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>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
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>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:
>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles Updated 28/12/2017
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>Winter Danganronpa:
/drg/ Danganronpa General
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I love Junko!
maki tAke one image
Best ship!
Take your shot, /drg/!
*takes your image slot*
I'm going to KILL MIKAN
I love her stinky sister!
A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
Shirogane and Amami!
Good I hate that filthy whore.
I love my cute, sweet, beautiful Wife!
I'm going to KISS MIKAN
REMINDER that Baconfags and Makifags
>haven't played the game
>can't find new pictures
>are all ugly
>have bad kinks
hoe maki tAke one image
The weeaboo or the autist?
>pregnancy is a bad end in this game
disappointing, still neat though
I'm going to FUCK the WinterDRs.
My cute little autist of course!
How can you fuck an ice cube though?
Pregnancy is a bad end in life.
You're not wrong but being a babyfucker isn't any better, just sayin.
When there is more art il will cover winter DR
This is your protagonist for danganronpa 4.
I love Makoto!
Please have mercy on her.
I'll get a chisel from the geologist and make my own hole.
I'm pretty happy with my son, desu
Thanks man, we appreciate it.
We don't need another dead idol
Good afternoon, /drg/.
I am T?j? Kirum?, an agent and leader of the FBI, and current Prime Minister of [REDACTED]. I come looking for Carlos Hernández, usually known under the alias "OmegaValwin", from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, for possessing illegal content depicting characters under the legally permitted age, such as T?wa M?naka and Uts?gi Kot?ko, from the Danganronpa video game series, and from other series I shall not mention as this isn't the corresponding thread, in a sexual manner; for also being "dumb" and committing many other crimes.
Unfortunately, he has gone missing from his usual location (his mother's basement), and has taken with him valuable hints for us: his laptop containing aforementioned illegal content, his T?wa M?naka body pillow, his Uts?gi Kot?ko themed "onahole", and photos of his 3 little sisters, Carmen, Maria, and Jacinta Loba. Our most professional investigators are currently looking for him all over the world, but there hasn't been any hint of where he could be hiding.
So, /drg/, if you know anything that could help us find him, please, I pray you tell us. We believe he is beginning to move towards actual children, seeing that his main fanbase is 12 year olds, using videos of him masturbating live with monokuma "plushies" to lure them in.
So what happens now that V3 is over? Are we getting a spiritual successor or is this it for this genre of games?
>we will NEVER get a fluffy dangan girl
>showing belly button
No we don't you fucking idiot
I HATE amami
You did nothing wrong, Mikan! You simply did your best in the circumstances you were given!
Don't hate the s8ter niichan user.
Sweaty dangan ass
Nice. I love her.
Sure is looking better than the Rebirth disaster
/drg/ is not a hivemind
Isn't that just normal Tenko though?
it can also be considered the only good ending since its the only ending where you arent murdered or expelled or terminated as a teacher
Why? It's just supposed to be a fun project in Veeky Forums.
>SHSL Chemist
>thinks a small fan project from /drg/ needs exposure to outsiders.
Actually fuck off.
Because is good to spread good things user
Are there any futa Peko doujins? Because if there aren't there should be
Sakura hates cowards and quitters.
Except I bet majority doesn't want you to make the video.
Too late
Unfortunately there are only a couple of greentext stories.
I wanted to see futa Peko dom Kuzuryuu too.
>wanted to let hajimeme pursue his crush on her
>get fuyuhiko'd
ah well, chiaki is fine too
Who cares about the majority? A majority of people here are shitposters.
Futa Peko showing me who the real master is
Yeah man let's just let the project get hijacked by tumblr and youtube, great work.
You sure love hanging around in communities which hate you, eh
>no pekohina
It is a shame!
user you're blood brothers with Kuzuryu.
You can just make use of his tools whenever you want.
again with the hivemind
Like this place isn't already full of people who use tumblr and youtube
Can't wait to see kins of the Winter characters!
I'm going to end /drg/. So don't any of you go and do anything unnecessary, alright?
>t let the project get hijacked by tumblr and youtube, great work.
even i dont want that
I don't want anyone to kin as my beautiful daughter.
I'm kin with Beekeeper-Chan's tits.
Well now making the video is not such a good idea
For some stupid reason there is kins of rebirth characters
So you want to make it even worse? Fuck off.
Doubt this will ever happen desu.
Please don't let tumblr rape our beautiful mime daughter.
You say that but if you bring it to light through YouTube it'll eventually happen.
Only we're allowed to rape our beautiful mime daughter.
I hug you
Yeah I don't understand it either.
What are they honestly gonna do?
Come here and pitch shitty suggestions?
Vandalize the collection document?
No! Mime daughters are for pure loving! Not raping!
I don't know how to express love any way else though.
Ok i got the message
I say just make the video. Who cares what tumblr thinks?
Why are you so insistent?
Happy late birthday Hajime!
Just do what you want user. And damn the consequences.
That's Veeky Forums's way.
Eh, I agree with this even though fictionkins will be all over it lol.
Yeah dude, tumblr getting their hands on something has always worked out well. Whoever suggested the vid in the first place needs to kill themselves.
I love my Oukawa hatesex!