League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

Other urls found in this thread:

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=i am cojones

mi wifau syndro

also kys lisscuck you fuckin autismo maximo. same goes for loolooposter

xth for CURING Vi of her homosexuality and turning her into a super feminine housewife.

I want to buy $35 worth of rp. is that dumb?

>on a winstreak
>op.gg everyone in champselect
>all elohelled sub-humans on losing streaks

>lolg hates lulu now

she's ugly and purple skin

xth for wanting to look EXACTLY like Cho'Gath.

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=i am cojones

his iq? his age?

When your whole team busts out the best game of their life

looloo is perilously close to being broken because of her S tier hard CC and defensive buffs that ALSO give scaling damage

she was also incredibly anti-fun in lane until they gutted her q waveclear

Why don't supports start with six consumables anymore?

Why are these two so cute?!?!

which female champ wouldn’t mind an autistic lover

how does one start with 6 consumables?

too many buttons for girls to handle

Best girl.
Best saliva.
Best wife.

teleport back in time



i might quit league for a while because bobs burgers just went on canadian netflix sooo...

She'll suck the soul out of one autistic lover and go on to the next


Because they are the best

>Best saliva.

What Hero can abuse this the best?

>ugly in-game model
>cancerous kit
>annoying VO
>toxic and/or autistic playerbase
>Lulufag spamming in the general ruined her likability for the rest of /lolg/


remember when zzrot had like a million fuckin health and traveled a third of the map? good times, good times.

>no more mana potions outside of kleptomancy
>no more pink wards
>ywn cover the map in so many wards it looks like you removed the fog of war
I miss season 3.

>Best saliva.
That's wrong though.

And then people rushed it and broke it.

I remember when it first came out and some fag called me an idiot for buying it


Here's your Voli rework bro
I just hope Riot doesn't turn him into another boring tank like they did to Sion/Poppy/Galio

>Besto Saliva


>Best saliva

Is that a new warwick skin?

Not bad

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>dusting legacy


I fucking wish Warwick could dish out damage like Ursa

Just got into this game, whats a good thing to do when you have a lead? Dumb question I know, I like to jungle and I really enjoy ganking early and usually end up with a lot of kills early on but I don't know what to do with my lead almost, like everyone starts playing safer the lanes are pushed in. Do I just clear the enemy jungle and try to duel him? Or should I try and push a wave hard and get towers

>Skin is automatically good just because it's Legacy
Yeah no. Also Blood Moon Shen is the best because he fights with a club.

get out of here Murder Sharp
>tfw no one will get that reference



jungle akali really isn't that bad if you pick it against the right teams

>google it
>get the reference


So, how long have you been gone from the game?

reminder that this is what lux was once like

Yeah that looks like Trash

the outrage was so great they changed it permanently. i cant even get that copy from their servers now

what the fuck even is that outfit

>I've fought this fight already, we win
Man fuck
Buff caitlyn

i like how she doesn't have panties


xth for Cute Ashe

In to the bed i go

good night lolg

Goodnight Ashe

riven or vlad


but cute

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no slutlux

also why did they ruin her vo
I was playing base lux on my smurf and the vo is terrible now, made me want to claw my own ears out before i remembered to mute character voices

>The bigger they are the harder they _______


This general is dead.
It's been moving so slowly the past 3 days.

>no slutlux
It's called Star Guardian.

its new years nigga
its 20 fuckin 18
it is the [CURRENT YEAR] of league

the game is in a bad state
urf was bad
most people are playing other shit now, itll be more alive once we get a new patch

I've been busy playing games I got from the Steam sale. First it was Hollow Knight. Then I picked up the first Deus Ex for 97 cents.

>be this player
>be in my champ select
>locks ahri instead of orianna

it is pre season though
worst time to rank

There's been no new patches or content for almost a month. There's not a whole lot to talk about.

when will le EPIK PLAY MAGE BOT TO CARRY ebin meme end?

>Openly using magic in Demacia

>more red posts on surrender@20
>Bunch of stupid shit about emotes
Where are the pbe updates?


I guess this wasnt enough

He was afraid of getting counterpicked on Orianna.


does anyone have the chart of the strongest league of legends characters

like celestial human noble captain civillian etc not in-game winrates


comfy bfs~

hi lolg few questions
favorite champ?
favorite item?
favorite animal?
choc or vanilla?
feet or armpits?
what changes would you like to see for the game?

hey lolg
post ur:
bank account
favorite colour
account name
first champ bought
fav skin
date of account creation


Mobility Boots
That rodent with big ears when the match begins by the wolves
>not going strawberry
>being a degenerate
Id like to see less if you shits

>were out of ideas for resolve
>Just give them another d shield

great answer hope to see you soon


Nunu for all of them

actually i forgot you want to see less shit so forget that last part sorry

>make runes shit canned
>replace it with new runes
>5 different types, each with 4 perk types, 3 for each perk
>can pick a second one with less perks than primary
>have 60 things to choose from
>can only pick 6 per page
>not enough to be interesting
>its all samey
>its better off not existing
shit runes

t. Yasuo/Zed main crying that he can't build enough lethality

I'm the user that got banned unjustly (provided pics and most of you agreed)

since I was interested and found 0 up-to-date information regarding this shit, here's my own research others might find useful:

getting my honor level unlocked took less than a week with 27 games played. I got honored on just over a quarter by them by friends (one honor at a time) mixed in with probably half of that quarter worth of honors by randoms

It is not worth trying to stop your team from tilting or raging at each other according to what Riot has stated, it is best to mute them and accept your fucking loss and waste of time. I still vehemently disagree with this retarded attitude
simply based on the amount of players I've convinced over the last 5 seasons that a game is truly winnable and being child is not worth the effort.

I think the worst part of the so-called "punished" queue isn't the occasional toxicity you come across, it's the ingame behaviour which you can't fucking report. To give you a few examples;

- Purposeful red stealing (when you're the jungler)
- Taking the entire camp but leaving one cs in your jungle
- Attempts at stealing your jungle cs as you're doing it (easily countered but still a shitty thing to do)
- Threats in pregame lobby of picking a "rare" support if you don't do something specific like picking only meta champions (and "rare" champions being hecarim/kled support)

- Jungler cunts coming in to steal your cs even if they didn't try to gank

- Calling you to give you a buff then smiting it last second

But yeah, very little chat toxicity was actually met.

It took me less than two weeks to get honor 5 when it came out, I wonder how long it will take this time.

Any rework leeks recently?

not as hungry as i used to be wnjoy music less weak urine stream piss stuck in my dick champ for this feel

>It took me less than two weeks to get honor 5 when it came out, I wonder how long it will take this time.
I wonder how long it will take for you to get banned again.

>forced 50

nigger there is no punished queue get over it
riot doesnt care enough about its players for that

my goodboy&goy account still gets matched with toxic shits every other game and thats with all chat off