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>today's was my last roll in at least 6~8 months WTF BROS
Robert Williams
who the fuck chose this art
Robert Perez
My new years wish is to get a cute and useful light character.
Owen Rogers
Fuck, I just wanted Doggo.
Dominic Allen
Previous Thread
Adam Turner
Previous thread:
Jeremiah Richardson
How bad can 8.5 be?
Logan Roberts
I want a wind character that isn't a meme
Logan Richardson
20m celebration was canceled? wtf bros kmr can't get away with this
Benjamin Nguyen
My new years wish is a Dies irae collab. Or Aselia
Adam Nguyen
Who got their spark target early here? Feels good. Should be back by anniversary at soonest.
Leo Miller
Fuck that was rough near the end
Andrew Mitchell
Post lewd erune
Dominic Cooper
pretty good actually if you just backrow her for silva and have quatre extend the buffs.
t. guy who robbed mvp from a prom fight as a sage.
Jaxon Peterson
>my main gets shit >my alts get shit >down to my last alt >get a 10 roll >Grimnir and Lecia rolls Should I start using this account?
Charles Scott
The last row emps could still save her. KMR deciding to get all the zodiac 5*s out before the game dies could also do it.
Ian Wilson
What rank?
Julian Fisher
Is this good or not? Can I use this with my f2p varuna?
Charles Sullivan
>before the game dies When is that?
Jonathan Edwards
Host another baha
Hudson Clark
Lincoln Nelson
Post all SSR Characters and summons for both main and alt as well as rank of main.
Grayson Myers
Bing bong, who's it gonna be.
Carter Cruz
Did Sigurd ever use a bow?
Hunter White
Lincoln Murphy
Should I fully uncap a chev sword and fill the rest with guns until I get enough to fully uncap another? I heard they are shit not FLB.
Ethan Lewis
Xavier Perry
I thought this was going to be a bear thread
Nathan Jones
Wind main here. Making Siete in upcoming GW.
Who is more fun and who would I benefit the most from- JK or Lecia? Want to choose one of them to spark.
Evan Hernandez
Thanks you for carrying me on my first proto baha hl gbfg!
Adam Ortiz
Kevin Myers
Jason Williams
Awful, grani's fist is OK though.
Ian Jenkins
Jeremiah Fisher
What's the chance they adjust Vajra?
Brody Johnson
Shut its cute
Chase Hernandez
No leeches this time, thanks to all the anons who contributed
Jose Edwards
Tomorrow But really, if they only give 5* to 1 zodiac a year, it'll be 3 years before dog has a chance of being relevant.
Nathaniel James
Dog isn't that bad with silva.
Joseph King
50%. Either they will or they won't.
Wyatt Collins
Michael Myers
It's a pile of shit, I feel ashamed when I see my character list.
Daniel Turner
Does an extra turn really help that much?
Mason Campbell
Jaxon Parker
W-wheres my name...
Daniel Hill
Easton Rogers
you got the cutest cow, congratulations
Jack Thomas
Eventually, maybe. They eventually buffed fucking Sarunan and he's canonically dead.
Easton Gutierrez
holy fuck i dont care how bad she is her animations are amazing
Jace Fisher
what do
John Nguyen
Carmelina's fine for a newfag.
Jonathan Powell
They'll drop the buffs after she's gone from the gacha "for our loyal players"
Connor Cox
Evan Walker
Get Lady to 100 and it's not that bad
Nicholas Powell
Play another element.
James Garcia
impressive considering bahamut kept choosing light and dark as the damage cuts in 50-25% phase
Evan Martinez
LG Naru Veight
Adrian Turner
just kidding she's shit without atma sword use naru/veight/lady grey
Camden Brown
It makes the duration 33% longer.
Nicholas White
Who does she replace?
Ian Ross
Kevin Diaz
Pick with your dick both of them are really good. Make sure to not break their weapons either, obviously. Lecia does however work with sword ultima memes.
Matthew Murphy
Austin Bailey
>zoi got keked at 40% Heh
Thomas Edwards
Nice, Carmelina is a cutie
Matthew Murphy
>vane went from terrible to hits like a fucking truck i dont doubt that they'll buff vajra to at least being nearly core, given she's a zodiac
Jaxson Gray
Para has been such a bitch to land since the update. Reduce clincher cd now.
Jordan Wright
Josiah Scott
Arriet. She's pretty pointless.
Zachary Fisher
Sorry, whomst does she replace.
Liam Green
Urge to dick spark Doggo rising.
Ian Ward
Nobody, keep her in the back
Owen Edwards
Rip Gran.
Dylan Murphy
Do it anyways if you want a real answer as to what account you should play.
Easton Butler
when do i reset the drawbox of the right behind you event??
Jordan White
Arriet. Now your team has even more survivability .
Ian Barnes
Wtf windbros how could we lose
Jaxson Collins
What do you do with Beato if she doesn't Ougi on time? Just do 3-1-2 again after the ougi?
Grayson White
when you get the summon and then when you have it fully uncapped you reset it when its empty if you dont care about the summon then reset it after getting crystals and skill fodder
Nathan Johnson
Her buffs extend on TA, not ougi
Justin Sanders
Korwa died right away at 50%, feels bad. Still timegated for nio
Jaxon Ramirez
Thanks for the advice /gbfg/, I hope your future rolls are blessed by the karma gods themselves.
Austin Hill
Do it, she won't be back for a long time.
Jacob Sanders
i intentionally didn't try to land paralyze at all because i wanted mvp it worked
Joseph Murphy
Don't. Wait for the next water grand later this year. She's going to be worth it. It's Fenrir.
Depends on what rank you are. If you're a lower rank you might want to grab all the CP as well if you're lacking it. Otherwise generally when you get the summon and all the crystals. Also depends on how many boxes you plan on going through.
Jack Powell
Brody Hughes
All modern drawboxes are reset instantly, because box 4 is the best box (no useless honors in the box). The only time you'd consider not resetting is if you pulled a lot but most of the crystals are still in the box.
Daniel Cox
>Brainlet trying to use Beato To use Beato you have to be smarter than her.
Carson Bailey
>newfag with monki what
Josiah Thompson
If anyone cares on how my spark eneded after waiting for the free rolls to finish it.
Eli Thompson
>implying Fenrir will be playable with how fucking slow they're releasing story chapters now
Eli Sanchez
I tried to save it for 25%, but it kept missing until it finally hit around 10%. Then my extension missed.
Jaxson Ross
So from these thread I am guessing Vajra is terrible
I also got Halle and SSR Eugen so what are they decent? Since I only only have a Dark team
Hudson Nguyen
Eh, close enough
Gabriel Fisher
Ethan Diaz
Help! I play magna water. What's the best team I can make with these characters? Also which character would you recommend I get for upcoming suptix?
Mason Ortiz
I need more doujins of lucina in my life she is so cute and lewd
Hudson Mitchell
Why is Korwa the worst SSR in the game yet ranked at 10?