>News Octobrush Nouveau is available! Sub: beakon; Special: tenta missiles New Weapon! The Undercover Brella is available. Sub: ink mine; Special: splashdown
What would be the absolute least useful combination of weapon, sub, and special?
Noah Robinson
me in the left
Caleb Torres
For "straight" and cumslut!
Leo Williams
Flazinga ink mine baller (?)
Benjamin Rogers
This seems like a pretty goddamn cool game. Is this game good enough to take the ranked mode seriously? I want to get good at a new multiplayer game and climb the ranks. I'm burnt out on other multiplayer games
Jackson Barnes
Splatzones is the WORST
Caleb Williams
>those mouths >that elastic man body
Asher Baker
Jacob Reed
Aerospray, point sensor, Bubble Blower
Logan Davis
>check league weapon list >Nzap 85 is the most used weapon in EVERY ranked mode for weeks now
If splattershot is anything to go by, the only nerf it'll get is a slap on the wrist like 10 more points to use armor.
Xavier Foster
Where can you check this?
Carter Carter
Jason Torres
Yeah, it's an excellent game. Ranked is very addicting
>TC >Tower in mid >Splatted >Check map >The Roller is miles inside enemy territory STOP OVEREXTENDING AND HELP WITH THE TOWER YOU WANNABE CLAMBO.
Brayden Diaz
Shit, my bad. Thanks. I had only ever seen the links to the japanese league team rankings. Never knew we had this googledoc
Alexander Jackson
Post non autistic splatoon images because I got this game for christmas. Need images to use for reactions and good artwork
Isaac Scott
Have a reaction image.
Oliver Perez
You’ll know when to use this
Michael Garcia
Post your current miiverse drawings and judge each other on them.
Isaac Parker
Hey fuck you I'm quite happy with bubble on my forge pro. It's so satisfying seeing them panic and trying to shoot it away while you pick them off and is actually useful for ranked.
Logan James
>non autistic BOI do you know where you is?
Elijah Perez
Adrian Cooper
It gets better around A rank where they start to gain sentience and make beelines for the tower and get killed uselessly repeatedly.
William Taylor
>judge each other on them i'll pass
Lincoln Davis
Easton Davis
It is. On the SSP. Consider that imaginary kit though. No range, poor ttk, no bomb. At best you could spam bubbles and pray your team can pop them for you because you sure as shit aren’t gonna be popping them unless you’re right inside them.
Samuel Richardson
Don't reply to the gross 3DPD normalfag picture posting outsider. Spoonfeeding people like that only bode ill.
Jason Williams
Connor Martin
Well. Alright.
Logan Green
but milkies!!
Thomas Taylor
Here's another image for you, pal. Glad to have you here
Connor Davis
>this user does not accept friend requests
Jason Kelly
senpai baka desu
Bentley Miller
Jaxon Stewart
>You'll never see them ever again
Logan Johnson
Jordan Martin
>they will never do their unique way of taunting me after kills that consisted of standing in place in the high five position shaking their head back and forth It was cute and non-annoying
Hunter Davis
go away 3dpd normie
Brayden Green
I think you need to see this
Easton Parker
Havent used this one in a while.
I'm relieved. I thought /ink/ had been completely overrun by normalfag filth, but even if you're a dumb frogposter using "normie" I'll share a mutual enemy.
Jose Diaz
Joshua Myers
If your first fap wasn't to 2D you are secondary filth and should be ashamed of your lower plane of existence.
Easton Brooks
How do you people even remember your first fap
Aaron Russell
Post more 3d. Maybe it'll help purge some of the rampant autism that overruns /ink/
Dylan Hernandez
Nah, that ain’t happening any time soon.
Nathaniel Gray
Considering my life is so centered around fapping it doesnt seem unusual to me. I even center my diet around semen production like wheat germ, zinc, and vit c. I must have fapped literal thousands of times in my life already by now. Imagine if all of that cum was saved up in a container someone could drown in it dude. This is the pic.
Aiden Rodriguez
Oh, jfc, fuck off, Bomb.
Aiden Johnson
This is the strangest start to any /ink/ thread we've ever had
Carson Robinson
Where you the one that jerked it to decade’s yebby?
Jaxson Ortiz
add me for SR and autism lobbies
Oliver Gonzalez
No I've never fapped to any squid ever and plan to keep it that way. Maybe if there was at least more good quality eastern art. >touching yourself to Nintendo characters
Evan Sullivan
>first fap was before the internet was a thing in every house hold
I'm not secondary filth, I'm just old
Connor Powell
Actual autists sperging out over someone posting an image as he asks for Splatoon pics. It's pathetic
Asher Ramirez
why are you playing a children's video game with 10 year olds on your team?
Jackson Morales
I want rainy papi to destroy my squid pussy then he can brag about what a shitter i am
Lincoln Rivera
>2018 >still hasn't jacked it to Peach becoming Bowser's cumdump
Jeremiah Nguyen
what if your woomy was prescribed psychiatric medications but didnt want to take them even though she was court-mandated too and if she didn't the hospital would force inject them into her?
Bentley Gonzalez
>wanting to fuck a land whale
Matthew Green
Ask every 30+ year old who plays any online first person shooter game ever, we don't ask to be paired with children
Ethan Nelson
What would you do to this squid?
Lucas King
what if your woomy liked to eat crayons and chalk?
Ryan Thomas
tell the hospital that there's no problem then just beat her when she gets home till she agrees to take her meds again
Logan Turner
i hate my woomy
Jacob Clark
Is the ugly pink-skinned abomination male or female?
Robert Watson
post a splatoon confessional and then talk about how i made a cum tribute for it then get called autistic and creepy and delete the post
William White
it's funny because my woomy now only eats crayons and chalk after i beat her too hard that she now has brain damage
Eli Taylor
Why are you calling kitty a land whale, rainy sempai?
Isaiah Davis
my woomy isnt kier
Oliver Roberts
Give her to me then. I'll take care of her
Easton Anderson
Repostan' this delicious woom tummy
Christopher Lewis
did this actually happen? please say no_
Ethan Long
because they're both fat mexicans
Hunter Lee
call him gay and watch him try and defend himself
Ethan Howard
It did. He was even in a lobby with people here.
Asher Butler
Just a crutch they said. Useless sub they said. Panic button they said.
Jack Rivera
stop beating speedy woomy cennec she did nothing wrong
Landon Morales
>kitty >mexican
Adrian Ramirez
what went wrong?
Charles Hughes
Well yeah if it makes it easy for you to win and is cancer on the game that's a crutch.
Parker Campbell
being german and playing with randoms
Jayden Rodriguez
I only remember mine because I didn't really know what I was doing and the first time I did it I was 12 and not quite mature enough to actually produce sperm so when I jacked off it was just clear liquid that came out. The 2nd time I jacked off it had sperm in it
Wyatt Morales
High tide griller and everyone panicked.
Chase Reed
Oliver Reed
are there any euro players who still play splatoon 2? it seems like everyone is from america or mexico
Noah Cruz
zero, eistee, for sr.
You can see some weird shit if you let them host.
Jason Allen
Luke Gomez
I'm a bong who just got it for christmas.
Dominic Moore
Im a euro. Splatfests arent very fun for me.
Cooper Ward
th-this is a shit post right?
Levi Ward
Isaiah Flores
if you are new to this general please leave and save yourself