Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher. The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3000 units, 900 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep. Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.
>How do I change the fonts? Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions5\data usually).
Mictlan and Pelagia have both been staling for ages now. If you've not got a sub for them, Admin, set them AI.
Henry Torres
Why did the deletion happen to the previous thread?
Gavin Davis
Today the game will finally host after 168 hours (7 days) of waiting exclusively for Hinnom. And yet, I'm fairly sure that he is going to stale.
If he stales I'm going AI the next turn.
Zachary Lopez
By invoking the devil's name, it brings it down upon us.
Ian Gutierrez
How do you fight an army of gigablessed eagle warriors with slightly less strength than your own? I'm having trouble in my scripting tests. In a fair fight, my armies win, but any attack-rear strategy forces me to split up my forces to the point where the eagle warriors win. Is there just no answer without storm or a much better army?
Jayden Davis
Quit being superstitious, it's the Late Ages, for Bodhisattva of Mercy's sake!
Nicholas Diaz
Try putting mages in the front
Cameron Cook
bait. You don't need a full sized squad of real units, just one guy so that they have to land first and give your troops time to get at them
Adam Gray
Stated in the deleted thread, so reposting.
C'Tis went AI of his own volition and is apparently losing anyway. I did fuck up by subbing someone who did nothing wrong (I thought they had), but when I offered them their position back they declined.
Jonathan Johnson
Then what if they just have a portion (or all) of their eagle warriors attack closest? They have nothing to lose from the 50/50 because all of their eagle warriors are going to be attacking something of value, while the non-fliers end up with a sizable portion of their troops in the wrong area. It just seems like it's such a large tactical advantage on top of their already strong combat stats. Only thing I can think is to bring multiple commanders spread out to prevent a rout.
Levi Brooks
In that case, I'm going AI as well.
Tyler Watson
Therodos will be the only UW nation in an upcoming game. Is this sufficient for fucking them up and how much a dick would I be for doing that?
Angel Clark
How do you plan on sieging forts?
Andrew Murphy
Take Turmoil 1, Sloth 2 or else you'll be gated on white centaur recruitment.
>Inspired by the MA innovations game, I decided to make an LA innovations game as well. Some people say LA is the most boring age. It's up to you to try and spice things up with an innovative new strategy!
>If you're a new player, feel free to do your best. It's assumed that your best isn't good enough anyway. If you're a reasonably experienced player, use this game to test out "innovative" new strategies or just mess around. Doesn't mean you can't play to win, just try to do so in a non-standard way.
>Game starts when we've got a full house, or failing that it'll start with however many people we manage to get by tomorrow afternoon. If necessary I'll gen a new map for the amount of players we get.
Oliver Gomez
If you take dom 6 turmoil 3, sloth 2, heat 1, misfortune 2 you can take it awake and rush for water immediately
Wyatt Gomez
Turmoil 3 can't recruit enough wc
Justin Taylor
I'll join, but can you make sure to actually go in and nostart provinces with less than 4 connections? Of the 5 games I'm in, none of my caprings have more than 3 land provinces in them, and I'm sick of getting dicked before I even get to turn in the first turn.
Alexander Howard
To be fair to the admins of those games, you probably dicked yourself when you sent in your pretender file anyhow.
Adam Ross
I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. In my Pan tests so far Sloth 3 hasn't been much of an issue. The map will have nostarts on provinces that'd make a shitty starting location. What said. Plus I want to do a normal expansion first, anyway.
Benjamin Hall
I already manually disabled all provinces with less than three land connections on the current map, as well as provinces with lots of river/mountain connections. I'll give it another look-over before starting the game in case I missed any.
Ryan Gutierrez
So what, my thread got deleted for uttering the R-word, despite OP image being a bad build literally from there? Veeky Forums jannies seem cancerous even by janny standards.
Juan Young
You should've just called it Singleplayer Edition or something.
Juan Flores
yeah, gotta tiptoe around the forbidden fucking words actual on-the-spectrum autism moderators
Nicholas Hughes
Exactly, I need all the help I can get
Luis Harris
Did you get a ban notice with that in the note or something?
Samuel Brown
I didn't receive any sort of ban, but I can only assume mentioning (((R*DD*T))) was the reason since that was the only word added to the usual pasta and OP image was an innocuous screencap.
Robert Ross
Jannies can't ban anyone. They can only delete posts/threads and recommend people for bans, but only real mods can ban people.
Michael Parker
Uhh whoops it looks like I accidentally turned score graphs on completely instead of just spy reports/acashic scanning. No idea if you guys signed up for that but uh...we could still restart if a majority wants secrets. Or we can live with this meme and constantly screech about who has best graphs. I'll set up a strawpoll tomorrow like 12 hours from now because I want to sleep instead of doing things.
Cameron Garcia
I can't help but wonder what a xcom type game set in the Dominions world would be like. >gain control of more areas with dominion >can recruit different races based on their original nation >explore ruins to get new spells/weapon schematics or even new recruits >magic and item system would be pretty similar, wizards would be your scientists/engineers >your god is basically a super unit that can only leave your capitol late game when you do the right research
Alexander Lewis
What's the worst pretender in your opinion?
Personally I hate the demilich. Looks so stupid just a few little bones piled on each other. It could at least be in a coffin or on a skeleton or something.
Alexander Gray
The hosting interval will be back to 24 hours after this turn, have a happy new year folks
Eli Foster
Solar disc looks dumb
Logan Sanchez
>Play your first multiplayer game >Your cap-circle has 4 provinces connecting to it >One is a cav with shades and shade beasts >One is across a river that takes 4 turns to walk around minimum
Connor Edwards
>not having/taking magic weapons don't call it a grave
Julian Butler
If you don't start with a plan on how to bust forts it seems pointless to try going UW.
As for the bless, does water breathing act as if the unit has full amphibious(no stat penalties)?
Anyways, drop the titan for the frost father, you'll have way more points to spend and can pursue a rainbow bless with the water breathing+astral stuff. x2 swiftness, reinvig, blood surge(for other players) and HP/strength are all useful options.
Attached is to show how wide your magic can go while keeping water breathing.
Cooper Sanders
>fire random Logrian with a crystal matrix can cast Flaming Arrows for my Longbowmen via Daughter of Avalon chorus yessssss
Cameron Russell
What's a good nation to play if you like using lots of thugs but don't want to rely on them as much as Yomi does?
Hard mode: No elves or giants.
Colton Ramirez
Any nation with good death and some access to nature and elements to spam kitted out Banes
Landon Russell
Blood nations, Mictlan as the foremost contender thanks to their wide blood crosspath access (having both W+B and F+B). As far as heavy thug/light SC chassis are concerned, the unique devils are affordable and available early.
Nathaniel Moore
How To Train Your Pedo
Camden Sanders
Patala's got some pretty beefy recruitable thuggables?
Jack Barnes
Are you referring to nagas, by any chance?
Caleb Mitchell
Ermor, I'm splitting my offensive to take #104 and #98 next turn. I'd rather avoid a collision, so I thought I'd let you know. I admit I'm somewhat curious to see how a horde of Skratti Werewolves fares against a "proper" human army, but I wouldn't want to waste both of our resources like that.
Hunter Martin
Nagaraja are W2E1N1H2, which gets you a ridiculous set of thug buffs even before factoring bless. Decent enough attack and def, 25HP chassis with three attacks. Need a Not Goddamn Enc5 armour though, which makes them slightly more gem costy than Ye Standard Brand And Shield Combo. They're pretty fucking robust though.
Kevin Johnson
So what's up with the new Marverni? What tactical considerations should one make involving their new tattoos?
Adam Green
Sorry, FIVE attacks. Venomous Bite is apparently a three-attack weapon now.
Oliver Rodriguez
>Man has no game plan to answer arrow fend or storm
David White
Wind Guide mostly mitigates the negative precision from Storm, Arrow Fend is pretty annoying but I don't think Enchantment 6 is a big research target for a lot of nations so I might have Fog Warriors by then.
Carson Parker
It already was like that in dominions 4, but only for commanders. I never understood why.
Landon Edwards
Either way they're respectable recruitathugs with fairly minimal gearing.
Jordan Ramirez
Storm also outright deletes half of your projectiles iirc. It's because the commander nagas have extra snake heads on their hoods. Look at the sprite closely.
Dylan Roberts
I think it may just be mundane projectiles? But yeah, it shuts down archers hard.
Carter Butler
Redpill me on strabo mods and warhammer mods.
Camden Moore
How about I redpill you on not posting the same garbage every single thread you filthy elf.
Cameron Hernandez
I got no responses last time.
Luke Taylor
Along the same lines, what the fuck do you do against a big pile of bats? I try to stick my commanders in the back, in the front, in the middle, but if they have 3+ squads then everyone is getting pounced on. Am I just supposed to set everyone in one big skirmish square on "hold and attack fliers" with my commanders in the center?
Xavier Thompson
What is good gear for a Succubus? Does the cat charm actually help with seduction?
Jaxson Young
it's +1 in the roll, not sure if it's worth the gems. Back in dominions 4 i used them with wand of incinerate and they worked great, but that's a lot of fire gems, I could afford that because I had an enormous fire income in that game.
Tyler Myers
I think Cat Charm, Bottle of Living Water, and Winged Shoes should be enough most of the time.
Eli Davis
>everyone is in so many games that no one talks about shit in thread and people randomly go AI in games they are less interested in because "lol i'm in 17 games hurr durr"
i'm not joining another PBEM for 5-6 months, fuck you dumb faggots
Austin Fisher
>Winged Shoes What?
Gabriel Hill
I want to avoid burnout I experienced in Dom4 so I'm in only 4 (two of which are just starting and one is very likely to end with my victory in 10 turns or so)
Christopher Morris
Heart finder sword. If you can't fuck them, stab them.
Connor Butler
>join every pbem that's ever posted to /domg/ >go AI in all of them where your first year/war isn't absolutely perfect/dominating >enjoy 100% winrate in the games you stay in >mfw
please tell me i'm not the only person that does this
Brody Howard
I'm strictly monogameous
Matthew Nelson
i have a strict rule of 1 pbem at a time since otherwise i will naturally prefer one of my games over all the others and will gradually lose interest in doing turns in all of my lesser-preferred pbems until it reaches critical phase of where doing turns in those lesser-preferred games feels like a chore, at which point i either dread launching dominions to take those turns or i just go ai
so yea, 1 pbem at a time
Lincoln Reyes
Thomas Reyes
She needs flying to get her targets back to your territory, unless you only want to do seduction right next to your borders
Juan Johnson
Succubi have flying as part of their chassis.
Chase Adams
Well, I blitzed Yomi man as an elf and took 2 of his provinces in one turn is that good enough?
Lincoln Adams
So your actual winrate is presumably mediocre.
Aiden Lee
That's a good point
I'm used to dryads and oreiads
Brody Diaz
>So your actual winrate is presumably mediocre.
only if you consider 100% winrate mediocre my dude
Brody Bailey
>tfw not in any games but still post about turns for attention anyway
Brody Robinson
>randomly go AI
I know that feel.
Bentley King
>Blitzed Yomi man as an elf >2 provinces in one turn You are so far below the level of elfing that you aren't even reaching gnome. If you aren't taking every single one of his unforted provinces in one turn then you are no true elf.
Noah Sullivan
join games through the steam group when you can, and advertise the steam thread on here
that way when people go AI in year 0 there's some accountability
Dominic Campbell
>games I lose don't count for my winrate
Luis Myers
this community is the only reason i decided to play mp in doms 4 and now 5 no lie
fukkin dank nigga
Elijah Carter
I am not a dirty coward, I play fair.
Luis Nelson
it's easily one of the best Veeky Forums threads, people dont avatar-fag, there isn't a huge amount of drama, shitposting just serves to keep the thread rolling and mostly everyone just plays the game
if you dont go to other threads outside this one you have no fucking idea how bad it is
Jack Phillips
Ascension wars feature two categories of pretender: the fair, and the potentially victorious.
Christian Parker
>tfw your chosen faction has sacred mages that start old age, but there's only one and they're not even your best so it feels like a waste to take Unaging
Leo Young
And I have a (theoretical) 100% win/draw rate in Chess while playing Magnus Carlsen, Stockfish/Komodo, AlphaZero and the reigning Advanced Chess champion simultaneously, while blindfolded.
After all, by making random moves determined by throwing dice (four 8-sided dice, two with a-h and two with 1-8, marking the move I'll make), I'm bound to win some games, and the games that I lost (an overwhelming majority due to being disqualified after making an illegal move) don't count.
Samuel Carter
>if you dont go to other threads outside this one you have no fucking idea how bad it is I usually check in on /gsg/ when I'm getting my Paradox fix.
It's bad
Liam Jenkins
plays a nice contrast though coming in here is a breath of fresh air
Aiden Taylor
I presume those that are for hentai games (all) are pretty good, since the sheer amount of porn they have means that they don't have to go off-topic.
Hudson Hall
>not just making ebin groB ulmaniums in Dominions
Gavin Rivera
It's not like the prize is anything special, the win text won't change even if you pick a fucking Bodhisattva of Mercy. I have the Oni to bully, that's good enough for now.
Levi Murphy
It generally depends. Dominions is a fairly niche game (though lively by those standards) and those typically draw in decent crowds.
If a game is popular enough that it gets commonly discussed outside of a general, it tends to filter in only the most horrifying of autists.
Luke Hill
It's a pretty stark difference. I play FGO on my phone during my commute on the train. I look at the thread for that occasionally to see if it's become less of a shitshow. So far it never has.
Bentley Williams
truly a recuperating crab in a sea of chaffposting
Justin Johnson
And then there's this guy.
Colton Perry
sacred Ys swans when??
Nolan Williams
Coming back to the game after staling 16 times in a row just to catch your foe off-guard is NOT acceptable.
Jack Miller
I wonder. Is Helheim from the Bobgame still here? Will he still loudly declaim Bob's unimpressiveness as an SC if it is mentioned? Have the passing years soothed his mighty buttfluster?