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>Elder Thread:

Stormcloaks are right


Racemixing is the duty of all men

I miss longhorn.

skyrim VI when

Mer women were made for human males.

I think he's been posting recently. He's playing as a male orc now. I do miss Rutah though, she was best orc.

What’s your character’s favorite scent, tesg?

The earth after rain? A loved one? Roasting venison?

The perfume Yarti wears, and freshly cooked bread.

Snake's scent. Of his body, heavenly to her, and the scents that cling to him because of his hobbies and lifestyle. Traces of the outdoors, Elves Ears smoke from his pipe, the scent of old paper and books that cling to his clothes, a permanent lingering hint of mead.

All races are made to accommodate the human girth

Fucking yandere I swear.

Give this helm pls


Its just the CK set ported to oldrim. It should be on the OP site

Are Snakestone and Yarti actually in love? (the people, not the characters)

Of course they are helper.

We own a farm and have 3 kids together.


Is Snakestone and Yarti the longest /tesg/ ERP session?

I don't understand the sneak system in Daggerfall. I snuck upstairs to the upper floor of an inn, there was no one there except me. I opened a chest and just looked inside it, without actualy stealing anything. Somehow this triggered the guards anyway even though no one saw me commit the "crime"?

Its a bad game. Contrary to popular belief, Bethesda is getting better over time, and the newer games have more solid systems, despite their design flaws.

>Its a bad game
Well I'm having fun with it so far, though I haven't quite figured out everything yet. The magic system is also baffling to me

Is he /our guy/?

How can he be /ourguy/ if he's on the wrong side of the Civil War?


depends on your perspective

Reposting from last thread, it seems that Jaxons Positioner's Lock-down feature aids a lot in keeping fps decent, but there are still some questions unsolved.

As my hoarding quest begins, i must face technical problems with the game: freezing/terrible fps drop when there's too much stuff in one place AND a suitable hoard place.
>Is a mod-added home more prone to fps drops than a base-game one?
Asking because if that's the case, i'd better take over a non-respawning dungeon with a huge-ass main room with high ceiling and hoard my treasure there. Maybe put some essential with Jaxonz and whatnot.
>Best hoarding location in the base game?
Always talking about non-respawning places, i don't want my pile of loot to be reset because i was busy for more than 3 days fighting outdoors. HIGH CEILING AND A HUGE-ASS ROOM ARE A MUST.
>Best mod-added house for a dragon hoard?
For now i'm using Sej-blad castle, but the real problem there is low-fps for the sheer amount of npcs and other fps-sinks. Presence of NPCs is a turn-off as well, but it does have very nice rooms and dragon-like places to store stuff.

Btw this is my hoard for now, only lots of septims (each pile is 1000 gold), still have to rob nobleman's precious jewelry.

the correct perspective is that the Empire is right

the empire is also a lukewarm corpse

I might be dumb for JUST realizing this, but all the cuckposting is done by imperials

Of course your kind know all about being corpses.
Time for you to look up what cuck means again

Steal shit at night, not shoplifting like you're doing. I'm pretty sure thievery is based on that skill, not the sneak skill. Either way that omniscient guard stuff doesn't happen like that when the shop is closed.

>Time for you to look up what cuck means again
That should be added to all posts every time anyone uses the word cuck in Veeky Forums

by "that skill" i mean pickpocket.

The empire is the only thing protecting Dunmer from a second holocaust

>protecting Dunmer from a second holocaust
I need you to explain what was the first Holocaust and how the Empire can actually avoid it to happens again. Because if you're talking about that huge volcano going crazy when shit happens, the Empire can't nothing.

>the empire can't protect themselves or their subordinate provinces
>they will protect the dunmer from an actual volcano
>or a bunch of angry lizards

Anyone ever had opening the map hardcrash your display drivers before?

Yes, and it's so goddamn pathetic. Maybe getting that psychotic parasite off my Steam friend list is a blessing after all. Just imagining him dressing up my waifu in fetish clothes that would fulfill his sick fantasies makes me want to puke my guts out.

Oh yeah, I'm being """real""" right now, just like what you've always wanted. Though to be honest, I'm currently being 25% real right now to go easy on you. Why? Because I'm a nice guy.

>I'm a guy
Why do you have to ruin this for me, bby?

impostor-kun, yarti was the one who deleted cumtears from his friend list, not the other way around

Here's your (you) imposter-kun, but everyone knows it was Yarti who removed Cummies. Not the other way around.

Even weirder is after I reboot from the display driver crash Steam thinks Skyrim is uninstalled and I have to get it to refetch the files.

I don't think I've ever seen someone have this issue before user. I think it may be your drivers and not the game.

Please tell me that the part about being a guy is false too. I want to believe that there's a cold and domineering femme fatale behind the screen.

I'm googling it now, a lot of people have seemingly had it but theres no concrete solution.

It's weird as fuck and very annoying.

It doesn't even seem to be mod related, just Skyrim being Skyrim.


Fuck it happened again and now my computer is constantly making that noise when it detects new hardware being plugged in.

>tfw browsing nexus followers hoping some of them will have good outfits I can use
>0 good results so far
Give me every single website you know of that showcases high quality skyrim armors and outfits, it's impossible to find good stuff on the nexus unless you spend a billion days there

Tell me. How can I take people who have otp and talking in their character's perspective seriously?

>Spoonfeed me pls

Yes user I am asking to be spoonfed. I've spent ages browsing websites and 99% of the shit I see is either abysmally low quality, ugly weebshit or good stuff that doesn't suit any of my characters. I want out of this hell

Well it's possible that you are too picky and the outfit you want doesn't exist

Anyone knows what mods this hairstyles are from? There are not enough good short hairstyle, or at least they never look good on my PC and characters.
Also can someone help with hair colours? I use Racemenu, but only few modded hairstyles support completely white colour?

May as well just kill yourself then. It'd do us all some good.

If you want white hair you'll have to desaturate the texture of whatever hairstyle you want to use. Just open the dds file in PS or gimp or whatever and move the saturation slider all the way to the left.


Thank you, I'll try that. Sliders in Racemenu don't work with all hairstyles, with most the colour just turns into gray or dirty white, not "pure" white.

Orianna Dress from Apachi Divine Elegance

Oriana dress from Apachii Divine Elegance Store

I think it's the orianna dress from apachi divine elegance

I need a big-ass, not-respawning cave, is it too much to ask? A mod is fine too.

You are good people

Think it’s the orianna dress from apachii divine elegance, not sure tho

SG hairs and KS hairdos is generally okay for white hairs, but that also depends on your ENB.

It COULD be, like don't quote me on it, the orianna dress from Apachi Divine Elegance

Could it be the birth of the first /tesg/ maymay for 2018?

I just want more tits and less drama for 2018.

I just want to know what that outfit is. Could anyone tell me? Is it maybe the orianna dress from apachi divine elegance store

>we start the year with an absolutely unfunny and forced as shit meme

Well, last thread we started 2018 with Discord drama. Can't hardly be worst, right?

these are good wishes

Where can I download all the waifus? I need it for scientific purposes


Thank you, I'm not using any ENBs.


Do I actually want to play skyrim, or do I just want to mod skyrim?

havent played in forever, is marked for death the only good shout still?

Shouts are gay and a dumb mechanic. I started with morrowind, and played Oblivion again recently and I I really don't think nostalgia is getting in the way when I say oblivion gates and sigil stones are a lot better of a gimmick than dragons and dragonshouts.

Would it be possible to combine /tesg/ and /fog/ into a single /bethesda/ thread?

That would be the single worst idea in the entirety of human history.

b-but why?

Maybe... But why? They're both not even close to being the slowest threads on Veeky Forums. Just let survival of the fittest determine those things.

It would just be a shitton of toddposting and a whole lot of retards arguing over which series is better.


Also TES is better than Fallout.
Prove me wrong.

Outdated, www.allthewaifus.ru is better

Very well constructed post. Well done

Should i buy the special edition or should should i get the ultimate edition since i only have the first release of skyrim

Legendary edition, currently 100% off on piratebay. All the mods, all the scripts. For F R E E


special edition is shit rn
you gotta wait at least two years until all major mods finally migrate there

I plan to make an armor mod from scratch in Skyrim. Is it at all possible to make an armor look different for argonians or kajhiit without scripts? I want to incorporate their tails.

I'm playing it right now and I can't think of any must-have mod that isn't already supported by SSE.

Freshly spilled blood

You're fucking dead, kiddo!


For me, Idk. I feel like I'd rather play as a female than a male in most (not all) mmos simply because I don't self insert at all like most other people and also feel a need to detach myself from my character. That being said I also mainly choose female avatars because being male I'm more attracted to them and would rather look at them all day than the male avatar especially knowing that I can design/decorate them in anyway I want using cosmetics (almost like a doll? I guess) It's hardly ever as simple as just wanting to look at ass.

Am I a faggot for this?


Anyone know the console command to add items besides money and lockpicks in Enderal? Need to get 2 more hammerbird eggs as 2 of the nests were unlootable for me