yeah because tracer mains arent like 20 out of the first 50 of the the top 500s. definitely needs buffs for plat shitters
Camden Cook
>started as what was equivalent to Silver/Gold babby rank in S1 >started consistently sitting around the top of Plat around S4 >slowly spending more and more time in Diamond in S6 and S7 >never been in Masters >mfw I placed at 3331 this season >climbed to 3385 since placing Am I gonna make it lads
Have I actually improved or is this some meme RNG
Michael Gray
i love mei.
Christian Jackson
Elijah Robinson
So I play so rarely that I still think Lunar and Junkertown are "new". So as much as I hate them, especially the former, I wonder if the reason I don't like them is simply that they're not as familiar. Therefore I'm wondering what the official reasons for hating them are so I can see if it checks out.
Owen Perez
shes does no damage
Juan Wilson
I want to bully Mercy until she cries!
William Richardson
>No damage >No range >Hack isnt even that useful except on health packs
>Pros keep trying to force her and it never works
How can you add a purple themed mexican hacker waifu as spicy as her and have her turn out so shit
Parker Garcia
but why
Juan Hill
What is the point of McCree when Soldier exists?
Bentley Brown
that concept is shit to begin with.
Charles Garcia
>last day of winter event > get last lootbox from arcade >expect nothing >I get alpine 76 >FeelsGoodMan
So anyone else got something good that you didn't expect today?
Ayden Nguyen
And he could be like a foil/some actual room for character development for Zenyatta. Like up until now we’ve only had unambiguously sympathetic Omnics. If we had an omnic who saw the only means of achieving a future for Omnics was violence and domination as opposed to coexistence and transcendence like Zenyatta. And then the ultimate irony would be this Hivemind guy espousing the supremacy of Omnics was actually this helpless thing that needed to be defended by his drones/teammates
And make him bee themed like the concept art
Austin Gutierrez
different flavour and 'anti-flanker', although he's not very good at the latter
Matthew Stewart
you gain SR for winning and lose SR for losing however the amount is affected by a number of things including personal performance.
Cooper Green
He hasn't been anti flank since the initial gutting.
Carter Turner
we patch soon?
Levi Lewis
>he's not clever enough to play spicy hacker [laughs in Spanish]
Christian Morris
Blizzard World is confirmed not this week so I don’t think so
Gabriel Gomez
>give her basically the same gun as tracer >give her zero ability to actually stay in a fight, unlike tracer
Sombra needs a shotgun, not an SMG.
Nathaniel Scott
Oliver Harris
He means event's end
Landon Taylor
900 ping in my first placement match
Christopher Bell
>sombra does no damage fuck you t. doomfist
Carson Morgan
>hog in ffa
Sebastian Parker
Nah, they are trash tier maps even if you know them
Charles Thomas
Why is quick play more fun than ranked?
Asher Nelson
>health of a dps and hitbox of a tank well no shit
Kayden Green
>Overwatch gets grannies like Ana and Mercy while Talon gets babes like Widow and Sombra
Brandon Davis
personal performance as in if you get all 4 golds in the match, you gain more/lose less sr? or when compared to other people who play your character?
Thomas Ross
>tfw love the blooberry
How can Overslags even compete?
Nolan Martinez
>Same gun as tracer >But remove 80 dps and lower clip size
It was always gonna be dumb as fuck trying to modify a burst weapon to have a sustained weapons stats.
On a hero that cant stand at long range and deal sustained damage OR stay close and deal burst.
Jason Jenkins
Compared to others that play your hero.
Juan Phillips
I want my lootboxes dammit
Hunter Cox
Me, my aim is shit and I panic and start spamming skills off cd a lot
James Morris
By not being a walking corpse.
Joseph Perez
When will Blizzard stop giving potg to Hanzos who just ult into other people's setups? I know the thing can't possibly always be fair but it should be simple enough to fix this particular issue.
Ryan Lopez
Can someone give me a tl,dw for the last developers update? Anything significant that could make me play again?
I dont get why blizz puts so much effort into making a new hero and then makes them vastly weaker then the other heroes people already know
Dominic Gonzalez
What color are Widowmaker's nipples? Do you think Sombra has any extra piercings? Asking for a friend, haha
Ethan King
>we're working on stuff but it's not ready and we won't give you any more details
Maybe the most pointless video thus far.
Aiden Smith
I want to holdkisslove and head pat Lena "T.Racer " Oxton!
Cameron Reyes
this but more specifically, blizzworld coming soon, hero 27 coming soon, saying they want to continue the story, new years and uprising coming back, more content to base boxes coming. No dates on any of them, just promises.
Noah Taylor
Thanks. I guess i won't come back for a while, blizzardworld look horrible and will probably be terrible to play on if they keep the new maps trend.
Daniel Russell
are people actually excited for blizz circlejerk the map?
Kevin Long
You get compared to other player's perforamance at your average ranking and skill level.
Adam Harris
No. I’ve never played any other Blizzard games and have no intention to ever do so
Parker Edwards
yeah, I actually gave it a chance on the ptr and it continues their recent design trends even more. Super open and lots of flank routes. Seems blizzard likes that style.
Carter Martinez
I dont care about new maps I care about balance changes
Sick of seeing Genji and Tracer and Mercy shit all over every single game with minimum effort
Lemme play the heroes that get no love like Reaper and Sombra
Eli Ross
Elijah Wilson
>goggles tan Cute!
Henry Watson
>dead stop on first cap >team suddenly uses all at once and we take it easy >"oh great now they learned that if we attack together we win" But they never learn.
Isaac Anderson
no, not really. I don't even get the argument that it's just meant to be a funny map, I thought that's what we had the hollywood map for.
Wyatt Sanders
>>Overwatch gets grannies like Ana and Mercy while Talon gets babes like Widow and Sombra How is mercy a granny? She looks fine
Carson Watson
>tracer That's a strange way of spelling junkrat
Jonathan Bennett
I need some serious hog tips. Why don't people die when I shoot them out of hook? I know it deals less damage now but a solid body shot should still do 100+ damage. But even half hp Sombras escape when I do it.
Christian Rogers
>almost every character has an ez escape skill >every team has mercy so fun
Adrian Roberts
Have you tried aiming?
Austin Harris
After hooking and before firing, walk up a bit.
Nathan Murphy
When you get them hook but before you fan shoot them take 1 (one) step forward
Samuel Murphy
>grouped with level 60 >instalocks soldier >tries to tell everyone to play around him >tells the highest rank on our team (mccree main) to play tank >says he'll hard carry if people play around him >"I was a GM Mercy main"
Joshua Reyes
it's pure RNG, all you can do is land more hooks and hope
Eli Carter
Daniel Hall
Yeah but it doesn't seem very effective.
Thanks boys I'll try this.
Elijah Parker
Junkrat only sees ridiculiously high levels of play at low ranks (Bronze through gold)
He drops off more the higher you get. He's only a menace at lower rank when players arent good enough with tracer genji soldier etc. to instantly shred him to pieces when he shows himself,
He's still decent mind you, just more niche and better at defending chokes and tight spaces. He's actually really well designed in that sense. Has a job he's good at, isnt TOO strong in competent skilled games, and can still contribute overall to a game rather than being too niche
Grayson Allen
The fact that this game still doesn't have a clan system baffle me. Like, did they really expected six randos to work together every single time? Without arguing the instant something goes wrong?
Adam Nguyen
>play Moira on primary account during season 7 at mid diamond >get between 30-35 SR per victory >do placements with Moira on secondary account for season 8 >never get anything but gold on healing >never below silver on elims, objective elims and objective time >occasionally get medals for damage done >get placed at 2600
I'm starting to accept the theory than everything in this game is plain and utterly random. Nothing ever makes sense. I don't give half of a fuck about the placement of that secondary account as I use it for playing Sombra and Mei, but this game is a random fuck fest.
Austin Cox
>mercy main on team >picks moira just kill me
Dylan Powell
Reminder to bully Hana Song at all opportunities
Evan Foster
tfw boxhogs cant stop the kang
Jack Bell
I love this system where 10 members of the match get to enjoy themselves and two are forced to play mercy or risk an unfair match. It's lots of fun.
Charles Wright
The fact that this game doesn't have a clan system after two years baffle me. Like, they seriously expect six randos to work perfectly together without arguing the instant something goes wrong? and let's not talk about the state of EU, with russians, french, arabian and basically everyone speaking their language and refusing to speak in English
Ian Cook
how did you win as doomfist?
Benjamin Richardson
>play mercy first game of placements >next game >"well you're the only one with time on mercy this season so you should do it"
Zachary Howard
u dun goof'd
Ryder Morgan
Do you think Lena Oxton has tanlines from working out outside?
William Wood
hard wark
Jaxon Rodriguez
Playbtwo matches with a different character. Boom, Mercy stopped being your most played.
Aiden Taylor
antifa tracer does
Chase Ward
no. she doesn't work out. she forces herself to vomit whenever she thinks she's getting too fat. that's how she's so skinny.
Jace Carter
Running doesn't count as working out now?
Chase Walker
is this real life?
Anthony Young
I almost have 100 hours in deathmatch already t bh
Levi Cruz
Aaron Foster
General Roadhog tip - dont stop If u take dmg you use take a breather cuz If u heal yourself your ult goes up faster Don't be afraid of genji's ult - you can withstand like a blow or two and take a breather, he wont manage to kill you If u see mei freezing someone, dva ulting, reinhardt chathing etc hook them because scaring a mei to freeze gerself is more usefull than letting her freeze your teammates
Brody Harris
You'll never develop a feminine body without cardio.
Justin Rogers
Cardio is best for losing weight you retarded fuck
Wyatt Johnson
>there's no arcade mode for blizzard world in PTR wtf what even is the point of PTR then?
Alexander Long
This is a foreign land to me.
Matthew Flores
i dont think blizz actually changes anything from the ptr
Jayden Hughes
How foolish. I see him all the time in my GM games
Nicholas Johnson
But I still want to play it. I thought it was gonna go live today.