What are the deepest Veeky Forums quotes?

What are the deepest Veeky Forums quotes?

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"I must unite the Soviet people under one graveyard." - Zhukov


Luigi "the wop butcher shop" Cadorna once said
"We shall not defend our peninsula, whatever the cost may be, we shall die on the hills, we shall die on the hills, we shall die on the top of hills and at the foot of hills, we shall fight in the hills; we shall surrender."


lol no, God stays in heaven because that's his house nigga

"What you gonna do, Stab me?"

-julius caesar


sounds like something ronald reagon would say

>gas the kikes, race war now

Adolf Hikter

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

Proven in every period of its development, the western European culture has tried to rid himself of the Greeks. This work is imbued with deep disappointment, because whatever we create, seemingly original and worthy of admiration, lose color and life in comparison with the Greek mode, came to resemble a cheap copy, a caricature.
So again and again soaked in a rage erupts hatred against the Greeks, against this small and arrogant nation, who had the nerve to call it barbaric whatever that had not been established in its territory ...
None of the recurrent enemies had the fortune to discover the hemlock, which could forever be rid of them. All poisons of envy, of hubris, hatred, have been insufficient to disturb the great beauty.
Thus, people continue to feel shame and fear of the Greeks. Of course, occasionally, someone appears to recognize intact truth, truth which teaches that the Greeks are the charioteers of any upcoming culture and almost always as the chariots and horses of the upcoming cultures is very low quality compared to the charioteer, who eventually work out driving his chariot into the abyss, which are beyond the Achilles 'Leap'

>General Cadorna, the enemy is entrenched in a fortified position on top of a mountain
>Let's attack them
>eleven times


Please post more Zhukov memes

but we stay in our house because we fear niggas

"From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide"

"Holy shit, look at the gas bill" - Adolf Hitler

"The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death." - Joseph de Maistre


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

>tfw can't talk seriously about Zhukov anymore because of meme spouters

you tell me

"Guys, I think I left my phone"
- Adolf Hitler, Buenos Aires, June, 1945


"Pickett's Charge you say? That was only one day! We'll do it every day for three months straight!"
- General Ulysses S. Grant during The Overland Campaign

When you kill your enemies, they win.

*tips fedora*


I could get behind that
Id prolly die in my first battle, but being nihilistic I wouldnt really care anyway apart from the short moment just before I actually die

How did that work for them?


hey i like Baldur's Gate too but its not exactly "historical"

I really like niemöllers poem


"Blood for the Blood God!"



not the same guy but its a pretty good quote tbqh



I think they're funny but it makes me think of the whole "fools who think they're in good company" quote... Some retards here might be actually convincing themselves we wasn't actually a great general (which he ultimately was).

Shut the fuck up donny.

He wasn't*

"What is history but a lie we all agreed upon?"

"I hate Trotskyists who disagree with me, but I hate Ukrainians even more."

t. Stalin

Lenin when asked what he thinks about the communist in western Europe:
"Bunch of usefull idiots."


"I hate germans that invade my country but i hate russians even more"
t. zukowi

Steve Buscemi was in Spy Kids 2?


What does the t. mean? I guess it's like sourced by or whatever, but I mean the actual word/phrase.


It's Finnish for "regards."

Thank you.

"Das ist nein Auto-phone, das ist ein nuisance-phone" - Hitler

to this day, nobody knows what it means



Not great.

Is this about that meme KDA argument? The parameters of the Eastern Front dictated that the Soviet body count was going to be massive. This was the expectation of both sides from the outset, what matters is that the Soviet won the war and weren't destroyed. Unless you have a more specific reason he was a bad general?

that's not german.

What the fuck was his problem?

It was in 1878, not 1888. Becomes significantly less insightful when you know that fact.

Said about Gandhi, but I think this can be applicable to many historic figures.

that's amazing

Anyone have that quote about Napoleon by the British author all about how terrible he is?

uhh why

Gandhi on Black Africans. He was a 1900s /pol/lack.

>A poo in the loo calling niggers dirty.
Well now I've seen it all.

I always thought kaffirs meant non Muslims

It's both. Muslims used to call Blacks "kaffirs" during the slave trade because they weren't Muslim. Boer settlers picked up on the habit and adopted the term to mean Blacks.



“I saw him walking upon the banks of the Seine, contemplating suicide. I saw him at Toulon—I saw him putting down the mob in the streets of Paris—I saw him at the head of the army of Italy—I saw him crossing the bridge of Lodi with the tri-color in his hand—I saw him in Egypt in the shadows of the pyramids—I saw him conquer the Alps and mingle the eagles of France with the eagles of the crags. I saw him at Marengo—at Ulm and Austerlitz. I saw him in Russia, where the infantry of the snow and the cavalry of the wild blast scattered his legions like winter's withered leaves. I saw him at Leipsic in defeat and disaster—driven by a million bayonets back upon Paris—clutched like a wild beast—banished to Elba. I saw him escape and retake an empire by the force of his genius. I saw him upon the frightful field of Waterloo, where Chance and Fate combined to wreck the fortunes of their former king. And I saw him at St. Helena, with his hands crossed behind him, gazing out upon the sad and solemn sea.

I thought of the orphans and widows he had made—of the tears that had been shed for his glory, and of the only woman who ever loved him, pushed from his heart by the cold hand of ambition. And I said I would rather have been a French peasant and worn wooden shoes. I would rather have lived in a hut with a vine growing over the door, and the grapes growing purple in the kisses of the autumn sun. I would rather have been that poor peasant with my loving wife by my side, knitting as the day died out of the sky—with my children upon my knees and their arms about me—I would rather have been that man and gone down to the tongueless silence of the dreamless dust, than to have been that imperial impersonation of force and murder, known as 'Napoleon the Great.”

Didn't he also convince a bunch of Indians to not accept Western medical practices?

Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President John F. Kennedy
November 23rd, 1963

by Fidel Castro:

>As Marxist-Leninists, we know that the role of man is a relative role in each historical epoch, in each society, at each given moment, and we should know the role that man plays in each society. And above all it is a question of elemental principle: we do not hate men, we hate systems.
>We would be happy at the death of a system; the disappearance of a system would always make us happy. The victory of a revolution always makes us happy.
>The death of a man, even though this man may be our enemy, does not make us happy. In the first place, this should be our attitude as a matter of principle.
>And further it is very characteristic of us Cubans, of Latins, of Spanish-Americans- who are a mixture of races with certain characteristics - that death always ends our animosity. We always bow with respect in the face of death, even though it may be the death of an enemy.

Charles Chaplin's speech on The Great Dictator:

Here's Papa Doc's response to Castro's regime change.

>Communism has established centres of infection ... No area in the world is as vital to American security as the Caribbean ... We need a massive injection of money to reset the country on its feet, and this injection can come only from our great, capable friend and neighbor the United States.[

In private, he also supposedly took credit for killing JFK by stabbing his voodoo doll 2,222 times.