/fog/ - Fallout General

It doesn't matter if Aliens in Fo2 were an easter egg or not, they became a fact as of Fo3, the enitre "they were an easter egg!" argument exists solely for crying about Bethesda's writing. The fact is that as of Fo3, they have a name and a history with earth.
People like to bring up the cut dialogue about them getting the nuke codes, but this isn't canon, as it is cut content.

Bethesda's writing isn't flawless, but it's not bad either, in fact one might often say it's pretty good.
To this date, I have yet to see someone make a solid argument against Bethesda's writing, and any time said flimsy argument is challenged, the arguer immidately tries to end the argument in any way possible while claiming "victory".

Like it or not, Bethesda owns the series, their word is law, and even still they have yet to commit an act of "lore rape" against the series.
Aliens have been explained, eastern FEV has been explained, Fo3's BoS has been explained, Ghouls are known to live off radiation alone, and finally, Father ain't gotta explain SHIT to your wasteland ass.

Now shut the fuck up.

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:
>NEW! Creation Club Stuff:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>NEW! Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta:

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not happy but I hope you are instead

Now that there's some actual sunlight...

>being happy in the year of our misery 2018

lmao look at this guy


which one is my house

your house is that one bedroll outside view

wherever you want senpai
biggest issue now is just bringing in settlers to develop the interior plots

Anyone here use locational body damage? If yes, any clue as to why raiders and other shit aren't being one shot by headshots?

That can be very easily done on CK. You just have to pick an outfit of your choice and remove the biped object slot restrictions so it can be worn with armor.

>save files are too big to clean

didn't really turn out like I had it in my head, but then again it never does


>super mutants are too mutated to be considered humans
So are people with Down syndrome and other severe/chromosomal genetic disorders. They're still human because they fit the philosophical definition of a human being and that's why I also deny my scientific perspective for the philosophical perspective because humans have adapted to feel compassion towards anything that is similar to us [healthy humans], regardless if human, biological, mechanical, virtual or fictional.

We can be emotionally attached to fictional characters because we relate to them and their human-like behaviour. Machines will inevitably become self-aware and capable of feeling emotions, that will set the moment where everyone will suffer from severe existential crisis like SOMA on a worldwide scale, when we'll finally understand the ancient meaning of soul and humanity. Plenty of amazing books, movies and games on that subject.

>in the end: [...]
It's pretty much that.

>Synths are what happens when someone with no writing skills watches blade runner and thinks "dude that's so cool i should reuse this."
Bethesda definitely lacked on the creativity department there, but at least they brought a novelty topic to the Fallout universe that allows for such philosophical debates, instead of just pure politics. Very poorly implemented when you consider the whole lore of Fallout 4, but it's something.

Its okay to be a Ghoul

It's probably considered bloat but I like the thermal combat armor as it makes the "concealed armor" mod useless and it adds a bunch of weapon holsters and sheathes so you can pretend holstering still exists. It also changes keywords so you have more options in how to wear clothes + modular armor instead of like 5 items in vanilla.

There' nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/745
but apparently its never been updated.

Not really invested in the story, kind of just want to get it over so the Minuteman can be the defacto leaders in the Commonwealth

Noticed much more often that ex-Gunners are coming to my outposts to settle now that Wes has bit the dust. Lore says that a lot of BoS recruits are ex-Gunners as well. They're really falling apart as a faction.

Whatever pockets I run into must be terrified.

If the minutemen can actually not fall down the same hole they did before, they're the best for the commonwealth, but I get the feeling once you've past on it'll fall back into bickering and infighting.

Raiders have a more tried and true hierarchy, division of power, and agreed succession than the minutemen, which is pretty damning.

>but at least they brought a novelty topic to the Fallout universe
But synths/robots are already in the FO series. It didn't need a piss poor slavery analogy with "BUT WHAT IF!?" attached to it to get people to think.

Pagliarulo makes David Cage look almost Shakespearean.

What should my next character build be fampaitachis, luck puncher or int puncher?

Make it a challenge

>Throw grenades
>Punch the last sliver of health

Better than just puching crits in vats

>But synths/robots are already in the FO series.
They just never put that topic into a philosophical canonical question like they did with 4. Only a handful bothered with the humanity of robots and synths in the previous titles. The topic of humanity and existentialism played a much bigger role in Fallout 4, they just missed the opportunity to make it an epic because Todd preferred to focus on his Barbie House fantasies instead of crafting a legendary lore like that of the previous Fallout titles and The Elder Scrolls franchise.

>Doesn't have the mod for crits without VATs

>instead of crafting a legendary lore like that of the previous Fallout titles and The Elder Scrolls franchise.

Synths are for fucking

>they just missed the opportunity to make it an epic because Todd preferred to focus on his Barbie House fantasies instead of crafting a legendary lore like that of the previous Fallout titles and The Elder Scrolls franchise.
I like your style. Goodnight /fog/

why do some people insist on defending this rubbish
>Father ain't gotta explain SHIT to your wasteland ass.
>"dude join our faction"
>"lmao i don't have to explain XD"

I want to know where the Gunners came from.
They are extremely well trained and organized for a run of the mill raider gang, and have access to far better equipment than the common raider with combat armor and laser weaponry available to them.
Personal theory I have is they are descendants of a Vault that was primarily soldiers and such.

I can't think of many AAA titles with a more complex lore than Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. Plenty of absolutely amazing indie titles, but AAA titles focus more on addiction than lore. In fact, the only other AAA titles I can think of are Warhammer, Warcraft, Mass Effect, Bioshock and Dark Souls. Keep in mind I'm considering video-game developer standards for this, not Tolkien or Homer standards for obvious reasons.


Where did Talon Company come from?

was that supposed to be funny

It's canon.

moonbase confirmed

There's no evidence that they DIDN'T come from space, therefore it must be a retcon.


Neither FO or TES have complex lore.
FO is basic as fuck and TES is ripping from eastern philosophy which got tired in the mid-90's.

I wanna take KLE0 on a date to the beach!

Robofuckers > humanfuckers > Muslemommas > Thiccfuckers > Dog fuckers > Ghoulfuckers

In all seriousness I'm pretty sure that they're descendants of the local pre-war military that survived the war.

Any idea what might prevent Steam saves from syncing? Reinstalled and 100 hour save isn't downloading.

I'm guessing it's just shitty Beth programming being itself.

Yeah, it doesn't really work that well.
I just did a similar thing, and my most recent saves aren't coming down.
I usually just start a new playthrough when I re-install.

That'd be a steam problem.

>letting sand and brine anywhere near your robots

you're a terrible person

Why is no one talking about this.

What's there to talk about?
It's neat and all but it's diagonal movement. Not really alot there, now if he could release some B42 stuff now that'd be something to talk about.

>obsidian spent entire dev cycle figuring out how to make the lever action and shotgun reload correctly
>couldn't be bothered to fix a walking animation

very nice

She's a top of the line piece of military hardware, she can take it.

Hey, that actually looks pretty good.

>super mutants are too mutated to be considered humans

what if super mutants, when exposed to the FEV just gave them a massive downs to the point where they evolved into a higher being and being exemplified by their retard strength and turned green because all downies love peas.

Day 2 of the new year

Nexus still doing it better.

Husbando's too

oh i get it

only the brainlets don't get it

>brotherhood go home
>all nuka-world gangs are gay
>minutemen arnt loyal
>RR are saving vending machines
>institute are spoiled pussies

you either die a poser or live long enough to see yourself become an elitist and at this point the Legion is looking good. I see FO monopoly games and saw a normie mom walk out of a shopping complex wearing a fucking vault boy shirt.

>Work as manager in an apartment complex.
>see one guy has a ps4 set up in his living room
>stack of COD games accompanied with FO4

Remember before fallout 4 was announced? All the hoaxes surrounding it? I refused to believe when it really was announced but if I knew it was going to become what it is today. Fuck.
Fallout used to be a gamers game.

Man just fuck, someone convince me that fallout isn't dead.

user again, just youtube search "Fallout is dead" and the shit that makes it dead will come up.

What mod?

>Fallout 4 wasn't made by obsidian
Its been 2 years.

Fallout was never good.


I just bought fallout 4 and far harbor and everytime I play it does that intro screen and then it says press to play and the game crashes.Can some user pls help

>>RR are saving vending machines
>Synthetic-organic humans who are so close to flesh and blood, and able to pass the turning test that they can't be distinguished from real humans and who have been intentionally or accidently granted free will and don't want to be slaves to their creators is the same as a vending machine and don't deserve to be allowed to live a life as they choose.
>The railroad aren't giving up their lives and all their futures to let other people have futures they deserve and this is in no way noble.

The Legion were a bunch of faggot cosplayers
The Enclave were prissy elitist sluts who only let pure dicks in their boipussies
The Master was a gooey fuck who couldn't even think 1 step ahead of himself.
Etc etc.

If we're going to grossly under represent the factions, we might as well do it across the board to be fair.

If you're using mods, remove them all and try again.
If not, verify the files and if that doesn't work uninstall and delete everything and reinstall.

Are there qt traps browsing /fog/ right now?

I wish I was a qt trap. I'd probably try it if I didn't have such a square jaw.

wear a veil or an assaultron head or something as long as you got booty

why is curie so hot?

Welp. Time to get a strict diet and training regimen. Next big con here is in June, you think I can make it in time?

yeah. Be our assaultron slut please

She was, and then the game had me turn her into a Synth not even five minutes after she became my companion.

Synth Curie best Curie

I did everything famalam but it still doesn't work

Objectively wrong

I'm getting really fucking sick of being ignored here.


Sim Settlements is so awkward to use. Like, instead of being around the homes that are build and whatnot, the settlers just sort of stand next to the pole that you assign them to and then stare at you blankly until you tell them to upgrade the plot again.

The idea is absolutely fantastic, but it's implementation is awkward.

guys I bought fallout 4 I have no mods and it always crashes at "press button to play" stage. Pls help

Quite so.

You'll find no help here. All you'll find is faggots talking about fucking robots and Caitfag being autistic.

Time to re-install windows lul

Try disconnecting your internet and load up the game if you don't crash. Once in the game, let a few minutes sift and then enable your internet.
Return if that doesn't work.

Stop asking shit questions.

Kill yourself, you fucking autistic cunt.

Any recommendations on a decent grass, trees, plants etc mod? Got an upgrade on my computer so I want a pretty Fo4.

everything looks like a drag queen with wig.

Lmao crybaby.

Show me your posts ITT.

how to disconnect internet im pretty stupid

>it took 8 FUCKING YEARS to be able to do this

Try playing Regrowth

>no one will ever create a bathing mod like that one from Skyrim where your skin can get dirty and you need to get naked and bathe otherwise people become hostile towards you

why live?

>right click internet connection in taskbar
>open network & internet settings
>change adapter options
>right click your ethernet connection
>keep window open
>open fallout
>if it crashes, right click ethernet connection and enable again
>if it doesn't crash, load up the game and play for a few minutes then enable connection once more

Nah it's a little over the top and I don't have any dlcs since my country is ass on head about piracy.

New modder here. I downloaded NMM and a handful of mods. I installed the mods, sorted with LOOT, cleaned dirty edits, and tried running the game. The entire game is running at like 5 fps, starting from the opening Bethesda logo. I've tried changing resolution, messing with vsync options, turning off all mods, and nothing seems to be helping. Any ideas?

Are you running it on a shitbox?

No. It is the same PC I used to play it perfectly on vanilla.

what specs do you have?