/lhg/ - Light's Hope General

Light's Hope is a Vanilla WoW Private Server, it's the new and improved version of Elysium, they cut out the corrupt owners and rebranded. New realmlist, same worldsave.

Open realmlist.wtf and Set realmlist logon.lightshope.org

>Server info
LH Discord (discordapp.com/invite/mraKxcU)


We're on Lightbringer realm in the alliance, send a /whisp no matter your level or gear

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (place MPQ in data, rename file to patch-3.mpq)

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


is my exile over?


Redpill me on the two guilds on alliance side on Gummys

social-guild tier, leader has a bad rep

i wish i knew exactly how much of the trannyposting is ironic and how much is not

>its ok if its ironic


Lightshope staff sells gold on epicnpc. Then they ban buyers and offer them to pay 60$ for unban a bit later. You don't even have a guranteed unban as they still can scam you after payment.
>it's the new and improved version of Elysium, they cut out the corrupt owners and rebranded.
yeah literally improved version

he got scared! he was running back!

Giving my gold away on everyst because I can't be bothered to play this shit anymore. Anyone want it? I'm on horde

>hurr durr i used my 20 yard circle of aoe to bring a rogue out of stealth
show the rest, like that part where you didnt get the kill because you're shit

Shitter streamers like Alex and their followers, 5 people online at most times.

so i just found out that my old ely character is stuck on this low population Anathema server?
Is there a way to transfer it?
Is there a merge happening soon or should I just make a new character on the more populated realm?

I can't tell which one is worse

well alex joined grizzly so he's gone full fag at this point though they probably only let him in as a joke so they can make fun of him like they do with gummy

I hope every alliance player here can take the time to watch this video, hopefully it helps you with your problems

well given that there was a priest shielding and healing him on the cliff above, why would I bother moving further away from the flag and risk it?

why is there always that one guy in the thread who gets mad at everything

marry me

Nice wall hack. We can see you tracking him until he's in range

Be honest Manlett, how mad are the melee dps going to be when you and other mages are way above them on the meters for all of aq progression?

Not Manlet but you have to understand that MoH melees are generally nice to each other and only sometimes use meters as a joke or to bully someone who for example had to tank, control razor or got ohko right away due to burning adrenaline or some other annoying mechanic.

I actually like his webms. . .

nice try bottom feeder you wont be getting loot

>letting the Rogue get away because he didn't want to fight

why is manlet so nice?

why isnt this thread infested with trannies any longer, what happend?

Everyst died so they stopped shilling their server

>rogue gets shielded and renewed
yeah he should've risked it. totally.

I thought tanks needed the most nature resistance?

no, all melee should be capped or close to it

this is literally me desu. will guys still like me if I come out as a middle-aged fat virgin loser? I feel like everyone in the discord only ever talks to me because I'm a girl...

i don't think melee will be as gimped as most people think, being fire will be fun for sure though as long as we don't get cucked by threat

melee + 3 hunters are normally the biggest soakers, tank wears def cap gear (impossible to get with NR stuff)

risked what? you're not even in a premade.

risked losing the point?

you have lied to them, which has already built a dishonest relationship, something that cannot continue once they learn the truth.

Cuck gummy's server is gonna die a second time t. knower

Oh man and i just got my pet

>he only posted one webm

Um? What gives?

leave her alone. . .

who's that guy who always get asshurt at webms

why would anyone not like manlet, I don't get it...?

what does that have to do with anything


but he's really nice...

>MoH has 33% of NR rings on the server
>their cute tank just got NR shoulders yesterday

what happened bros, how do they keep winning?

Fuck bro. . . I WANT to be in that guild again. I want to win. . .

you literally don't need NR for stock Mangos AQ.

>meanwhile all other guilds have coalitions with 5 guilds to get any loot

why does MoH get rejected from every coalition? I thought manlet had lots of friends on the server?

Do you Bros believe everyone deserves a second chance? Should we invite Excess back or what? I say we should. . .

MoH never even applied to any, user.

I think excess is really cute! also lumikaru is always talking about how much she misses her. . .

>we don't care about loot dragons we just camp spawns and set alarms for 4 in the morning for the banter

they're chads going around killing dragons without asking

chads (female)

But we don't? All the kills MoH got were literally flukes.

manlet go to sleep holy shit.

I don't want him to go to sleep

Please keep posting you guys are my only form of interaction

Please don't leave

Um. How about those webms, those are pretty outrageous huh?

apparently there's a patch this week
anyone know what changes

people "camp" dragons while wanking or doing other stuff

t. one of the campers

imagine being part of these turbovirgin coalitions which get 0-1 dragons a reset, meanwhile tranny guild steals them with zero effort and takes all the loot for themselves

considering how tryhard some of the top guilds are, its extremely funny

we had various talks throughout the server but nothing amounted to anything, either the situation changed or we weren't happy with the setup, the last thing we want is to be cucks helping another guild get all the loot.

this one isn't as good

trannies are cucked by your own bodies

Any futa erp guilds?

kronos I I I soon, my fellow Vanilla Warcraft enthusiasts

Add me.

Sup shitters, Dalegriibble here to help some (not all) of you out.
Posted my first guide and there is more to come.

If you are a non-tranny/non-bbw and want to start being less shitty on your fresh warlock, feel free to begin that journey towards non-shitter status below.




>wrong information
>mumbling incoherently
>swearing like an edgelord
hey you'll fit right in with alex

@Mandate, Marboth here and I dont see myself logging on tonight till 10pm. Try to find another tank for ZG.
And yes, the discord on my phone isn't working.

@marboth we don't have zg today

Good to hear.

reminder that this general is for discussion of all private servers and classic wow, just because some retard remakes the thread 20+ posts early everytime doesn't make this your exclusive discord shoutbox for tranny samefagging and shitposting.

t. never got to princess

what are we supposed to talk about? the thread is dead without mandate using it to talk shit whenever they get muted on discord.

>of all private server and classic wow

this is Light's Hope general, make /cwg/ or /wpsg/ if you want to shill your dead servers

why not rename it Mandate gen then? your guild is the only people still playing there that come here.

>being this delusional

Grude here bros! WOOOo anyone else in /Mandate of Heaven/!!??!?!!?

>newfags still falling for the tranny meme

>act like faggots 24/7
>wow guys you really think we're faggots lol wtf noobs

name one person in MoH that's unironically gay; blonblon isn't in the guild anymore.


javel has a girlfriend.

name one reason someone new would come to these threads and assume anyone in the guild was straight?

all raid 1 warriors

I have a girlfriend
-t. the big M

mandate is a /pol/ guild, we don't tolerate faggots and trannies.


bros tfw there are trannies in the dbc ts channel...

>tfw play nighthaven so i dont have to play on a server with demented, antisocial "homosexuals"

Whos dbc?

trannies need to justtify their time waste on a chinese server
very few people play on private servers anyway



post ip now

mishaarj is just retarded, can't argue the other two though