/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[News]
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Happy New Year 2018 Campaign
Login next 3 days for Quartz, Apples, EXP cards and tickets

>Saber Wars facebook campaign
Either 10,000 likes or 2,000 shares will grant us 3 Saint Quartz
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC

>Returning Master Login Bonus!
If you haven't logged in since September, log in now for a total of 10 tickets and 16 golden fruits, you lazy piece of shit

>London Chapter Released
3 new Mystic Codes and 5 new interlewds

>London Pickup Summon Period
2017-12-19 8:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC
Servants on rate-up:
5* Mordred
4* Frankenstein
3* Henry Jekyll & Hyde, Paracelsus von Hohenheim & Charles Babbage

>London Pickup 2 Summon
2017-12-26 4:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC
5* Nikola Tesla
4* Altria Pendragon Lancer (Alter)

>New Year Pickup Summon (Daily)
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-04 03:59 UTC
5* Arjuna, Karna
4* Altria Pendragon (Alter)
3* Cú Chulainn (Lancer), Medea, Medusa

Trial Quest Period
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-06 03:59 UTC
Clear Rewards:
x2 Summon Ticket

>Training Grounds AP Cost 1/2 Period:
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-04 03:59 UTC


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo/edit#gid=1722316510

can we not have 3 threads?

Here we go again.

I love thread wars.

Who are you saving for /alter/?

>The state of /alter/
Onii-chan is here to laugh at you, imouto

Where are all the damn lancer cookies

Void Shiki

>Swimming no jikan desu


10 (5) for Blue
30 (15) for Red
40 (20) for Red and Gold
Any questions?

Seaniggers are asleep, so /alter/ threads get a little better around now.

MHX or the rumored NA exclusive new girl

>third Formalcraft

Should I merge them together now, or wait until I can MLB them at once? I get keeping them separate so I can use them all at once, but I kinda want to LB them so I can increase the levels.

Boy I sure love having a billion threads every fucking time where people have no idea which one to post in, so they don't at all and /alter/ dies for 20 fucking minutes every time.

A servant with the best brapper

Only merge if you ever get a 6th.



Blame earlythread niggers.

I havn't had a single gold in over 500ap

The Saint!

What have you been doing during Christmas?

I don’t have autism so I didn’t spend a lot on the Christmas event

Are you joking? Golds have a ~25% ish droprate on 40 AP overal.

>Implying red gems are the issue ever

Caption this!

>tfw Waver and Tamamo already used up all my gold caster cookies
>still need more

Do you ever think there will be a situation where three of your party member need Formalcraft equipped? If not, just merge them.

What was on Christmas?

No one. I'm an adult with a hefty income, so I just buy who I want.

>got spooked by Liz and Tesla but no titty king

Thats how luck works user.

Which Daily has the best drop rate for silver pieces again?

I wish all shitposter die gruesome death.

Is it better to take a support waver or vlad for artsmeme team? I can use Medea or Robin for some damage, but the output is either pathetic or unreliable.


three good moms.png

>tfw only 1 other Lv. 130 whale on my FL
where do you find these guys

>sullying your titty king's slot with that piece of shit

What the fuck is that Tesla final art? Fucking Namaniku can't get anything right.

>Grailed Lily
You madman

nothing wrong with discord


>discord thread
>wrong op
>links to previous thread 2 threads ago
fuckoff thread wars fag


You will spend ur apples for the God Hearts in Saber Wars right? I hope you still have 50+ or you won't make it

Assuming you already have tamamo, Waver is essential. The damage part of the arts meme team is jsut so the fights don't take an eternity, but Tamamo and waver are what create the infinite circle of NPs, buffs, and healing.

If you're doing artsmeme you want Tamamo and Vlad. Waver is the best third servant, but any other arts servant to help build Vlad's NP is good.

Medea isn’t good as DPS for Arts teams, Robin is much better for that.

discordnigger seething

I hope I'll get a decent caster in 2018.

what the fuck do you do on caster day? you should have plenty from heart farming alone

Hi K.

Where do you farm pages or gears?

>post deleted
>but the thread is still up
Dumb mods


And Medea.

>people out of caster cookies

in the OP

>discord nigger falseflag
Eat a dick

No, I'm spending them on the horseshoes node instead.

what does dps mean?

Now with more friendly cat.

>turn based

Moshi moshi whale-kun des

I'm happy that we're finally getting a steady flow of new servants in the game.
In 6 months we won't have all these generic as fuck support lists.




Damage Per Second.
MMO term for damage dealer.
Healer, Tank, DPS, ya’ know?

I have two hungry artsmemers that ate them all

Hans is nice, I'll get him up to speed after I finish farming gears for Tesla.

Medea is... Eh. NP spamming is nice and all, but I just plain don't like her.

>/alter/ finally moved to the correct thread
I never thought Id see this happen. godspeed

Nice Jekyll. I think that's the first one I've seen leveled.

Who cares about Caster cookies gimme fucking Lancer cookies reeeeeeeee

Nah, you'd all just laugh at my unleveled skills.

I love you Ereshkigal

Hope to get Nero Bride in a few months, also need more gears for Waver and grail Cu again




We only laugh because we care, user. Sooner or later you'll be less shit for it. Post your supports.

ummm Gilfags? Why don't you have a character in the superior gacha?

>splitting grails

We were able to ignore early threads a couple of months ago but we've gotten more newfags since then. At least they are finally startong to learn.


>ever caster will be merlin
>every all slot will be some form of Jannu

I have shit luck with cavalry servants, but I've pulled four fucking 5* sabers.


No everyone likes one character enough to grail them to 100 when they could shower their love on multiple servants equally

Where did all my Christmas exp go?

Hi fellow Lilybro, still saving for Jannu Alter?

Normally I would agree but look how Veeky Forums Liz looks
Also Im not spending more quartz/tickets, Im in the dangerous zone now

cute book, got any room on your friends list?

Gotta add you from 5 accounts.
Saber wars will be a hell for me.

Learn to take proper screenshots, user.

I got hearts easily.

And it only took two entire threads filmed with colossal fuck-ups in a row! Well done, truly astounding.

no old man/10

Lucklet here, doing my best!

>couple of months ago
after the first month or two weve always had problems moving to new threads, this has been going on a lot longer than a couple months