League of Legends general /lolg/

CUTE and ADORABLE edition!


die lulu player

Here are the leaks

xth for my wife Syndra

Lulu needs to be bullied

Share your champion and item ideas /lolg/

>champion ideas
remove zoe

Remove Yasuo
Remove Maokai

Here's a hard one

your rank
your top 3 champs
your 2 preferred roles
your server
your IGN

xth for can't get a game where I'm not tilting

>Morde received a large-scale rework
You mean the GU that Riot admited a failure and let him have 240 bugs, but somehow Certainlyshit keep his job

>There are people still playing lol

fire the balance team

>Ban vayne
>Enemy picks kog maw
>Ban kog maw
>enemy picks twitch
>ban twitch
>enemy picks vayne
>Most of these paired with a lulu meaning auto lose after the 25 minutes mark

I hate this game

Black rose femme fatalle that uses a whip for a whip
gains bonus AS for building lifesteal, has a low cooldown ultimate that makes her blink with a clone of her appearing to create confusion
low attack range

Never said it was good, but it was a bigger amount of work than was ever put into Wukong post release.

I want a female gun sword champ
GP is old and ugly

diamond 5 (1 win away from d4)
vayne yasuo kayn (dont play any of them anymore. i play wukong and velkoz now on this account)
garena indonesia
ayy lmao


this is a pic from yesterday

sounds like you should ban lulu

If League was an MMO, who would be the main bad guy?

Alliance probably


>lock in draven
>my support decides its a good idea to lock in xerath
Holy fuck where are all the lulu/janna egirls when you need them

Akali, Katarina, LeBlanc

I would like a league MMO set in ionia,its the place with most lore and champions no?

the jews

Void would make for a sick enemy faction.

does this user have a reading comprehension?

I was g5 when I last played ranked
Ashe, Ahri, Master Yi
ADC, Mid

>being this much of a tard

Pick Caitlyn?

You wake up with Lulus body as yours and a cute pix thinking you are Lulu
Whats the first thing you do? Suicide isnt an option, Pix will stop you

what would u do?

draven Caitlyn xayah
>kog maw
draven Caitlyn xayah
draven Caitlyn xayah
seeing the pattern here?

Bullet Hell Guy
P: Shoot slow-moving orbs that deal magic damage instead of auto attacks. Max range and orb speed increase with level.
Q: Fire a bolt that detonates orbs it passes through, dealing area damage and applying a 0.5s stun. Reduced damage for successive hits. Stun duration increases with rank.
W: Every xth attack fires additional orbs. Toggle between a line and a wave. Number of attacks to trigger reduces with rank.
E: After a delay, create an attractor on a location that draws in all orbs. The attractor pulses when an orb hits it, slowing units in the area. Slow and bonus orb speed increase with rank.
R: Fire a slow-moving wave that slows and deals damage. The wave absorbs all orbs that hit it, increasing its damage, slow, and maximum range.

shitpost on Veeky Forums all day then go to sleep

I suppose the Void accroding to lore, also most void creature could be incredible Bosses, now the champions in lol could appear to join the faction special quest to get special items or clothes by doing mission for them and one without faction are trickier, but gives cool rewards, like suvirvive Shaco's madhouse to get his mask and posion shiv or train with Malzahar to be a void herald

Older female noxian general, a tanky support that strengthens allied champions, minions and towers
Massively oversexualized thicc yordle girl (the role and the purpose really doesn't matter)
Meek little shota champion, support
Some kind of underwear/pants
A mace of some sorts

why didnt we get an update this week what the fuckthey said 3 weeks no major patch now its 4

just continue living my life, i can get food for myself and i'm practically high all the time, seems to be a pretty good way to do it

I love Vi?!?!

New Darkin champion that has a symbiotic relationship with his host, they don't fight for control of the body, the darkin simply dosen't care anymore and neither the warrior, they're not in anyone side, they just help themselves, there just loyalty between them

How likely is this ship to happen?


Irelia rework which makes her a ranged AD/AP caster carry:

Her 4 abilities are her 4 blades, activating one of them makes one blade travel towards the direction of the cursor. Reactivating the spell returns the blade to Irelia, except for one blade where she dashes towards it instead (think her current Q). Each blade has special properties and all of them can be maxed to lvl5 (like Udyr, but ranged). Fairly short cooldowns on each of them and melee autoattacks with fixed attack speed, so she's forced to use her abilities to deal damage.

Passive: Since her soul is in the blades (according to current lore if I remember correctly), the blades mark an area on the map with the blades as corners. They give her some kind of bonus.

Why don''t you name him Eddie while doign that.

Please, riot. For the love of god. Do it.

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What if Swain was a young and hot Black Rose initiate and it was MAXIMUM YAOI?

How do I lane vs Ryze?

Every single time I go against him it becomes a borefest farmlane. Is there any way to win this matchup

Which LeBlanc chroma should I get? The joker one or the Willy Wonka one?

Cute and adorable edition?

Taking a break during preseason is relaxing. What other games do you guys play besides League?

Why are my Adcs always such little shits?

Prestige LeBlanc would be so much better without the hat. The splash is amazing

>Venom is the only example of two beings in one body working together
Also Eddie relationship with Venom was never a friendship is always about control, Venom is shown to abandon Eddie if Peter just say the words "i'll take you back" specially since the recent retcon of symbiontes being good beings that get corrupted

Then name him Flash.

Because supports are whiny cunts who take CS for "muh deathcap"

I want to marry Janna so she can cheat on me with every single cock on planet while pretending that she loves me and im only one that matters for her.


why do these fucking maddengifs make me giggle so much

But Adc whines about everything and I think the question we should be asking is what they don't whine about

Venom is too neddy, the guys should be friend, not one them crying and remembering their exes and then attach to anyone because he feels conflicted

Since when the symbiot is such a pussy?

would smash that jinx in an instant

Flash's bond with Venom was perfect.
So perfect Venom actually took Flash to his home planet for a date.

>ywn be janna and satisfy every lonely user on this general


Because the role is very mechanically demanding and one mistake could mean death for them (or you.)

And then he went to sasuke uchiha and then jumped to Peter in a heart bit, but i'm happy that Flash got anti he deserved better

The klyntar retcon was dumb thought, it takes a lot of the effort Flash put in the Venom change

Blood-letting Vampire support.

Abilities involve increasing spell vamp and lifesteal on friendly champions, dealing bleed damage to enemy champs, and increasing heal yield and damage against any champion experiencing DOT.

Item that reduces DOT effects
Item that increases damage to shields at the cost of damage to health.

>types "gun sword"
>gets a gun sword
>cries about it

>Blood letting support


Vlad's Darkin mom?

>had to stop permabanning Yas since Kat is uber cancer
>they are most likely not going to do shit to her next patch

Just get me off this ride

>What if Swain was a young and hot Black

A paparazzi girl that dives into dangerous situations to get the ultimate scoop.
Getting passive stacks on champions "exposes" them which makes them take increases damage and momentarily stunned.
She also has a taunt

>even if you're playing in a premade with 5 people and every single one of you bans some cancer there is still not enough bans

Swain x LeBlanc x Vladimir sandwich is a thing crafted in heaven.

Stop playing touhou

A black guy that closes anything with water.

>Shen doing absurd amounts of damage despite building full tank

What bleed damage or vamp/lifesteal does soraka provide?

Did you just read the first sentence and completely shut off your brain, or what?

So does Malphite


>i don't know what character's skills do and instead of trying to learn how to play against them i will just shitpost


user the CLIMB is less than 2 weeks away!
you ARE going to CLIMB this season right?!

Kled is VERY cute!!

Plat II
Kled, Ziggs, Rumble
Top and Mid
i'm not giving it, i'm shy.

aren't you too late for that?

Silver 5
Yorick, sion and alistar
Top and Support

Post league setups.

Camille is cute and adorable!

g3 (chal and d4 got banned)
trynd kayn ez
boosted zoe

>just discovered Nautilus taunts and emotes

Jesus this nigga is fucking 10/10 BM, how do I git gud at him?

Diamond 2
Darius, Sion, Yorick
Top, Support

why though

Shouldn't klepto be worse on ranged champs?

*has autism fit*

Miss that 12mr yet?

what is your end game aside from denying any fun

challenger this season