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UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

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1st for Unity is shit.

1st for give up.

I give up

i don't

Decided on him just sitting at a desk, where he works on creating different elements. I'm still undecided on the environment though, I want to try something similar to the environment where you fight dark link in OoT.

I'm stuck!

no really I am. how long does it take til a* pathfinding clicks?

This helped me redblobgames.com/pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html

more particle

Itchio dead?

This is some good shit.

works for me

itch.io isn't working for me.

You're Banned.

This is it for anything graphical for a while (besides a few touch ups)

Time to finish up the battle system!

Working for me too

It just started working for me, again.

I don't know what the fuck this is but follow your dreams dude

Thanks user

Game: none
Progress: none
Status: nodev

Game: prototype #30
Progress: started a new prototype
Status: hopedev

your game will NEVER be as hype as this


It shouldn't take you more than a few hours, brainlet. :^)

dumbass floor shaders are fucking me up, cant get the leaves to be behind it
night time.

Watch out he spinnin up a can of WHOOPASS on ya this is more or less useless other than to hit things behind you, and to prevent the player from spamming throws. And I think it looks cool

pretty cool

What, is the whole thing on one plane or something? Just... layer it properly

Looks good, just change that healthbar

there's something really wrong with my thrusters

i wish it was as simple as sthat

I honestly don't know what I'm looking at. Is this supposed to be a side view or a top-down view?

You're retarded. Stop posting here.

Keep it. It has Youtube meme potential.




I would, the problem is that the game won't work if you can't fire the rocket properly

Best 2D engine?

what don't you like about the healthbar?


Progress : Impact particle + ricochet.

Thinking about making ricochet bullet possibly hit enemy and does reduced damage.

don't mind garand becoming machine gun.

To GameMaker users: Which version/release of GameMaker seems to be the best? I used 1.4 a long time ago, but not sure if there is an updated release of that, or if GM2 would be better to switch over to?


What is it about game development that seems to make it so much more difficult than 'traditional' software development?

daily reminder to rebuild your lighting if it needs it

what game?

Cross cutting concerns & soft real time requirements

aaaaaand fixed (mostly)
mixing 2d + 3d isnt a good idea lads
we all learned a valuable lesson today

frequent interactions between seemingly unrelated entities

Well I'm an idiot, the thruster was on the wrong axis.
It's working fine now.

all your coworkers and other peers are psychopaths and schizophrenics, and most of the market isn't actually willing to pay for things and has to be tricked into it with microtransactions or fake sales

looks neat



make it so you have to turn a wheel to change the angle

How are you doing today?

this is the most disgusting thing ive ever seen in my life

how is it not in violation of youtube's tos?

Jesus, are you going to fix those controls?

what's wrong with them?

wtf is this disgusting creature kill it

nothing he is just a nodev trying to bring you down
you should switch to unity though its the only way to make a game

Having to click exactly one million times to turn.

Is this the new reekfam strat?

Where is your game?


That's the point, some people want to have the exact angle.

>Doing this
>Not letting people hold it and have an input box

>i-i-it's a feature user

Up your butt.

I get that, but most people will want to get to an approximate position quickly and then tweak it from there.

Nothing. It's just sourcetranny trying to fuck with you.

Where is your fucking game? Faggot.

You won't go very far in game design.


>literally has no game
>is trying to give ""advice"" to yesdevs

Do we need to call our special friends for you again? You're going back to jail.

engine recommended for a 2d game? thinking on some pokemon like combat view

No, seriously.

tell me what's the best 2D engine.

Look I know you're triggered because I am calling out how shitty your game is. Maybe you can redirect that energy into trying harder.


Direct2D ;^)

There is no reason to use an engine for a 2D game

Blacklisted. :)

Janny we have a problem

Yeah we need to clean out the people criticizing our gaymes.

Lol. Gonna post some more of your gay beep boop youtubes? You are retarded. Stop posting on my thread.

Should I make smalls games to let my self be more comfortable with Monogame or should I try to make a project bigger in scope while slowly figuring out Monogame as I do it.

I personally really like MonoGame


It's a genuine honor


The one you like the most

You'll probably end up wanting to completely redo everything once you've figured out you do certain things better, so I'd suggest the smaller projects.

Unity is the ONLY way to make a game.

Why there's not a game engine where you can simply have to code everything like if it were SDL?

Why would we tell you, you're just going to freak out

>a game engine that does nothing

Woah, monominds

Get used to monogame first, or you will end trapped inside an endless loop of learning better ways to make things > wanting to restart the whole project.
Take one feature of the bigger game you would like to do and make a small simpler game around it, so it works as practice for the long term goal.

Yeah I'm happy now. I think you could still keep the angle locked to a "grid" of values if you want that sort of precision. But being able to hold the button is a boon.

15 shillbux have been deposited into your Unity account.

I figured that was the better approach but I wanted to get other opinions. Thanks bois!

I promise I'm not samefag-ing


>want to make a harvest moon like game
>dont have FoMT or MFoMT anymore

I've only played those two and the one for wii, but I do remember what I like about them but I dont want it to be TOO blatant of a clone

>cowing down to nodevs
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>3 seconds apart
Don't worry, newfriend, nobody thought that.

Welp, I feel like rewriting most of the game engine again. It's so addicting. I'll probably never finish, but at least I'm having fun right?