/hg/ - Halo General

#387 - 2018 Edition

Welcome to Halo General. Here we discuss the Halo games, expanded universe, and fan projects. Discussion of general Xbox developments, news, and games is also allowed unless stated otherwise.

>Halo 5: Guardians has received a major weapons tuning update that radically changes up the gameplay. This update has gone into effect in all arena playlists, warzone playlists, and even custom games.
For a full list of changes, see the link here: halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/weapon-tuning-update

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Important Halo Links and Notes

>Halo 5 Spartan Company
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>SPV3, the Halo CE fan remix project, can be downloaded for free

>>>Halo News


After a lot of deliberation, I've made a decision. Halofest IV is being pushed back 13 days to Saturday, January 27th. A lot of thought was put into this decision, but just know that for multiple reasons the 14th just wasn't working well for a lot of people, myself included. I want to be clear: if it was just me I would not postpone the event, and if you want the full story for why the date was hard for me specifically I can tell you in party chat, but believe me when I say it was more than just myself that the 14th was an iffy date for.
Everything else is staying the same. Show up at the time of arrival (let's say 7 PM eastern) and you will be sorted into teams, with myself and C0 leading the initial picks this time around.

That actually works better for me


Truth was already planning to leave when Tartarus went down to activate Delta Halo. Truth didn't give a shit, he'd be gone by the time the ring fired and it would kill off a lot of the Elite opposition as well as The Demon

>see this
wat do



REEEEEEEEEEEEit actually is a better day for me but stillEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Now hold on one minute- are we talking January THIS year or January 2019???

Happy New Year, /hg/

Well I ain't gonna be there.

She needs a haircut

Does it say anywhere in game that Earf is outside Delta Halo's range? What was he planning to do after his whole fleet gets fucked by the halo firing, fire the rest of the rings from the Ark anyway?

sorry I'm being difficult, I do like the master manipulator angle they were going for, it just seems like the only thing he's getting out of tying up all these loose ends is the absolute implosion of the Covenant and the same corner he got backed into at the end of Halo 3.


That's ok. I'll still be able to make it.

For anyone not in Halofest, I'll be hosting that day, but only the semester doesn't turn to shit, if it does I'm calling everything off, including hg


>Does it say anywhere in game that Earf is outside Delta Halo's range?
No but you can possibly make it work if you assume it was brought up in Truth's conversation with Guilty Spark. Truth could have simply asked if the location of Earth was close to Installation 05.
>What was he planning to do after his whole fleet gets fucked by the halo firing, fire the rest of the rings from the Ark anyway?
I assumed he'd already diverted the majority of his forces to Earth. As soon as High Charity was attacked by The Flood, it was lost. Truth knew The Ark/way to it was on Earth and all that mattered was getting there. The Forerunner Keyship he gets aboard can more than hold its own in a fight and so wouldn't need much support if any at all. The only troops that are left are those left on High Charity and Delta Halo. It's still quite a lot of troops but they still had a massive army.

I wouldn't say you're being difficult, they're standard questions. I think Halo 2's messy development took a toll on the story so not all the pieces fit quite well. I still think it's the best Halo story, though. But the only reason Truth ever loses is because of Master Chief

school comes before play, mane

Spoken like a true future wageslave

you cannot be comfy unless you love being uncomfy, in which, why would you ever be comfy?

No. Delta Halo can't reach Earth but other ring can.


Maybe for you, but for true fans, NOTHING comes before Halo!

3babbies were the worst

Were. Then you showed up.

>Implying you didn't want recon

It was the CHAD armor of it's day

Yeah but I didn't beg on forums for it

How come Halo 3 is ALWAYS in the choice for BTB? It's never between 2, 2A, and 4. The ultime trifecta. Fucking bullshit. Just make a Halo 3 BTB playlist with only Zanzibar, Standoff, Longshore, and Valhalla since that's all the kiddies got MCC for

Halo 3 is the most played Halo game of all.

>why do the larger groups of people win a democratic vote?

Having other Spartan II's being alive During the Master Chief games was a mistake. He should have been the last of his kind.

No I like the other Spartans

Wish me luck /hg/, tomorrow I'm going for a job interview

Fuck off with the democracy bullshit because these babbies don't respect it. They quit if they don't get Halo 3. This either causes heavily one sided games or straight up boring ones. Playing 5v2 on Infinity oh wow so fun. Or it causes a game about to start to restart searching, taking longer to gind a match or straight up just breaking it. Start punishing quitters. It's toxic. I complain about getting the same 3 fucking Halo 3 maps all the goddamn time but I still play them because I'm not a self entitled bratty cunt

Agreed. Causes a huge fuck up in terms of lore. Halo CE can work fine but the rest? Nope

*quits halo 2 map*

>rescheduled for and during pizza night

Just about done.

>I don't respect it when the vote doesn't go my way, but how dare others not respect it when it doesn't go their way
Cry more.

I guess you never read First Strike or Ghosts of Onyx?

Then make them Spartan III's. Master Chief's aura around him and his legend was so much cooler and epic when he was a special/last-of-his-kind character, having others for no reason when they could be something different is just ruining the mythos.

Pic related is for you my man

Literally retarded. I respect it by sticking around and playing you fuckwit. Unlike tge 3babbies who don't get their way and quit. Stupid 3babby. Of course you support toxic behaviour that ruins others experiences

Eat the pizza, you filthy whore.

>When he was a last of his kind character

So, only in CE where he WAS the last known of his kind? And a little longer in the brief period until first strike was released where we learned about the fate of the other Spartans?

>Balo cooks were nod cannon

They're not. Halo Reach proved that

>the entitled whiny baby crying on an anonymous imageboard

Yeah ok retard. I know what you're doing

>muh special snowflake Chief
Kys yourself

You're the same as what you cry about. Get over it.

Bungie went out of their way to write Haley's journal which corrects the discrepancies between the novel and game. They're both canon.

>They didn't like the books
True, they weren't fond of them. But they also weren't fond of Halo Wars and called it a bastardization of their game.

But, as we know, Halo wars is a beloved game (some would even say it's a classic) so it goes to show that bungie wasn't always right.


We can do Friday if that's better for more

>monhun release day

Well it's Pizza or monster hunter

What is wrong with Dog

It can be both.

I don't know but post the pasta

holy fuck I've never heard how loud my PC is when running a game until now

What game

Requesting the Kai /hg/ logo

Bumping this


I read it in his voice
Thanks user

I got into Gold rank straight away, am I good?

Oh user...


You're average as fuck, user. The bell curve centers around gold for most playlists. That's okay though. You can improve.

He's below average. 343 showed the ranks a while back.

For me it's pizza, the thinking man's choice.


I think I'll try that this week on just one part of my pizza. It may be the best, or dumbest, idea ever.








That looks way too pink to be flood. It's supposed to be dead flesh, not living.










Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can still feel them. The anons we've lost.

Who looks the best?

I wanted so much to fight the Didact alongside the Arbiter.

I wanted to see Thel square off against someone he used to worship as a god and whoop his ass after he' dismissed as a "beast".

Instead we get some weird beta robot cuck I don't even remember who just bitches that he's getting cucked by a hooman.

Why can't 343 do anything right? Why can't they make a good Halo story when it's so fucking simple?

You already know the answer to that.

I miss /xbox/.



3v4i can't think outside the box for their life.



once I figure out how to spawn them properly, I want us all to play some ScorpiHog/WartPion BTB madness on reach