Does anyone know how to get Star Circles to spawn in DG2? I wanna farm them in the Royal Autumn Palace. Also, I miss paying rent to my greedy landlord and I am mad that she is on her honeymoon without me.
Jaxon Parker
Name a single vita game with anime girls
You literally can't
Joseph Evans
>L&S doujin That's fast.
You just keep walking until it spawns on one of the regular circles, which means not using them until it spawns.
It will show up as a gold / yellow circle on the map. I *think* you might also get a notification, can't remember.
Jordan Foster
Run SackBoy! Run!
Isaiah Wood
Oh, I know what happens when they spawn. I just wanted to know how it happens, considering it seems particularly rare and based on nothing I could work out. And I assume this is the highest place to get artifacts from? Or is there more circles past that stupidly OP pink lady, seriously way too fast.
Ryder Gray
Hope you will have a good year, user.
Joseph Gray
It's a h-doujin?
Christian Ramirez
It just happens as you walk around, so I assume it's some formula based on number of steps.
According to the wiki, it improves chances of getting unique items so it's the place with the highest chance, but it comes at a cost of taking a while to meet them. You can get everything via normal circles, not sure which one is more efficient.
However you need star circles to get multiple of the same unique item.
How sad >Liane got an R18 though. That one is up on panda 1157120/6f1989a3a1
Henry Cruz
>buying manga
Ryan Reed
I appreciate it, user. Pretty sure Star Circles are just higher chance with a possibility of duplicates, though it could be easier to rule the Artifacts out with the process of elimination using normal circles if you've got enough gems or +1/2's.
Jonathan Rogers
If nobody buys them, you wouldn't get the scans to begin with. Some rare stuff, if you don't buy them and they go out of stock, you might never ever find it again. I've had it happen to me a few times.
The DT2 artbook from PSP is unscanned for years until I did it. I have several books that nobody scanned and probably never will since they are of so low interest and rare.
David Hall
>no best vita game in todd & aaron's game awards 2017
Matthew Walker
They know that this vita year was great
Robert Murphy
DT2-2 When
Zachary Perry
My year will start great, also got Gundam Breakers 3 Break Edition for $40. Excited for all the new releases this year, including the physical releases for Rabi Ribi & VA-11 HALL-A. Might buy YS Origin or La Mulana on LRG later today.
Bentley Rivera
Jackson Hall
This looks really bad. Don't ever post it again.
Justin Jones
Nice list, I'm surprised you can still find those Asian English versions so cheap.
Aiden Allen
Fucking hot
Isaac Wood
I got stupid lucky with a handful of these. I got Gundam from Heavy Arms and it's my first transaction with them, but an anonymous here led me to them and they reduced the price of their left over copies of GB3:BE and Super Robot Wars V, I could only afford to just buy GB3, but I dropped my cash on a copy really fast since I thought it'd be my only chance to get my hands on it for a decent price.
Elijah James
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. I remember some anons couldn't find it several months back.
Leo Young
GB3, that is.
Nicholas Baker
I was honestly expecting them to have it on there for the last time, but seeing how they had it for four years, I guess it was time for it to go. Would have loved to have a final goodbye for a running gag, though.
Also >It's the start of a new year >No new games added in the January Sale Those bastards.
Nathaniel Myers
Yeah, I was one of them and was even considering dropping nearly $70 to get a copy. Thankfully I didn't, really stoked to play it.along with the other games I bought, particularly Dragon Quest Builders & Taiko since I've had my eyes on these for a long time. I also recently got Axiom Verge & Risk of Rain physicals, along side Super Monkey Ball very recently. Been enjoying them all alot, especially Risk of Rain since I've dumped 40+ hours on the PC version.
Jackson Anderson
Good for you. By the way, try to stick to 1 save in DQB, or as little as you can.
They save the whole world that you are doing which can result in massive file size. I remember it being a few hundred MBs even, plus you can't delete them (at least I couldn't find a way back then).
Joshua Adams
Interesting, wasn't aware. I have at least 14 gbs left on my memory, but thank you for the heads up. Have a Miu.
Logan Rodriguez
Flat is nice.
Brayden Gray
Thanks for you help earlier, vitagen. I decided to go digital even though I have the first 3 games physically. It kinda sucks, but oh well. I guess I'll pick up a physical copy for collection purposes wjen I can find it at a reasonable price.
Gabriel Jackson
Flat is acceptable
Joseph Morgan
Flat is the only acceptable option.
Joseph Taylor
Evan Bailey
Flat is "could be better"
Parker Garcia
I guess the new list went unnoticed or wasn't good enough.
Adrian Ward
I'm really sorry user
Thomas Bell
I so love the character art in Double Focus. It's on the level of what I would like to be able to do someday.
Aaron Murphy
Why doesn't miku own a vita?
Logan Murphy
It's really cute You can do it
Logan Baker
Just do better next time, Love, because Atuy will. but she does, ever played mikumiku? She plays on it regularly inside diva room. It's even the same color as her hair. I wish I could get one just like that
I'm so fucking mad. Imagine getting the Vita version physically for a price like this with the pre-order bonus costumes. But no, we're getting it digital only with a price tag of 40€.
I fucking hate PS4 for what it did to Vita physical market. So many Vita games from Japan were ported over to PS4 and only those ports were give na physical release, instead of the original platform with the most prominent problems of free space to download games on than any other platform. Sometimes I just get so fucking riled up over this thing, especially when games that I care about get this kind of shit done to them.
Xavier Brooks
>tfw Coven will get the same treatment as The lost child
Wyatt Cook
This is honestly what I'm fearing, as well. What the fuck is wrong with those companies, guys like LRG get their limited Vita physicals sold out in minutes and the companies that used to be cool just go the lazy digital only route, and then wonder why the Vita versions sell worse than physical PS4 ports. So mad, so fucking mad.
Kevin Mitchell
why are we still here
Gavin Sanchez
For cute girls
Michael Adams
>Just now realising I have basically zero space left. >Don't want to delete my games because I'm attached. >Definitely don't want to buy a third memory card.
Luke Nguyen
Tell me about it, my laptop's SSD is running out of space and I already have two 16GB memory cards. Now I (and all the other Vita owners who are running out of space and have sub 64GB cards) would need to dish out even more money to Sony to get larger memory cards so that they can even get their purchased games AND keep their saved files, when PS4 owners get physical editions of their games with less and not taking a few gigs out of their 500GB hard drives that are included right from the box.
And some assholes wonder why we're always salty for digital only releases. LRG gets it, and uses that fact to make business that still leaves many wanting to get their hands on a physical Vita version without one.
William Baker
But we hate LRG here Dumbass gaijins
Landon Carter
Posting my wife for the New Year!
Bentley Bennett
Yeah, I hate them too despite them being one of the few ones who still do Vita physicals. They know how the business works, and don't want to take any risks when it comes to overmanufacturing, so they just make them the least amount they expect to sell, and they sell out in minutes.
The worst part about those fuckers is their exclusivity deals with the physical runs across both the US and Europe. Thank god SLG got the rights to Umihara ++.
Sebastian Moore
But that's my daughter
Levi Gonzalez
so he's your son in law?
Kevin Butler
Dylan Torres
It's sad, but I suppose that there are workarounds even if they are a huge pain. Pic related is Sony, though admittedly I walked into it on purpose.
Carter Nelson
Yeah, I don't know any other platform that is more consumer-hostile than Vita. >Save files tied to digital games, if you want to keep the save you have to back the whole game up somewhere >Half of the games are digital only >If you want to separate your saves from the digital games, pay a monthly subscription for PS Plus >Memory cards are, of course, fucking expensive if you want any sort of reasonable space for active use >Hinders the compatibility of games for no reason on Vita TV >Publishers release Vita versions as inferior and more expensive versions compared to the PS4 ones >Localization companies actually go out on their way to ask for PS4 ports to give the prioritization to them instead of the original platform
It's easy to draw correlations to an abusive relationship. You know the other half is treating you like shit, but you can't help but want to support it because you know the other isn't bad, per se, you actually love them, they just have a really shitty family that has its influence on them.
Colton Allen
Sorry, I meant my daughterwife
Jayden Parker
>wet shirt over bikini top That's a good combination.
Owen Rivera
thank pirate fags these prevention mechanisms always end up hurting real consumers more.
Kayden Morris
>victim blaming
Evan Cruz
It's too late
Easton Edwards
At least we made it into 2018
Jaxon Ramirez
We have each other
Robert Anderson
>pirates are victims
Nolan Jones
So what you did on new year vitagen?
Noah Kelly
Drank lots, played the Doom board game and played Gang Beasts. Stayed up til like 3am.
Sebastian Carter
This: , but Ion was asleep so I read about the butchering of Sonic Adventure through ports.
Luis Rodriguez
I stayed up with my family untill like 1 AM, playing board games, and then I grinded DT-2 untill 3 AM while listening to some rap music. It was a good night. Today I played a luttle bit of bloodborne and fapped to some c93 doujinshi.
Benjamin Diaz
Sat in the dark alone with my cat
Nathaniel Ortiz
went to sleep around 10pm. woke up at 4:30am.
Leo Lewis
Bidding for C93 items.
Nathaniel Adams
Got outside with a friend, couldn't hear shit thanks to fireworks and people, opened a bottle of sparkling wine it's spumante, is is it correct?, walked for a while. Then got home a played a bit of DBFC
Hunter Reed
Was updating the gamelist both on the 31st and 1st. 5/7 would update again. Drank way less in comparison to previous years. When fireworks started I made sure my cat is okay by keeping her under blanket. Played a few matches in a certain pointless game, for a total of 40 minutes or so. Also listened to touhou remixes for most of the time.
>it's spumante, is is it correct? Yep, White sparkling wine is called Spumante. The italian word 'Spuma' stands for the foam/froth, that forms when the bottle is opened.
Blake Allen
I meant if I translated it correctly to english. And stop posting those kind of pics
Matthew Perez
Spent time with friends and went to sleep early since I had to run into the office for a bit this morning.
Isaac Lee
I want to fug a bored, expressionless Migu
Blake Martinez
Ok, sorry.
Eli Martinez
guys, that's my オナホ
Ethan Jenkins
I saw someone quite a time ago using their PC as monitor for their PSTV. Did they use a video capture thing? If yes, how and which one?
Cameron Phillips
>That tiny body God I need to mating press her so hard she can't move
Matthew Rogers
She's everyone's public meat locker
Brayden Edwards
Went to work. I was all alone in the entire building (except for 2 security dudes) and there wasn't much to do so I played Uta 3 dream arena and slept for a bit.
Isaiah Hill
Nobody would be able to move under your weight user
Elijah Russell
That's a bit rude
John Wright
Ayden Wood
Post skittles in 2018!!
Jacob Lee
From what I've seen here a long time ago, you need a capture card and an HDMI splitter, that's about it.
It's probably easier to use the video guides or google for proper posts that describes the whole thing.
Zachary Morales
I want that bok
Evan Bailey
Wait, what if we go back in time and post our very first skittles? Just to see how times have changed?