/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

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>Event: 01/01 - 01/09 Live Groove "Happy New Yeah!" (Shin, Rin)
>Gacha: 12/31 - 01/04 CinFes (Anzu, Kirari)
>Party: 12/04 - 01/04
>Lottery: 12/26 ~ 01/07
>Results: 01/16 ~ 02/06
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0

>Event: 12/31 - 01/02 Theater Showtime
>Gacha: 12/31 - 01/15 (Nao, Chihaya, Hinata)
>Boost: 12/16 - 01/15
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Trackers: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Event: 01/01 - 01/09 "New Years Live 2018" (Minoru, Hokuto)
>Gacha: 12/25 - 01/08 (Hayato, Natsuki)
>Event Gacha: 12/31 - 01/09 (Jiro, Kaoru)

- Roco vs Fuka 2018: - CG Koi Kaze -Hanaba- choir session: - CG Theater 1022 raw: - TD Hatsuboshi Enbu campaign: >Archive of : archive.is/3pFzu
- SS New Year's ad: - TD Chihaya's gacha ad: UPCOMING:
Jan 4th/5th, 8PM JST: ML 3rdLIVE @Makuhari stream: Jan 6th/7th: 765PRO ALLSTARS LIVE Hatsuboshi Enbu
Jan 10th: ML M@STER SPARKLE 05

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I'm not gay but that's an awfully cute boy in the OP.

Never first in anything in life


This thread is kind of gay. We need more lewd idols.

I hate Jun.

Having racemixing baby making sex with Moog.




I still have war flashbacks of this event I hate Live Produce so much. But it spawned the best fanart.

Do you are in despair of getting married just like her?

Does Jun even have a personality outside of Natsuki?

Does anyone have a good transparent speed lines overlay? Google Image isn't helpful.

Does Natsuki even have a personality outside of Jun?

Don't bully the birthday boy. answer is no

He's rich and a massive wet blanket.



Why don't you use gimp or photoshop to increase the width of the speed lines?

just make one yourself

Who is best maid?

No even though his P's try to prove that he does.

Just get one and fiddle around with it with effects until you get satisfied.

You're still cute Natsuki, maybe not as cute as your CG counterpart but I'd still give you headpats.

I'd say Miria and Kyoko would be the most helpful servants.

Holy shit Miku calm down.

Noriko and she has the voice to match


If you want something done right, sometimes you have to do it yourself.

GBF sucks, deal with it.




Happy birthday, least important member of HxJ!

I'm going to be married to Minami, what's your deal joshing me around like that?

There are many places to find speedline packs.

user she's a cartoon

>idols aren't real
Don't. Don't do that.

We aren't real either user this is all just a simulation.

Haruka you're a cartoon too

IshiP can’t contain his sexy.


You can make them real with your mind.

Can anyone tell me what the fuck this guy is talking about? Honestly its kinda ticking me off.

awww fuck it I'll post one

Ah, yes. The simulation theory.
I'd love that.

Chihaya has no sex appeal.

Chihaya has no breasts.

Then how did I have sex with her? Checkmate.

I could have sworn i just heard “AIDORUMASUTA MIRION RAIBU STARAITO STEEGI” said in chorus when I booted up SS just now.

This is true.
This is false.

user you may have been playing too many of those mobages

She has no boobs and butt and she dresses like a school boy.

Because you are blind


*flat and horny

I want to see Julia completely lose control of her life and be forced to spend the rest of her artistic career wearing cutesy frilly dresses and singing nothing but the most saccharine girly j-pop imaginable, never to be seen as tough or cool by anyone ever again


>Post number ends in 72


She is about as sexually appetizing as Nina.

Nina is not for lewd.


What idol should I cuddle with tonight?

Takeru's first dream of 2018 was him shoving his dick far into Ren's ass to the point he started screaming.


Chihaya is old enough to be impregnated. Nina can't.


Brand New Song Chapter 3 - better know a Momoko.

Ima ended up making a better cover than what we got in MTG 1.

I want to see Julia form a band with an autist, a tsundere, a choco cornet, and uzuki

inb4 someone posts that Wikipedia article

L-lewd. I hope he uses some sort of lubrication.

Takeru's dick is too small to cause that level of pain.

This is implying Chihaya can have children.

Thank you.

The two-month-long wait between each chapter is painful.


The length is not special but his girth definitely is.

Sana. So you can ensure she actually sleeps and isn't playing video games.

You're right, that's way better. It sucks that we got the shitty sameface cover instead.

Sana is cuddleable, kissable, dateable, and desperately needs a voice.

Hey it's Uzuki

You're going to get the cuddling of a lifetime

I don't get how Brand New Theater works in the TD timeline. It's their first song, but references the themes of the past three years. They must thing they're saying random English at that point.

Thanks buddy, was going to go through the tedium of drawing it, you saved me some time.


Looking at her fat bum.

It's a brand new chapter in the life of ML

or something

Fumika's latest card's plus form lines pretty much says that she wants P to cage her and yet be completely bewitched by her.
Her Psexuality getting worse with every card.

Very good

The TD timeline is the Super of Dragon ball time line

That sucks because she's so meh. I want her to go away.

Good girls choose to wear white underwear.

Teru is made for cuddlesex.


The Yukiho we could have had.


Gami looks so young. ;_;

I want Sana to sit on my lap while she plays her games.

I love ima's depictions of Yuriko.

I have another place in mind that's far lewder.

On your butt?


What was it supposed to be?

What's your top 5?