>calling Warframe boring grindy shit with no end purpose compared to Path of Vaultism
lmao y'all dumb
Jaxon Bailey
Just got my first stacked deck Wish me luck.
Adrian Phillips
those items gave me cancer
Jacob Gonzalez
Does the meme sword still drop? I swear ive ran this fucking beach 100 times
Parker Ramirez
>friend keeps saying he's making X exalts per hour doing vaults >but he's poor
How is this even a thing, how do these people say shit like "I'M MAKING 400 CHAOS PER HOUR AT VAULTS!!" but they're on like no biscos, no HH etc etc gear and have like 15 ex in their stash
Is it like they see a good set of sextants and double beyond it and they get an abandoned wealth and they completely ignore the last 50 maps where they barely broke even?
oh. I thought it would be an ENTIRE deck of any random card.
Juan Ward
It was originally designed to drop in a stack of 20. A stacked deck. Then thye made them drop in singles in a few spots.
John Green
Malachai was a better final boss than Kitava tbqhwyf
Connor Hughes
>malachai got demoted to a t13 map >t15s are garbage like the meme spider and that fat fuck who spends more time outside of the boss arena than in it
Dominic Reed
Yeah, Kitava is also all over the place in terms of difficulty. I had runs with almost no deaths throughout the entire story, even the Labyrinths, and then Kitava would just completely destroy me. Since then I alaways level up before I enter so I wont lose any progress. I blame the tiny arena and the limited movement. And that he can be outside of camera range so you cant even see him telegraphing his attacks.
Camden Edwards
I've tried looking online but to no avail. How do I actually get maps that will drop Shaper's Memories to spawn?
Robert Brown
Elder needs to capture a map that the Shaper was controlling.
Caleb Robinson
>FREE >free >FREE >free >free
William Lewis
So what is going to be nerfed into the dirt in 3.2 besides sextants?
So the shaper controls a map and what do I do? Just do elder maps until it randomly moves to shaper?
Anthony Gray
No. Wait for Shaper to influence a map next to Elder and then do that one. If it's eligible for a Memory Fragment (first 10 are just tiers 6-15 in general), one will appear, then you run the map again while it's under the influence of Elder.
Hunter Nelson
Eli Martinez
What should I do if no Elder map and Shaper map are near each other?
I also appreciate your help user.
Dominic Allen
keep doing maps. Elder will advance outwards, or Shaper will.
Thomas Wood
I've had a lot of fun this league just being casual and MF low maps and my sextanted shaped t10 and selling all my chisels and shit to tryhards. the xp grind is really boring to me now
Dominic Parker
shield charge spectres maybe pen but I'm less convinced than I was before abyssal jewels
holy fuck have abyssal jewels got to go
Brandon Edwards
It will happen without fail because the Shaper attempts to limit the Elder's outward growth.
Leo Butler
So in general:
Don't do shaper/elder maps until they're next to each other, then do the shaper map?
I currently have 8 of the memory fragments, but I just wasn't even sure how I was getting them, I was doing it randomly. Do I need to have the shaper on a certain map?
Yes, I know my map isn't set up for vault stuff. Sorry.
I just got a belly and upgraded my gear pieces with even more life. However I'm worried about having less armor, though it seems that doesn't matter much
Still way less health than I'm comfortable with even though I respecced to grab life nodes
Josiah Sanchez
Only Vaultists care about Vault, it's fine. But yes. If you have the first 8, that means you'll need Elder to take a Shaper-influenced T14.
Samuel Taylor
If I just keep doing maps will that Elder part move over to a tier 14, or do I need to do that elder map?
Thomas Baker
It'll move on its own over time. You could technically just ignore Elder and Shaper and they'll show up eventually.
Luke Ortiz
Alright, thanks user. I have a lot of red-tier maps, and I'll just grind away at those for a while.
I appreciate it. For some reason there is very little War of the Atlas stuff on the web.
Juan Jackson
It's cause War dropped right when Gamepedia (the wiki PoE uses) completely shit the bed across all portals. As of today, it's officially working at almost full capacity again, but it's gonna take awhile before the Wiki editors get to what they do best.
Jeremiah Lopez
if im trying to do a FB build with this do i benefit more from crafting AS or crit multi?
Carson Cruz
>Facebreaker >SWORD You literally can't benefit from it.
Adrian Ortiz
Well, this was quick. now I just have to do the Dig map?
Lincoln Green
Twice, but yes.
Grayson Adams
Nigger you dumb as hell.
Isaiah Rogers
>what is frost blades
Hunter White
>Using Facebreakers just for the Crit Multi
Liam Morgan
>Frost Blades Facebreaker Fucking how?
Cooper Rogers
nobody said im using a facebreaker though.
FB = Frost Blades jesus fucking christ
Charles Martin
Does anyone actually play HC unironically? Seems like most people that do just play it so they can say they play it.
Nathaniel Morales
Guess which came first. Guess which was abbreviated first. Frost Blades is Frost Blades. You are also literally wearing Facebreaker's in that image.
Jack Price
>guy posts a sword >guy says he is going to do a fb build with it >/poeg/ can't into basic logic >/poeg/ autisticly screeches about how retarded guy is
never change
Tyler Morris
>leaving out the fact that said guy is wearing a pair of fucking facebreakers.
Wyatt Gomez
What is the most retarded build you ever brought to endgame /poeg/? How far did you get?
Matthew Carter
kripparian here
Jonathan Morgan
Charles Price
That said, the answer to your question was actually Attack Speed.
Jaxson Ward
are you lvl 7?
Julian Bailey
>It's an Alkaizer makes fun of Kripp episode.
Angel Powell
>people whine about shaped meta to get strand nerfed >now whining about vaults and sextants
will these people not be happy until we're forced to run fucking torture chambers and crematoriums? well fuck that I won't do it. When you play for extended periods of time, running anything that isn't a simple layout drives you fucking insane.
t. done full atlas once before and refuse to ever again
Caleb Scott
Is Death's Oath any good? Whenever I check it in PoB the damage seems always terrible, even with the Arcane Surge trick
Jayden Taylor
I bet 99% of the people in that plebbit thread don't even have a character over 90.
They're trying to push this "You should be rewarded for full atlas completion" meme, because I know the cucks at ggg are going to give them what they want.
Benjamin Cox
what's the most braindead selfcast build
Lincoln Butler
What about allowing people to carefully construct their atlas AND people get benefits for completing it? That way there are multiple viable ways to play?
Juan Parker
I hope everyone loves running story bosses, with 10min long invulnerable transition phases! YASSS REDDDIT SLAY
Mason Baker
they can remove sextant blocking, i dont care. as long as they dont fuck up shaped maps like they did with strand im ok with it.
playing all the maps just fucking sucks. i dont want to run docks an deal with shitty labyrinth traps before the dumb boss. i dont want to run cells and spend more than half my time backtracking through the godawful layout. i dont want to run malformation and get mad at how fucking trash it is.
i want to pick a map i like, shape it, and farm it for the rest of the league. in breach it was strand, in legacy it was arachnid tomb, in harbinger it was racecourse. now i still havent decided, but it will probably be atoll.
protip: that is already the case, and has been for all the past leagues since the atlas came out.
Nathaniel Cooper
I have a level 93 and a level 91 so far this league. I also have 156/157 on the atlas. Min-Maxing your atlas is one of the highest forms of autism in this game. I just alch em, run em, and repeat.
Justin Cooper
Your inefficiency is why you're only lvl 93 and not 100, 6 months into the current league, faggot. You apparently have 16 hours a day to play, what's your excuse for not minmaxing, Too much anime/soy to consume?
Oliver Evans
Why do corpse detonations do so much fucking damage?
Matthew Gray
because something has to
Grayson Reyes
>Your inefficiency is why you're only lvl 93 and not 100
I guess. I normally stop trying to level after 93 considering it just becomes a burden.
>You apparently have 16 hours a day to play
On the weekends I sure do.
> what's your excuse for not minmaxing,
It's tedious, annoying, and overwhelmingly unenjoyable to manage.
>Too much anime/soy to consume?
That's some extreme projecting there user.
Camden Hall
Alch & Go™
Ryan Miller
>tfw want challenge locked "mtx" RIP. All those missed rewards.
Leo Cooper
>want to try out a fun, expensive build >dont want to have to shell out any of my precious exas What's a man to do
Jack Perry
you're not going to do anything with those exalts anyway
also ">exa" just kill yourself
Alexander Brown
>cant even greentext >tells other people to kill themselves smdh senpai to be desu
Jackson Parker
>FREE >free >FREE >free >free
Jackson Cruz
>Reddit is unanimously against shaped farming with the use of sextants and game mechanics. >They're predictably forcing the "I'm having le (((fun))) with 157/157 XD, just alch 'n go 'my dude! shwifty" meme
Imagine sharing the same opinions as reddit, lmao.
Levi Hughes
They are also against mirror tier gear since someone else cant have that much currency. They are trying to push hard nerfs into damage and/or diminishing returns.
Xavier Nelson
are you literally retarded
Hunter James
>Falling for the "Complete Every Map" meme.
Every league, this never gets old.
Christian Rogers
>see an abyss jewel thatd be perfect for my build >slightly too expensive for my tastes >msg the guy to try and jew him down >receive msg from myself trying to jew down my own item
Austin Young
>Seriously, genuinely trying to apply /pol/ memes about left-leaning SJW males to someone not shaping their atlas correctly
Daniel Jackson
>Getting upset over soy/cuck/jew referencing.
Why do you idiots keep outing yourselves? Humiliation fetish?
Jackson Butler
found the soyboy
Camden Bennett
No, I am just genuinely curious how this meme possibly applies to how people play PoE.
It would be like if I called vaulists amerimutts or muslims. It just doesn't make any sense.
Jose Gutierrez
this meme is retarded
Aaron Adams
i'm reading about a spectre build and there's something about having to travel to raise special spectres? will my spectre character suck until i can reach those high level maps where i can get good spectres or something?
Nathaniel Sanchez
I bet you still didn't sell it, Jew.
Adam Wright
People will sell you shaper portals and shit. they are fine from lower tier maps but they are a lot more ayyyyy from higher maps.
Luke Stewart
I decided to just buy it at full price since he seemed like an ok dude.
Tyler Hall
at worst you'll have on-level spectres that are still better than half the other things you could be doing
Brody King
theres like only a couple spectres that are any good so you will get them somehow and keep them around
Justin Flores
am i going to buy one of those shaper portals as a fresh character to get ridiculous summons and then have those forever?
Jack Johnson
Can't enter map portals till act 10s done, so no.
Josiah Gutierrez
where do you guys go for the regal orb prophecy
Jackson Thomas
What would be a good budget build for a late league starter?
Cameron Allen
slayer molten strike
Asher Evans
which is more meta? ek nova, spectres or spectral throw
Isaiah Ortiz
Deaths oath builds are for powerfarming maps with occultist explosions not for bossing
Angel Jenkins
EK Nova is probably most meta.
Spectres are popular and good, but because of the innate nature of how they function they'll never be meta.
Christian Walker
I'm probably getting memed on hard but it is tempting.
Caleb Hill
It's not a meme
Josiah Jackson
What the fuck does minefield quality do? Increase the aoe of the ability?
Jordan King
I'm doing it to level with memesword. It's pretty fun, but I'd like to settle for something that doesnt need 2 jews