/twg/ - Total War General

Daemon Cavalry Edition

Total Warhammer 2 Info:
Tomb Kings 23rd January: youtube.com/watch?v=IpWqKme-g_4

Empire Divided Info:

Thrones of Britannia Info:

>FAQs and General Info

Last thread:Screenshot sharing and campaignposting encouraged!




you think fetishes can be something other than perverted so can you leave, at least some of the skavenfags are also drawfags


My ancestor

>That gobbo

God. I sure do love fetish posting. Please post more fetish shit.

tell me about Bretonnian knights

They wear helmets, for starters...

Fuck Karl and Reik shits

They wear glorious bucket helmets and are always mounted

Started a Brettonia campaign. WHAT the hell is going on with their buildings. So complex! I took Marienburg turn 1, should I keep its cav building or leave it.

Why does he have chocolates? Is it White Day? Only girls give chocolates on White Day y'know.

Didn't know Dwarfs had Grail Knights

God damn memestacks

Dawi were always friend with humans...also wrong pic

Just build farms in pairs, and yes keep the cav building. As you can see Bret is all about those knights and you have limit on infantry and archers anyways

That's a girl, user is just unable to find a pic of an actual trap, so he decided to go with an almost flat girl and call it a boy

>captures your artillery
with the fix mod that's how i get onagers in atilla

can you PLEASE FUCK OFF with this literally gay ass shit?

No, I think this is "/twg/ - Total War General" thread which literally on the title name of the thread, which is why I come here, not about sexual fetish nor trap nor crossdresser nor yaoi nor furry nor lgbt nor any of that shits. If I know this thread is about those things, I will never come here.

I don't mind occasionally shitpost or disrupts if it's fun, but I do mind endlessly degenerates shitspamming and derailing.

Trap King Henry when?

I haven't recruited a single arty unit this game, they have a +accuracy building somewhere.

> A sexual preference towards men

If the object of your sexual desire is female in appearance, doesn't that make you straight?


for the last fucking time, if it has a dick, it's ghey

Pic "unrelated".

And please stop or FUCK OFF! Your trap spamming is not fun long time ago.


I'm posting until we get our promised regimental gangbang

And here I was thinking this would be a rough fight.

Is this fuccboi really Japanese Charlemagne

no it's uther pendragon

It never ceases to amaze me how often people think reacting negatively to a variety of spam will make it go away on here.


I find it more amazing that all this nufags think a thread can never go off topic and if you do you'll be banned for life when if this was true the Osprey dumps of the past and watching of time commanders would never happen

no, you are still gay.just pretending otherwise

>two garters
10/10 design now show the legs

Their whorses are pretty.

there is a difference between marginally tw related stuff like time commanders/osprey and trap/furry trash

Brettonia's ambassador to The Empire is a Dwarf.*
*(Is Beasts In Velvet by Jack Yeovil aka Kim Newman still canon)?

I think all he got is a VN sprite so no leg

It's not gay if the dick is feminine.

What if there's a vagina under it?

Fuck off. Your shitposting is off limits. As other user said, you have other boards dedicated to your shit.

This is the ideal Bretonnian Knight. You may not like it, but this is what peak chivalry looks like.

also nice to see I inspired another user to post about the Bretonnian ideal body

What exactly are the different roles Squig Herds and Squig Hoppaz have? It seems to me that the Herds are there for munching through (armoured) frontline while the Hoppaz are a less armoured, faster cavalry version of them for chasing down shit, but I'm not sure how correct that assessment is.

Is that a noble or a normal archer, if so Skanon could easily write about an elf and his long lost and dead human lover

>been playing total war since MTW in 2002
>can't beat campaigns on normal
>lose 9 out of 10 MP battles

After over 15 years I reckon it is time I acquired aptitude, lads. Where does one begin?

>do you need armor, m'lord?
>naw, just give me some big shit for my shoulders and some gauntlets should be good enough.

Look at those twig arms, I bet that faggot couldn't last one lap around the tilt.

I'm not one of those anons I'm just defending their right to exist, or should we talk about how EVERY GAME IS BAD AND ITSJ UST A MAP PAINTER AND YOURE TRYING TO ESCAPE THE HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE
>filename says average
>post says ideal
So Sigourney Weaver is an acceptable waifu?
stop charging cav into the rear of spears

>play Morghur
>spend first 50 turns fucking up northern empire to the point that Kislev comes in and owns most of it
>by the time the chaos invasion starts the empire are no threat at all
It was both satisfying and underwhelming at the same time.

I don’t even
Probably kiting. you’re probably trading when you should be cheesing like legendoftotalwar. Watch whatever campaign of his is relevant to you; that’s easier than us listing out hundreds of little tips that all add up to a better player

>cute girl knight is gay
>burly men with faggy mustaches who happen to love to adorn their armor with colorfull feathers and flowy fabric arent gay
What kind of backwards logic is this?

>Thrones shit
user see above for an example of irrelvant posting this is TOTAL WAR GENERAL not GAME OF THRONES GNEERAL
>dood put forts on the gold of timbuktu for +500 gold

now i want flail regiment

Getting good at total war is essentially a series of exploits. I want him to watch legend kite with horsearchers so hat I don’t have to explain it to him

>people need to be told horse archers kite
so that's how bad the raddit invasion was
>what is flagellants (armoured) (female)
Also he has spiky armour
I know, one could call it a mediveal approach to modern sexualities
reminder pickle rick is about his supressed homosexuality and how he always sees himself as the passive top

This is the ideal Dwarf Princess. You may not like it, but this is what peak grudging looks like

>Play Khazrak
>Attack enemies of the top Knotz until they like you
>Help your lad Mash conquer da world

>what the hell
MFW a dick sprouts from 'her' legs

fuck off. Dunk and Egg is actually good.

That is where you are wrong user, that knight is a knight of the realm at best.
Now THIS is the ideal Bretonnian knight, the peak of chivalry blessed by the Lady herself

This is the ideal Macedonian King. You may not like it, but this is what peak hammer and anvil looks like.

Here we go

>looking directly at boobies
>sharp chin

Yes, it is and eve more disgusting.
Also can you STOP you perverted offtopic sexual spamming at least for one? I tried to report you but of course it's useless. You degenerates have /lgbt/, /a/, /c/, /ca/, /y/....etc so many "boards" allowing you to "express" yourself, but you just can't stop shitting here? I guess it must makes you "sexually arose" to keep spamming and making people repulsive? Like those typical degenerates on fag parades, right?

Are you triggered ironically or unironically?

>being an enlightenment fag
Romanticists are best because they have roman
in the name
>tried to report you but of course it's useless
user announcing sage or report is in violation of the rules, you've been a bad boy

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person actually use agents right in m2 except for me. I’m sure other people do it right but they sure as hell aren’t making YouTube videos about it. People just send them out when they should stack them at their particular guild until they max out their stats, then you send them off. How many times I’ve watched legend send off a green agent, watch him fail, and then swear off agents forever. Like nigga, have some patience, every fucking stack and every fucking agent doesn’t need to be blitzing out the door the moment he is created.
So in regards to the legend discussion going on, I’d say he’s great for battle and conquest tips but shit with agents and meddling as an economic player, but that’s understandable considering his style of bumrushing in all his campaigns.

Sexual spamming? Whatever are you talking about user, I'm just posting a Knight who clearly has done well for himself, honored the lady, and earned his hippogryph to fly on.

I suspect ironically.

>ideal dawi princess has a 3 foot long cock
No wonder they're so grumpy all the time.

No, far from it. Degenerates belong to Chaos and Slanneish, and they're enemy of humanity which need to be wiped out.

/twg/ is a gif board!

Is there any reason to dabble in WH1 or can I safely skip to 2 without missing anything?

Not particularly put off by lack of factions and figured I can pick up WH1 on deep discount later for mortal empires.

legends plays to speed run ofc he doesn't wait for guilds
also you dont always have a guild when you have a merchant
can we get an edit labelled 'ideal brettonian knight' and the peons can be 'historyfags' 'waifufags' 'throgg' 'uthredposter'

Why does the hierotitan carry around 2 big balls

If you prefer 2's factions then yes

You need WH1, and all of the appropriate dlc, to play ME with any of the old world factions

Nah, this "thing" with identity disorder is not even from Warhammer universe.

WH1 is much, much more optimized. Especially in regards to the grand campaign/mortal empires.

In TW1 you can conquer half the map and have only a tiny bit of framerate drop and lag when resolving turns. In TW2 resolving turns even early on takes several hundred years and things start to lag hard for no real reason.

to reinforce his heterosexuality and offer them to the finest woman in the land
the virgin gif

where's the dick thou

>TFW med2 is more boring than TWWH1 with faction unlocker because empire factions still have more unit diversity

i want to see it now

Then you don’t start pumping out merchants until you have a guild, I don’t even think legend realizes that the guilds give bonuses over extended turns because he’s always going so fast I don’t think he has ever actually tested it or seen it happen, I could be wrong. I’m not saying there isn’t reasons for why he ignores certain aspects or why he plays the game a certain way, just saying that if that user ITT wanted to learn how to play a more conservative diplomatic/economic game, legend isn’t the guy to watch.


>muh unit diversity
>muh fantasy battle simulator
Nobody gives a fuck, the reasons I like medieval 2 more than kiddyhammer are entirely campaign map-related, the campaign is so much better that it’s actually worth the shittier battles. Also zone recruitment>shitty factional skins

She's the princess of a fallen kingdom, so just as her kingdom fell so to did her balls and thus it sprouted forth
/s jannies
>missing out 200 ducats early game
SS or bost

scales of usirian, hierotitans were placed at the highest point of the tomb or pyramid and they were meant to guide the King's soul between earth and the realm of souls (basically protect the soul from daemons). The staff of Ptra was like a beacon for the soul to follow and the scales of usirian judged the king's (and any interlopers') soul so he'd be ready to enter the soul realm. In the game they cast spirit leech.

I am playing SS though, and if you send out merchants too early they’re just going to have their assets stolen the moment you reach a trade node.

>when all med2 and mods are based around maximum cavalry

Cute girl knight is not gay, except what those freaks spammed(maybe you included) is not girl knight.

That's a girl, I don't care how big her lance is or how high her chivalry levels are.

said the one unnaturally typing code into a world wide database to politcal dissidents in Worst Korea

WOW almost like it was an era where cavalry dominated the battlefield wow almost like the real recruitment limitations that limit their production strategically is a good trade off instead of weakening a unit that should slaughter peasants without effort. I wouldn’t expect kiddyhammer players to appreciate any actual strategic thought in their campaigns, or actually trying to use a unit that can’t be retrained and having to actually plan out your conquests to ensure that unit eventually reaches a place to be retrained, actually saving units long term instead of taking instant global replenishment for granted.
So yeah, my knights rout a spear militia with a frontal charge, but that spear militia can be retrained for extremely cheap at any settlement on the map: each castle can retrain a knight every 5 or so turns, so you have I think strategically about when to actually use those expensive units.

>the campaign is so much better that it’s actually worth the shittier battles

M2 Warhammer mod campaign is shit, hell, M2 campaign is shit, if you think like that just play the CK2 mod.