/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread OBJECTIVE FINAL CHART. No more waifuwar edition
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
pastebin.com/n83HpxJC Spike Chunsoft opens North American publishing branch

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide
Modding guides: docs.google.com/document/d/1J1kzVZus2k1ci8uiNUYuyXfHuGfnoDHELQ9httsdCMw/edit

>Danganronpa 1&2

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles Updated 28/12/2017

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

>Winter Danganronpa:

I'm going to KILL MIKAN

Cool Cat is my favorite danganronpa character

I love Junko!

I love fatfag!

I love Makoto!

C is for Tsumugi Shirogane!

I'm going to end /drg/. So don't any of you go and do anything unnecessary, alright?

Sayaka did nothing wrong

I want Gordon to scold and spank me

Take your shot, /drg/!

A reminder that Aoiboi died for our sins.

I love my beautiful and sexy wife!


Cool Cat stream in /drg/ taima when



Eating 100 admirable girls for Nee-san!


Cogratulation for being the first post. Im still going to KILL you if you touch my angel

I want to take her hand!!!!! (and never let her go)

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
Only problem with this chart is the S rank is overfilled. Obviously Kyoko fits in S but I can see good A or B tier characters up there. everything is seems to be good though.

please don't make another op again, no one cares about your shitty charts

Danganronpa but everyone's a slav

Why's it even called ritualposting? What's the ritual supposed to do?

I miss Aoiboy

>hmmm how can I get people to like my waifu chart?

I miss him

I'm going to FUCK the WinterDRs.

Best girl ranking
>great tier

>shit tier
Everyone else

snowboard-chan is for me only, I would do ANYTHING for her

you know, general's should keep a non-retarded outward appearance. by making the OP fucking waifufaggery, this is a degenerate general now. thanks OP!

I love Kirumi!

Makoto please get off Veeky Forums

does anyone have this full picture without the cringe text?

>this is a degenerate general now

t. hope manlet

Fuck off Rival-chan, I'm gonna fuck you too.

(You)r waifu
My waifu, assuming she isn't already represented
>shit tier
everyone else

When should his funeral be?


soviet danganronpa, each of the characters is from a different soviet republic (15) plus the mastermind (who's a fin)

its cause they keep doing it, its like a ritual


Your favorite
>my favorite

t. Naegi

For the V3 survivors happiness.

Posting the new waifu chart again

t. beta Niggato Komemeda

WinterDR waifu chart when?


>all three of my waifus in the same picture

We should burn his pile of skirts in honor of him.

No one agreed with this chart, fuck off

>not being loyal to one waifu

I HATE amami

I have a favourite character from each game, user.





Kaede finding out about Kiyo’s serial killings.
Kaede stuffing Kiyo as punishment.
Robbing him of those feminine curves.
His bony figure lost among rolls of fat.
Kiyo crying as he is forcefed every day.
This is his punishment.

S-Tier: Mimei, Bee-chan
A-Tier: Fencer, Snowboard-chan, Rival-chan
B-Tier: Librarian, Baker
F-Tier: Geologist
This is canon.

Fixed it for you

My attempt at an aesthetic for baby gangsta. I got lazy halfway thru

>waifu means favorite character
Please reach out to your local landmine, do a blackflip, and explode.

Snowboard-chan should be S+ tier.

Has anything about this character actually been nailed down?

>favorite character
someone get Juzo on this fella

Naegi would put all the girls in great tier and Junko in shit tier.

> Monodam
> Isn't number one

they are obsessed with Snowboard-chan

You wouldn't put your life on the line for these girls? For shame

>hiyoko in s-tier
>mikan and kyoko in d-tier
>mahiru and aoi that low
>ruruka anywhere above f-tier

my husband is not fat!
he's a slim, slender man who loves disintegrating male testicles all in nee-san's name!

The next seven days were utterly stuffed with food. Kiyo woke early, not to work out, but to stretch out his belly with a thick shake, gaining supplements and appetite enhancers added. Then he would lounge and work as he drank his way through the pitcher. Then came breakfast, filled with starchy fat pancakes and fried bacon or sausage that were dripping with the butter they had cooked in. His stomach was burbling and bloating by the end of it. He donned a pair of his old trousers and dressed. Brunch then and several of the largest doughnuts or scones that he could find. He had barely gotten them down with his tea when his lunch would be brought up. Some days it was a monstrous sandwich slathered in mayonnaise with crisps, others it was takeaway like burgers or a heavy container of chow mein that left his shirt feeling several sizes too small, his bloated gut pressing out against the crisp shirts and waistcoats. Kiyo then took his afternoon tea early, munching on countless biscuits as he went through the day, adding cloying amounts of whole milk and sugar to his tea. He found himself constantly having to muffle belches in the midst of lectures, doing his best to suck in his overfilled and aching middle as he rose to greet whomever he was seeing. It was mortifying, but Kiyo handled it with his usual grace. That is until Amami left and he could let it all flub out with a soft groan. Dinner. Then supper. Then a midnight snack before bed. Kiyo felt constantly bloated and stuffed, waddling home only to eat more there, downing pizzas, pastas, and whatever else might fatten him up.

He felt rounder by the day, felt the fat creeping under his skin, filling out his old suits again. He maintained a stiff upper lip however. It was one thing to lose his physique. It didn't mean he had to lose his dignity. And so he ate every bite with the utmost care, even as his belly moaned and gurgled in protest, popping out under his shirts and swelling through his open trousers.


What if I would?
Why do people get so autistic about loving fictional characters? I love them all and think they'd make fantastic wives.

Oumaede! Even if I'm the most hopeless Oumaedefag on earth, I still haven't written it in a while... Sigh.

Ultimate ???, obsessively in love with Snowboard-chan and lovey-dovey to the extreme. As a rival she's probably very relevant to the overall plot, so she's been mostly up for WinteDRanon himself this far. It's probably good to work on her more after everyone else is designed.

How can Kirigiri even compete?


As an expert in this subject I can confidently say she can not compete.

veri ugli

Oh I think she does just fine.

incredibli veri ugli

Good taste in girls

wow that's a whole new tier of ugli, don't you think it's too much?


Now this is a chart I can get behind

oh god this is out of my hands now

Fuck you guys, Sayaka is the most perfect girl in the world.

Sayaka is a cutie.

Pls don't bully my wife!

Don’t sweat it! Oumaede is really cute.

make 'em for the rest now

What's she doing?

Last thread had the one for V3 I thought.



Definitely! I just really want to do more for it, even if I have written quite a bit already at this point. I guess I always feel like I can never do enough for Oumaede!

please do not bully my autistic wife

>Komaeda is the only rival that didn't get slapped
What did Kodaka mean by this?

Did they fuck?

Monokuma and Naegi? Yes

Akane is the DR2 rival

they were planning on having baby making sex the day Junko erase their memories