap them out sometimes if i want to get a certain material but I'll always invite them back
I'm hoping to get rid of pippy, renee, and vic, one if which I'll replace with cece (squid sisters god bless) and hopefully i can get Shari and Shep
Dylan Rogers
>I'm buying everything out because I know I'll need it eventually and I want to stock up THANK YOU HAPPY NEW YEAR PLEASE UNBLOCK ME
Joshua Gray
2018! Fireworks! It's actually too cold out tonight for any official fireworks around here so the games the best I got!
Oliver Phillips
Happy New Year /acg/!
Adrian Garcia
Isaac Hill
They realize they don’t have anything to spend leaf tickets on, right? At this point people are just donating
Ian Reed
happy new year! I hope you all have a wonderful time with your villagers and campers tonight~
Asher Sanders
Haha, spending New Years with virtual talking animals no one would seriously be that lame... hah...
Matthew Mitchell
Gavin Clark
is there a discord?
Thomas Torres
What have you done, cat?
Jaxson Cox
Is this your idea of a new year's prank?
Cameron Baker
Delete this, I don’t want your (you).
Levi Hall
I got 840 tickets I’m debating if I should get kk I know they useless and it says they coming back. I’m worried they might price them higher later. I know rover coming later too and if he’s an NPC I can buy im putting him over kk. Should I just say fuck it and buy kk
Colton Martinez
I honestly wouldn't mind having one at this point.
It says they can come back. It's unlikely they will.
Bentley Anderson
I’ma be honest with you chief I get both sides but I wish people would shut up about it and not splerg out every thread about it. Just block maybe make a post saying you blocked on here if you want the attention that bad and move on. Was entertaining at first but gets old because some people actually are autistic about it but some have sound reasons that other autists can’t comprehend
Parker Collins
>reddit discord >pocket camp
Jackson Martinez
It's the official discord retard.
Dominic Howard
Maybe you should stop being a phonelet and finally either get one or upgrade.
Ethan Sullivan
But there's too many pixels. It hurts my eyes. My 3ds is a cinematic 240p.
Aiden Ramirez
in the meantime, if there isnt one, should I make a 4/vg/ ACNL/ACPC discord?
>official unless that word is followed by Veeky Forums I do not care
>you should play this completely different game!!!! it's better despite being nothing like the one you play!!!!!
I have a phone retard
an engi tee for the thread
Hudson Rogers
Fuck off faggot.
Jason Lewis
t-t-they wouldnt do that right user? yeah essentially im gonna get a 20 pack one day because i’ve played this game enough it might as well be a real game. when they finally put a reason for me to buy tickets that is. hell id buy an essence pack for 40. but for now gonna be a cheap fuck and get the dollar ones
Colton Miller
Discords are disasterous for generals. Also I don’t mean to bully you for playing a fossil. It’s fun to bust out a classic every now and then. Decent phones really aren’t hard to get nowadays though.
James Wood
>all these pocket camp mobile gamer brainlets shitting up the thread
Adam Allen
Fuck off faggot.
Christian Turner
Just ignore them man most don’t even care you’re playing new leaf. I sure as fuck don’t
Jayden Howard
damn i wish i could play animal crossing on my switch in public and not care about what anyone else thinks cause i'm an adult
Jaxon James
reminder you only have to wait until the millenial refugees get bored of Pocket Shit and then we can have our general back
Jace Parker
salty leaf
Jace Hill
>Discords are disasterous for generals
yeah when the contrarians pop up and start squealing about anonymity and how disgusting and evil discord must be, but it's good to have a server that's more organized and moderated than the generals, where it's easier to play with regulars and seek advice, and isnt a shitty reddit community
generals still serve their purpose
made a discord, gonna start organizing, making channels, the works; discord.gg/DVjAUvY
Ian Clark
or you can just play both like a normal person
Hudson Collins
I mean, you’re on an anonynous imageboard. You should want anonymity. Reddit was actually made for you, and I mean that sincerely.
Discords kill discussion in generals and acg is already ded.
Angel Jenkins
Can't really kill it if it's already dead.
Ayden Hughes
link is expired dood
Grayson Taylor
Brody Martinez
oops, I'll fix in a mo once i get these last channels sorted
It’s obviously not dead, just slow. It’ll probably actually die if too many hop to a discord, but who actually cares
Josiah Edwards
can we make sure this gets in the OP of next thread btw?
Nicholas Edwards
Luke Jackson
Every animal crossing discord I've seen has relegated pocket camp to its own channel. So in the main channels it's like it doesn't even exist. It's wonderful. Meanwhile Veeky Forums has been annihilated by this garbage fake game.
Mason Fisher
Nice anecdote nigger. Maybe you should go back to one of them.
Christian Gonzalez
50,000 more till I’m done with the last loan. By the tine I finish loan air balloon should be done. Feels nice man. Almost wanna sell my tunas to be done with it and waste nintendo points but I’m stingy. 7 stupid tunas taking inventory space.
Jackson Long
Sell 4.
Jaxson James
i ran out of... everything, so if i buy all your stuff this is why.
Aiden Jackson
That's some butthurt lol
Sebastian Jenkins
Bob a shit.
Tex new hot.
Angel Green
Sold all my rares and capped them at 3. Yet I feel like I regret honestly gonna ask nintendo myself if they ever gonna be used. Maybe for 20+ animals if that’s ever a thing. Wonder if it would even be worth it giving them to animals or just selling them would be better. Some Japanese asked them about candy canes so I figure they might respond if I ask about rares
Carson Ross
i finished.
Michael Diaz
i sold my dupes a month ago and having the extra 55 inventory space feels so much better than whatever eventual payoff is months down the road.
Kayden Harris
ACPC killed /acg/
Hudson Williams
no matter how many times you post it, it won't be true
Kayden Carter
I kinda hoped someone of the many people that added one of my accounts through my posts here would've explained the situation to these idiots that can't be bothered to read more posts than they have to in order to to lol XD at someone and make them their new favourite scapegoat. But alas. I'll explain it to you:
Last thread, someone said they had a person in their list with a ridiculously good market box. I had the idea to imitate this in order to help out you guys on /acg/ specifically. I have 2 accounts, both with way too much money on hand. So what I did was spend tons of leaf bucks on maxing my inventory and my market box space. Then I started gathering like a madman and buying out several people on my list, bit by bit, who were more expensive than I am, especially max prices. I put everything in my 64 market box slots at 100/5-150/5 (not min so that no random comes along and buys everything at once), posted them here and got tons of friend requests flooding in because, well, it's a pretty neat idea. Having two market boxes always fully stocked with every common item in the game for almost min prices. An anchor in your friendlist. If something's not spawning, don't worry, you always know where to look. It's systematic, not random.
I did not bitch about someone buying stuff from me. I bitched about one (1) person buying over 50 (50) items at once, taking a huge amount of the stock that is for everyone just for themselves, and making me force to grind my ass off to get everything from just 1 purchase back.
tl;dr lurk moar and you know moar
I deleted my original post because, as I said, (lurk moar), the person who bought it all apologised on here on user. I wanted to respect that.
To all the trolls, stay trolling, noone can prevent that from happening anyway. To all those who just didn't see the whole picture. there you go. To everyone who has sent me friend invites during the night, sorry, pausing invites bc of troll threats rn.
Ian Brown
you really are autistic as fuck, i hope you know that flipping for negative profit doesn't take any effort at all
Cooper Wilson
Yeah, I do.
And alright, how about you do that then, too? Make a 32 slot market box, all commons, fish & bugs & fruit 150/5, coconuts & shealls 100/5. Keep it all stocked at all times, when you see something's sold, put it right back in. Prioritise it over your animals' requests. And them post a picture of that box with your FC here so everyone knows where they can always find everything without sifting through their list for 10 minutes.
I mean it; we need more people doing stuff like this.
Ryan Parker
Luke Sanders
>Discord I honestly can't think of a worse idea than introducing a Discord to this general. Not only does it have a track record of ruining generals with attention whoring and drama bullshit, but /acg/ is already a slow as fuck general. A Discord would be the final nail in the coffin.
Ryan Gutierrez
>tfw no fat girlfriend to play animal crossing with after our daily sweaty session in bed while BL anime is playing on the side
Jeremiah Cox
>20 posts in the 8 hours I slept wew laddy
Luke Anderson
How do I get white tulips?
Zachary Morales
White tulips are fairly common, any combination of red/yellow/orange should get you a couple seeds
Thomas Richardson
Brandon Mitchell
Nigga, I have literally never seen a Discord that did not devolve into inbred circlejerks, totally destroying any sense of community in the process. Every single time I've seen people put up a Discord for a general it has only ended in disaster. Fuck off.
Kevin Carter
>tfw no cute brown bf to get head from while playing animal crossing
Gabriel Lewis
Well guys it was nice checking in on ya, I'll be back in a month.. Maybe? Maybe another week, Dunno really.
Dominic Perry
I keep forgetting the garden exists
Grayson Ross
i want phoebe to bully me with her hot braaaps
Joseph Torres
No one fucking cares.
Hunter Ross
at least use a more suggestive image
Nathan Collins
How big is it?
Isaiah Peterson
>tacky clothes and shitty furniture as a reward me too
Anthony Green
The flower pots are nice, at least.
Ian Reed
Don't use this place to hook up, you fag.
Dominic Russell
seriously, why no furniture for the garden itself?