>Daily reminders Big decks are now known as THICC decks
Jace Garcia
First for Chainsmokers.
Colton Bailey
Ethan Gonzalez
Everyone below this post will get their ass eaten my Malfurion at night
Alexander Flores
Mason Rogers
Kill yourelf for the early thread OP Can I get Jaina instead? Otherwise I'm not going to sleep
Alexander Bell
Jaxon Sullivan
don't overuse monkaS
Robert Sanchez
Jose Bennett
I don't understand anymore. If you're being """"""""""""""Le ironic""""""""""""", this stopped being funny months ago. If you're not, why are you even here?
Sebastian Sullivan
Josiah Turner
Malfurion or DK Malfurion?
Jackson Cook
Anyone else listening to MCR - The Black Parade?
Colton Thompson
vanilla malfurion of course, what kind of kinky bastard are you?
Landon Jones
Even Ben Brode is too poor to afford T1 decks
Aaron Barnes
Don't judge me man.
Tyler Cooper
>kink shaming
Ethan Hernandez
John Brooks
someone teach me how to win at ranked, I'm so fucking new and suck so bad
Gabriel Walker
you need a good deck first before ranked becomes easy
Noah Flores
Ladder reset so I figured I'd play fun stuff while casually ranking up to 10 at least. Playing against someone absolutely terrible making lost of misplays but still winning simply because they're using a tier 1 deck is really frustrating. Fuck this, I'll cancer my way to 5 and meme it there as usual. Fuck everyone who can't play anything but tier 1 shit even on the first days of low ladder, I hope all your packs for the next expansion having nothing but rares and the worst possible pity times.
Carson Lee
lads, I need either a cubelock deck without taldaram and umbra or a fatiguelock deck.
Charles Morris
So should i just give in and put some money in? Only bought the welcome pack so far
Jose Wood
Look up any warlock deck and take out p3? All warlock decks look the same.
Leo Johnson
what have you been playing? I would recommend purchasing the Karazhan expansion if you can afford it, because it enables you to play the cheapest meta deck (Dragon Priest, Secret Mage, Secret Hunter)
John Miller
If you want to win yeah but this game is jewish as fuck and the starter pack is literally the only thing in the game worth it's cost. Try some priest decks with divine spirits and inner fires first or spiteful summoners, they are some of the cheapest decent decks around. Also hunter is always decent, even if you'll always be at the disadvantage of not having patches. This game is fucking terrible for new players.
Josiah Torres
who else is playing the cucker of priests deck?? also fuck priest
Jack Collins
No im listening to The Chainsmokers
Noah Edwards
>the deck specifically designed to counter it barely even has a 50%winrate It sure cucks priests You're not even running the darkness for extra meme what are you doing
Evan Brown
I just pulled raza with a dirty rat lmao.
Elijah Allen
How impactful is Sonya in Tempo Rogue? Seems like it could be nice, but isn't necessary?
Levi Morales
>try dungeon run warlock >get perma-stealth and Mal'Ganis after the first boss >get wand of summoning later >mfw not even Chronigger Inara could ruin this run
Luis Sanchez
it's an even matchup tho
Christopher Gray
yeah basically, it's insane against other midrange decks but not essential
Elijah Morales
I had some early success with a shitty mage beginner deck but I think it was just luck because i can barley get past rank 20 now. I was at 22 earlier today and played 3 dragon priest decks in a row
Austin Sullivan
this is probably the cheapest good deck you can make but it's a bit difficult for beginners, especially without Lyra (although it's a fantastic card in this deck. Maybe put a Silence in instead. I can show you what a meta tempo mage deck looks like if you like
Zachary Williams
The start of the month is an especially terrible time for new players since ladder resets and shitters get back playing the best decks at rank 20.
Robert Reed
I pulled Sonya in my first 10 so I use her in my tempo rogue. Good vs almost all matchups so long as your card sticks so you can pull off one mana bonemares or repeatedly charge patches for free corridor creepers. But not critical.
Ryder Gomez
forgot to mention you really want Netherspite Historian from Karazhan but could probably get away putting a Tar Creeper or something in instead
Jayden Lopez
that'd be really helpful actually
Hunter Barnes
This is basically the archetypal tempo mage, pending the varying use of top end and the fifth secret (Block, Spellbender, Entity, etc.). Medivh's Valet (from Kharazhan) is pretty integral to the deck, and Aluneth is so good you keep it in every single matchup- it's the reason you play the deck
Austin Johnson
So Kharazhan is worth the price? I was considering it just because they at least give you some extra stuff to play with it
Easton Allen
No arcane intellect? Nice job losing half your games because you don't draw Aluneth.
Kayden Hernandez
You might have some of the cards already to make something like this, the only expensive cards there are the Spiteful Summoners. It's not the best that deck could be obviously but it's a decent "f2p starter" deck. Anyway, Cobalt Scalebanes and Bonemares will be your best friends as f2p.
Luke Sanders
Alternatively, you can take out firelands, pyroblast, and a Kabal lackey for double deckhand and patches in order to have a good 1 drop/early pressure and more consistent damage to weave in while you draw your whole deck- Patches is the key card to playing good decks on a budget for the time being
Carson Jenkins
It's worth it BUT it's rotating out in like 4 months.
Jason Parker
it gives you free dust from dusting the baddies but is mostly worth it because it provides important cards you can't get anywhere else
Easton Rivera
I really wouldn't recommend putting more than one AI in your deck, you need all the tempo cards you can pack in
Alexander Rodriguez
Everyone is literally slamming patches into their deck for no fucking reason over than it's fucking patches You can't even think about making a deck without slamming patches in there
I can't wait for him to rotate out, I feel like it limits all creativity
Owen Russell
I run two, and take out firelands and pyroblast because they're way too heavy in an Aluneth deck imo. Even with two AI's I find myself running out of steam a lot.
I take inspiration from the wild burn version, which runs Aluneth, AI's and coldlight oracles as well. Just because Aluneth is in your deck doesn't mean you can forgo all draw.
Isaiah Wood
Something like this for Hunter. Again, it's not a top deck but it uses mostly free and cheap stuff and should be able to do decently for someone starting out.
Nicholas Ortiz
don't forget corridor creeper!
Thomas Gray
Play Deckhand and Patches for that Deck Thinning Action instead. Honestly Oracle seems bad in this type of deck, I assume the wild version is more burst and less board oriented and runs freeze and Torch- you need a bit of chip damage with this deck. I don't think I've seen a streaming pro/someone against me on legend ladder play two AI, I personally like none but see some playing one
Charles Bennett
This one is a cheap template for mage. I recommend you play with decks like these for a while before you decide to spend (or not) money on the game.
Josiah Johnson
You may only reply to this post if you post at least one(1) deck you play that is an entirely original creation, not a netdeck or a variation on a netdeck
>less than 3 people in all of /hsg/ will be allowed to reply to this post
Eli Martin
### Army of light # Class: Paladin # Format: Standard # Year of the Mammoth # # 2x (1) Argent Squire # 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle # 2x (1) Righteous Protector # 2x (2) Argent Protector # 2x (2) Equality # 2x (2) Potion of Heroism # 2x (3) Aldor Peacekeeper # 1x (3) Divine Favor # 2x (3) Rallying Blade # 2x (3) Steward of Darkshire # 1x (3) Wickerflame Burnbristle # 1x (4) Blessing of Kings # 2x (4) Consecration # 2x (4) Corpsetaker # 1x (5) Bolvar, Fireblood # 1x (6) Avenging Wrath # 1x (7) Bonemare # 1x (8) Lay on Hands # 1x (8) Tirion Fordring # AAECAZ8FCNIEpwX6Bq8Hlgm8vQKmzgLQ4gIL3AP0BfUF/gePCdmuAv+vArjHAuPLAu3SApboAgA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Suggestions oh great antinetdeck pink haired fuck?
Leo Ortiz
>put in good cards yourself >somehow looks like decks other people play
Jacob Sullivan
i play nightblade otk rogue, am i allowed to reply?
Anthony Lee
Yeah, you're right, the wild version is more burn oriented and runs few tempo cards, therefore it does have to draw a lot to make up for it.
I'm aware there's less burn in standard so you have to get chip damage in, but rarely do I play AI for 3 mana - I try to only play them with apprentices. I'll try running only a single AI and see how it goes.
John Martinez
Budget secret mage shitter from before, here's my deck >AAECAf0EBpzTAsMBuwJNuAimzgIM67oClQOWBcHBAuYEqwRxj9MC7AXKywKHvQKjtgIA What the fuck can I do to this to not get smashed in ladder? Swap out the firelands portal for flamestrike? Portal keeps give me trash and I get swamped with minions I cant deal with Bonemare and cobalt haven't really done much for me, should I just play them first chance I get? Cause I usually save them until I can effectively use their ability, which is fucking never
Easton Green
Also I've got 900 dust, trying to push for Aluneth. Anything I can do in the meantime that won't make me want to punch myself in the dick?
Landon Butler
Play another game, only come back for dailies and tavern brawl.
Jaxson Johnson
double CS, double Entity, double Firelands, double Firelands if you don't have that already (used deck.codes and 3 cards are unknown). Cut a Lackey for a Golakka or something if you have it
Noah Garcia
It's not very good but does it feel satisfying when it works
Logan Evans
I don't think you brainlets will be able to appreciate my genius deck-building, but nevertheless I'll show you what fun really is in Hearthstone.
Adam Davis
double Fireball double Firelands*
James Allen
play Huge Shaman
Bentley Johnson
new season double golakka every deck funny game xD
Zachary Green
These dungeon runs are kicking my ass. I beat warlock first try but I haven't won any since. Any tips on building a broken af deck? My warlock was cthun with double battlecries
Eli Price
And another one. Also not very good. I'm missing one Hydra for that but I'll replace it with something else and try it.
Noah Cruz
always take stealth, always take wish and wand, other than that it's pretty class dependent (Jade classes are the easiest)
Chase Lopez
stealth gets me killed though, it seems like whenever I take it I dont get fast minions and the next boss races me down faster than I can take them out
William Myers
Sebastian Nguyen
I don't get the lightwarden meme, I mean I know the healing rain shit but lightwarden doesn't have charge. Just seems like the deck would be stronger without it.
Thomas Myers
Listening to Vermicide by The Mars Volta.
Brayden Gonzalez
>play wish >get brawled fuck this
Dylan Garcia
I am the master of meme decks. Behold. Two meme decks for the price of one!
why do i have to play a shitty class I dont have cards for? fuck this shit
Christopher Wilson
>playing rogue >opponent ropes >can just jerk off to valeera in the downtime what a great class
Christian Gray
jade druid ruins raza priest right now, its probably 70%+ now dragon spiteful priest is tough sure
Gavin Flores
How come the Make Favorite button on the cardbacks is gone?
Levi Howard
>aya blackpaw with double battlecry and double deathrattle I am in valuetown
Gabriel Lewis
>haven't played for a week >log in >ah cool ladder awards >let's do some climbing >3 big priests in a row >proceed to log off
Austin Robinson
Anyone have the name of a good 'fuck you' decklist for aggro paladins? I just played and lost to 6 in a row.
Jason Barnes
Hello /hsg/. Returned to the game after a year hiatus. Got some 6.8k dust. Is there any good deck that'll let me to get to legend?
Brayden Johnson
depends on when you're returning from most good decks are like 10k dust
Noah Jenkins
Haven't played since C'thun
Jordan Hernandez
>aya blackpaw with tits and an ass that are twice as big Good thinkin user
Henry James
secret mage is the go to """"budget""" deck i think these days i think
Bentley Ross
good old zoo is also relatively cheap and borderline good
Daniel Gomez
face hunter is also almost viable and cheap if you already have leeroy and the captains
aggro paladin is also among the best decks but costs a little more dust but you can afford it if you already have leeroy
Brody Morris
Kayden Cox
Oh, I do have Leeroy!
Xavier Wood
finally an aggro paladin list there are a couple of versions floating around but this is one of the cheaper ones note that all 4 of the decks have 2x power creeper and 3 of them have patches the balanced so you may as well craft those no matter which deck you intend to play
Joshua Adams
it really isn't that favored if the priest isn't retarded, it's harder to armor out of range than you think when they don't waste shit
Austin Nguyen
Why are all the aggro decks the one with trap cards?
Josiah Flores
Tempo Rogue or Controlock
Jace Adams
gotcha. thank you for your help!
Wyatt Rodriguez
When is blizzard gonna separate players by deck level? Let all the meta shitters play with themselves
Luke Moore
no probs m8 the best deck is to uninstall the game and never open it again though that one also costs 0 dust