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how do i play bomb

i want to inhale IQ's foot pheromones!

why does jackal get smokes and thermite get a claymore

Don't buy the game if you plan to soloq.

Which’s ones the real Valkyrie?

play as a team and use comms way more than the other modes.

wrong, the guys who got me into the game quit not even a month later after i bought it, 500 hours later im still playing and have never finished a season under plat.
this isnt soywatch, you can solo carry here.

i havent been this addicted to a game since BF2/TBC wow

>using comms

you can solo carry but it's annoying to have to do so almost all the time, and it shows when you come up against a stack

I mostly play Comp until i get to plat and then just fuck off to casual for the rest of the season anyway, and casual might as well be CoD

>t. stuttering weeaboo

>play against a clan
>they're genuinely pleasant in text chat and aren't complete dickholes
>my random soloqueue teammates are fucking assholes who BM our own team and salt up the chat. spammed EZ after we lost.
wasn't expecting that.

Stealing incel elo like its nothing!

does it save your highest rank when giving out the trinkets and saving your score? cause if not that's pretty fucking retarded

pretty sure it does, won't matter since you always get placed lower than you were before last season even if you did better

I still don't understand how or why


Reposting so starter cucks see it

>If it's just increasing the grind to get more operators, that doesn't seem too awful.

It increases the grind exponentially. Siege is a game where to derive enjoyment from it you need a large possible pool of characters.

The base game operators are
500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 cost respectively.

Total cost to unlock the 10 base game operators? Total is 25k renown.

In the starter edition, it's 12.5k renown EACH, for a total of 125,000.

Each DLC operator is 25k renown, for all 8 in a full year that is 200,000 renown. There is 2 years worth of DLC ops, for 400,000 renown.

Many of the DLC Operators are mandatory for the meta, and many are good for options. Same with a lot of the base game operators.

It's already bad enough you don't have DLC characters buying the base game, since you are stuck with a 400k grind where you earn about 150-250 renown per match (which can be about 10-20 minutes each). So it's probably fair to say it would be really smart, to maximize your enjoyment of Siege, you would drop 5 dollars here and there to buy extra DLC characters, since you have more and more DLC characters on the way.

Siege is not like a MOBA, where you only need a handful of heroes you can play and dedicate yourself to laneing bottom or jungling. Every round requires you to pick a character based on the map, the possible objective, and the possible composition of the enemy team.

If you are maining a character, you are predictable, thus easily counterable, thus playing the game wrong. The starter edition forces you to main, since you literally have no characters... Or worse, pick recruit, an objectively bad pick in every way.

haha woo havent seen this reddit meme before

>accidentally shoot someone
>he looks at me
>I just fucking kill him knowing hes going to kill me
man whatever

>an objectively bad pick in every way
>can be 3 speed with the 416-c and nitro cell
literally an upgraded jäger

Any way to upgrade from the starter edition?

no, if you bought the starter edition you fell for the ubiruse

Gold IV after doing my placement matches at level 40 wih barely 12 operators, this game too easy.

you're a massive faggot

>anything below plat 2

haha yes fuze the hostage reddit! xD


You have to buy the base game operators ala carte. It's not too expensive, I believe each one is 3 dollars. If you grab a few of the more crucial ones, and maybe some DLC operators, you can mitigate your own self fuckary.

>literally proving the point

You can buy the operators in the game with Ubibux, but it's more expensive to do that than having just bought the standard edition

>It's not too expensive, I believe each one is 3 dollars
>5 teams of 4 ops at $3 a pop
that's you know just an extra $60 for them all

yes reddit please give me more original funny memes xD

>Rainbow Six is composed of the best soldiers of the worlds CTUs
>Israel is among the first 4 to join rainbow
>Still no Israeli OP
I just want my Tar 21, Galil, Jericho, Uzi and Cornershot

literally never, without clancy to intervene we get shit like morocco in Y3 and probably syria/iran in Y4

What’s so impressive about the spoiled brat of the US?

I'm kind of curious how the cornershot would play because it sounds like it's be a better blackbeard in most situations though it might be able to work
>pistol only on the end of it
>can be shot to break
>has really low health, maybe one shot
>screen like on cams where you have no peripheral vision
>either elongated reload or no reload
I miss future weapons

If the games were not on sale, you could still hypothetically save money by buying more of the crucial operators and grinding for the rest. There are also some sort of bullshit in game sales that reduce the grind cost in the starter but I have no idea how that works

The reality is that you get
>2 Operators
>600 Renown
>Each operator is 300 Renown

So yeah, sorry, it's 2.50. Assuming you have 4, and you want to get another 10 (which, to be fair, you don't need) that's only where the 15 dollar to 39.99 difference finally balances out. This leaves you with 6 operators to grind.

So if you bought the Starter Edition, then bought another 1200 renown for 10 bucks to buy another 4 operators, that gets you 8 out of the base games 20 operators for a total of 15+10, versus 40.

Now, that being said, with the game on sale you would be actually braindead retarded to buy the starter edition. Why? You don't know if the grind is Siege is bareable enough to save the money (difference of 9 dollars vs 24), and the difference is so minuscule the realistic risk of fucking up your fun and wasting 9 dollars is so much higher than the risk of having the actual fun with the base game for 24 dollars.

During the steam sale if you buy the starter edition you are actually 100% retarded

>It would basically be a fully balanced blackbeard
>the game mechanics regarding adding a corner shot into the game is overly complicated and will never be done because of how hard it would be to control

Sucks that I can’t find any uniform that fits my favourite headpiece. It’s also too bad that Ubisoft can’t make a game like Fromsoft can where the customization can allow for both stlyish and thematically fitting fashion.

kikes make good guns



Israels CTU is more relevant than 95% of the units in the game.

>This was a decisive victory
>Before the US even bothered to support Israel
>They also participate in major Counter Terrorist Operations nowadays
>Counter terrorism is a way of life to them because they have to or die
I could see that. Less risky than Black beard but you only get 1 and has clear drawbacks

mitznefet operator when

Guess I have to concede to that sort of impressive stuff when you have to fight for your lives on all fronts. Would that mean the Israeli op would have a more classic look to him? Like Tachanka with his WW2 attire? Or would Isreali ops be so gaudy up like they’re off to oppress dem no good Palestinians who do much as look crooked

The IDF is so necessary to Israel's existence that it even pulls in women

Since the game likes to go off stereotypical appearances they might go off the Operation Entebbe uniforms. Similar to how the SAS are in their Iranian Embassy uniforms

>Dem no good Palestinians
I'd love to discuss this but this isn't /pol/

Probably won't get Israeli ops because of the controversy behind the nation unfortunately

I can just imagine 9 times out of 10 getting headshot when using it because your dumb character model would probably lean forward so far it'd be useless

He'll they take foreigners(with exceptions)

>ash runs into my los and dies

I threw in that last bit for nothing, I ain’t about to start that kinda talk. But really I can’t think of what sort of controversy short of something like genocide or any sort of legitimate terrorists group (ironic) would barred any CTU from having a place in Siege

if Clancy was still alive we would have already had an Israeli CTU in Y2.
but now that the (((french))) have full control with no one to slap their straight when they push fandom and SJW shit we end up with morocco CTU

Did they ever really talk about why Morroco? Or have they ever put down explicit guidelines for who gets in or not

Geez, this is like how people talk about Smash characters.

>Israel is the terrorist
>I'm not one to start that kinda talk

i doubt theres a single person that was expecting goddamn morroco, we knew an african CTU was likely to come but all bets were on south africa or some central african nation.
the only thing notable about that 3rd world shithole is the widespread corruption in the ranks.

>you will never have a cute israeli operator gf
why even live

>ash runs into my los and doesn't die

>get moroshit
>rhodies never ever

I think you missunderstood. I wasn’t saying that Israel does either. I was just pointing out the kinds of CTU that wouldn’t be put into the game. Wasn’t Clancey was the one to say “no AL queda”?

i want to sniff caveira's spicy crotch.

The way you were phrasing it made it seem like you were implying it. The Israeli CTU probably would be the IDF but rather the unit Ash came from, Shaldag (or kingfisher)

or Sayeret Matkal/Shayetet 13

Trust me dude, Isreals got the same issues with human rights as any of them but I wouldn’t call them terrorists. But this isn’t a debate about that, this is about us wanting to kick the guy who’s in charge of picking CTU’s for Siege and making him answer why the fuck Morroco.

What’s cones next? Togo? Madagascar units dressed like penguins?

I suppose so. I can't wait for the Costa Rican ops

i want to sniff Ella's smely yoga pants.

i actually want to sniff Caveira's spicy butt but i don't have any new creepshots of her rn.

where did castle come from
swat are only called in for situations to dangerous to move into
pulse sort of makes sense because he can be used aggressively, he's even outside doing so in his operator video
when would swat ever need an operative trained in holding an area like castle, it doesn't make any sense

I mean Bandit literally carries a car battery

hostage rescue maybe
though anyone attacking from the outside would be dealt with by other units
maybe Rainbow asked what he wanted and he said metal barriers for his friends



>Frost above Kapkan
Invalidates the whole table

Not this shit again.

this is so silver its not even funny

Also, fuze and dokkaebi above BigBoi

fuze above anything you mean.

Are you implying Fuze is worse than Chunky and Crapitao?

yes, fuze is the worst attacker in the game.
only shitters think hes any good, he doesnt even have the meme bouce factor anymore.

>blackbeard outclassed by fuze
in what world

Why are you posting this irrelevant webm of a pro league player? Pro league strats don't apply to ranked unless you're always playing with a 5 stack

>reddit meme

you are a fussy baby

go do push ups or walk around the block

hes talking ranked meta retard, why do you think he mentions twitch.
even ying had a higher pick rate than twitch last pro leauge.
fuze is absolute trash, only works vs literal retards in silver and below.

you would know, wouldn't you? because you are a silver retard

haha yes reddit spacing, lets fuze the hostage XD lol fani meem

>Fuze gadget's only purpose is to kill people
As expected form a babby that apes streamer opinions

lol sit down fuzecuck, you're literal trash.

I have shot fuze in the face through barricades so many times. I can't even remember the last time I died to his pucks, must be months ago.

>i use fuze to clear barbed wire xd
as expected from a shitter
stay mad and bad fuzecuck

>he still doesn't know
Stay bad

>fuzecuck thinks he knows super sekrit fuze tricks
stay copper

>hop into morning rankeds
>2 leavers
Sometimes I hate this game

Nothing. Just kikes and kike lovers.

>fuzecucks on suicide watch

>cuck KEK!!!
Think up some new buzzwords, baddie

>fuzecuck barely holding back the tears
lmao permashitter

I've been playing long enough to unlock all the core operators and I have some important questions.

1) Why is Ashe considered so good? And why is Ela considered so good?

I see them both played a lot but neither ever do anything with their gadgets. I think I've been hit by a Ela mine once this month.

2) Why is Jaeger considered so good? Is it just because he gets an assault rifle on defense? I know his gadget helps the team but it seems like he gets kills.

3) Why is Kapkan considered weak? I feel like I can do a lot with his gadgets if I leave them somewhere I know fighting will take place because most people can't split their attention. Just putting them in random places gets damage most rounds, and even just leaving them in plain sight forces people to reveal themselves. Does his gun suck?

4) In general, who has the best guns? I feel like I get the gadget meta game pretty well, plus the peaker's advantage with lag, but I don't really know how to compare guns. Who has the best guns among the original operators?

5) Why did everyone start spawn peaking two weeks ago? I feel like the game just changed overnight.

6) Do most of you focus on 2-4 ops or do you choose based on the map? Do people pick based on team comp in this game? "OK, we need two anchors, one or two roamers, and a lurker?"

>more buzzwords
keep crying

holy shit please dont post here ever again
Ive never seen such a horrible tier list

fuzecuck shitter sitting on soycharges
you mad fuzecuck?

>even more buzzwords
Damn son, u mad

1) It's not overwatch. Gadgets aren't everything. w3 speed and small hitboxes with good guns will always be good.
2) 3 speed, good guns
3) 2 speed, he's underrated
4) acog
5) fuck you
6) make sure you have thermite/hibana, otherwise doesnt matter