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first for
first for shitty pink haired elezen
Kugane at dusk!
tfw the stars weren't out so now I have to wait another cycle to redo my screenshots
Whatcha' listening to, /xivg/?
VERY serious tank.
Be nicer to my wife.
>WHM you have to raise people
>WHM you need to dps more
>WHM is a garbage class
>mfw PF groups won't let WHMs in...
I'm trying my best, but I can't save you from every mechanic...
Pretty standard Elezen . . . I'll post mine but not out of approval . .
Get a nicer wife.
for the second time today
One of you is lewding a Lala right now and I know all about it and I'm going to stop it!
Yoshi? The mario character?
Inventory slots? Are they being reduced or not enough? I have more than I know what to do with. Playing on nos/kronos has made me very good with bag space.
What is PF?
I've also managed to kill bosses with a healer that died at 90%, if you can survive mechanics I'd take you anywhere.
Party finder
forreal? ive never run into that issue, the worst i get is just shit people not giving me any time to heal them with bullshit pulls but ive never been shit on just for being whm, usually complimented or nothing
DRK is more discriminated against than WHM desu senpai
Yoshi P is the director for FFXIV. We're getting chocobo saddlebags in 4.2
There is no such thing as a bullshit pull in this game tho. The instances are too gated.
Party Finder
Me dying isn't the problem, it's the (mostly) DPS that dies from screwing up mechanics and then whining that I don't instantly swiftcast+raise them.
massive pulls while constantly running while our dps isnt doing shit gets tiring
Looking to get back into an old school healing experience. How is the healing scene in ffxiv right now? Which classes are strong for it and which subclasses would be best?
Daily reminder to always be nice to your local goth gf!
I was thinking of playing WHM at some point, too. Whats wrong with WHM?
that pull with the archer's on baelsar's wall where most tanks get shat upon
after first boss in bardam's 90% tanks just eat shit trying to pull the entire hallway while getting chunked for 80% life a second
ugly, /xivg/ has no standards to be even remotely attracted to you.
> Old school healing experience
> In XIV.
Might want to skip over this game if that's what you're looking for, friend.
Guys imagine how stupid it would be if they were called Dark mages. Doesn't it just sound silly? Like you can't even take that name seriously, it sounds like an eight year old came up with it hahaha!
That's why you play with a tank like me who snickers when dps dies to mechanics and proceed to go about the fight normally while commending the healer for keeping the only important person alive.
Server? I wouldn't mind a healer buddy to do stuff with.
I've been asked quite a few times to switch off WHM when joining parties, but WHM is my only class. The other problem is looking at PF groups who have every class open except for healer slots, which are set to specific roles.
You know they won't just let a WHM in...
I like DRK because they have that thing that prevents them from dying
Not going to lie, that elezen is better than the miounne clones that get spammed in these threads.
Funny you say that when I just got done ERP voring a goth girl on f-list, want the log?
Wait, we are?
I wonder if people literally don't read or watch or look up literally anything about a game before asking a question on Veeky Forums
Did you come to the wrong thread?
>scholar gear looks retarded
>WHM is unviable
you can't win
I thought machinist was a subclass of archer, like bard, cause of how the role abilities are presented, and it kind of makes sense.
>I like DRK because they have that thing that prevents them from dying
Like a purgatory?
I don't play often enough to join a static or really meet up with people at specific times.
I'm on Ultros though, if we ever cross paths.
>on f-list
Oh so it WASN'T in FFXIV? Doesn't count.
Whats even her name? I wanna bully her
I don't have many options, honestly. Most MMOs aren't big on the tank/healer/dps core mmo setup lately.
subjobs*, haven't played since launch and I do remember borrowing skills from other jobs. Is that not a thing anymore?
I think so, yes. I remember seeing something about that in some recent liveletter, at least.
Pfft. Knock yourself out.
>whm is unviable
why are egirls so fucking trash at EVERY single video game
it's actually hilarious how bad they are, but since they get whiteknighted by every betacuck they fail to realize it
ignorance is bliss i guess
kinda wish i had a vagina so i had a free pass to everything in life
why are you asking for your own name? lmao
Imagine being so stupid you thought WHM was bad
>WHM is unviable
There is no such thing as unviable in this game.
Scholar gear looks pretty nice, I think There's also plenty of non-AF gear for you to glamour.
Pet classes are lame as fuck though, stay away from them.
Any female that admits being female online is trash.
> Most MMOs aren't big on the tank/healer/dps core mmo setup lately.
I mean XIV has this as it is a trinity-based game. But if you're looking for that "oldschool" feeling XIV is not the game for it.
I'd say revisit an older MMO or something. EQ(especially TLP servers) and XI communities are still splendid albeit small.
like nobody whiteknights me tho i think im universally disliked or ignored as i should be
monks aren’t terrible its just the ppl who play them :^)
af kneehighs are the cutest thing in game
>want the log?
>RDM not viable
Are RDMs actually bad?
I have one sitting at 67 and was thinking about leveling it to raid on whenever I get bored of NIN/MNK
Should I just level up a SCH or BRD instead?
You don't have to level other classes for skills anymore, no.
Also MCH is it's own job with no precursor, they've done this with all jobs added in the expansions.
On the other hand it sucks to be a woman and have absolutely everything you do in a game under a microscope. If you make a bad call or a bad play it's because girls suck at games. If a guy makes a bad call he's just called a retard or a faggot, not attacked because of his gender. It can make it really hard to just want to relax and play easy because if you aren't always trying your best people are going to be bitching that this GIRL GAMER is shit.
I'm all bummed out now. I need a good /pet...
if it weren't so late I'd come and finish our lesson
i'll pet you
if you post feet
/pet this dick lmao gottem
Instant kick from any party finder
P99 is bigger than TLP servers combined and actually bans multiboxers.
Bruh I go to my local smash tournaments (in a major city) and girls make a good slice of the top bracket
Maybe you just have shit taste in gamer girls
Fuck you too.
>he says in a party full of overpowered NPC mercenaries plowing through what used to be group only content
where did all this ERP COME from
whatever happened to all the JRPG ANIME stuff
maybe one day
i found these feet standing around
It's seemingly the only reason the homosexuals on Veeky Forums purchase and play MMORPGs.
Nope, they're not yours. Don't count, no /pets.
> It sucks to be a woman and have absolutely everything you do in a game under a microscope.
It's funny because usually the men critical of women are the ones who make the most mistakes.
> P99 is bigger than TLP servers.
Nope. P99 Blue can barely manage to even break 2K players even during primetime and TLP servers are stupidly healthy and where most of the population of live is.
There are people at the pond level synced right now. You can still party now in 2018 like you could in 2004. And higher level content still requires parties.
Yep, chocobo saddlebag inventory is for 4.2
t b h if I was female I'd treat those insults like being called a retard/faggot
Non existent
I actually laugh when people insult me, I'm so desensitized to this shit at this point
I personally don't attack people on their genders, I treat every retard equally.
It's just a trend I've seen in every genre of video games.
They're just genuinely bad at them, and the ones that announce to the world that are female just get white knighted.
I don't know if because of the white knighting that they just don't want to improve on themselves, or are ignorant of the fact.
I try and help everyone if I see them struggling, and they usually tend to accept my help...but jesus christ man, girls are hit or miss in games when it comes to helping them, and even when you do they just half ass it
Guess they don't care about games?
>play fps with friend
>ask what her dpi is since she's aiming all over the place
>says 3700
>tell her to turn it down so maybe she can aim
>turns it down for current game session
>says she can actually aim
>play diff fps with same person
>her aim seems shit again
>ask dpi
>says its 3700 again
another one
>playing league with egirl
>am far superior to her (like literally, i'm 3 leagues above her)
>try and offer her advice
>i say shes tilting too much so she should take a break
>complains about being hard stuck plat 5
bruv, it's a meme
its actually rare for me to find a girl thats not totally fucking retarded
the only genre of games I haven't played are card/fighting games
maybe all the decent vidya girl gamers are there?
WHM is perfectly viable if you're not bleeding-edge or jacking off to parses all day.
>doesn't partake in drama
>talks about the game
>likes anarchy reigns
>D-DRK isn't viable!
>but what about all these O4s clears with DRKs
>t-that doesn't count because this tier is a joke because I said so!
>world first ultimate coil, the hardest fight in the game, is cleared with a DRK
>s-shut up DRK isn't viable!!!
WAR mains on suicide watch
>It's funny because usually the men critical of women are the ones who make the most mistakes.
It's almost as if they want to out others to cover up their own mess ups. Typical thing done by insecure, or very weak people to look good to their peers.
>its actually rare for me to find a girl thats not totally fucking retarded
It's almost as if the majority of Earth's population was retarded in some way or another.
>you can party now like you could before
for leveling it makes no sense to level any way besides with a full party of trusts because trusts don't suck yup exp like actual players do
for higher level stuff though yes you do need real people and you can (usually) find people for stuff and the stuff you can't find people for you can solo/low man/trust
Whats O4?
Also, why are DRKs not considered viable, and why are DRKs good? I'm tempted to try them, since last thread Veeky Forums said their rotation is easy.
stop tripfagging and read the wiki, jesus
>t b h if I was female I'd treat those insults like being called a retard/faggot
Because you don't have to deal with it every game you play for years. It gets old. People just want to play videogames and not make it a gender thing.
>chocolate cupcake on kitchen counter
>know roommate doesn't particularly like chocolate
>but the packaging reveals it's some kind of super vegan whole foods cupcake, which roommate is into
>roommate is asleep, so can't ask about it
>but I really might want that cupcake
what a dilemma
do you want this cake?
Where are these paissas from? I've seen a couple like that.
>no argument as to why DRK is good
>tells the only tolerable tripfag to fuck off
>tolerable tripfag
>asking retarded questions such as "what is DRK"
shit's conspicuous as all fuck, just sitting out in the open
meowboy dilfs
I don't think they have a server like the blob emoji do, I find them scattered in various servers, really. I've not investigated it besides a really quick and sloppy google search.
>*ultimate world firsts your path*
DRKs have always been all over the place and a clusterfuck of a job in general. They were considered shit when they were first released and only became the de-facto tank due to the first raid tier of Heavensward being completely catered to them (more DPS than PLD and a heavy emphasis on mitigating magic damage). Once PLDs were buffed somewhat, they fell out of the meta until the last fight of the last raid tier catered to them again. With PLDs given a substantial boost to their DPS in Stormblood with good mitigation on top of it, DRKs have fallen to the bottom of the list again.
tl:dr DRK is good when the fights cater to them and PLD is shit, when PLD is good they're trash.
Will white mages get an actual cool looking anima weapon this time?
Your roommate can buy another cupcake.
Dew it. Eat it.