/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: FGO2 starts on Spring (approx. Late March)

New Year Rate-up
>4 Scat
>5 Moriarty
>6 Melt + CCC CE
>7 Everyone above
>8 Tamamo no Mae + 2016 CE
>9 Musashi + 2017 CE
>10 Katsuhika Hokusai (ends on 12:59 JST)

New Year Campaign
3 days login present:
>18 quartz + 1 ticket
>18 apples + 1 ticket
>9 Fou ATK and 9 Fou HP + 1 ticket

>20M QP + 2018 CE from Retweets
>10 ticket for 10 MP
>New Year Lucky Bag = 10M QP, 1000FP and 1 CE EXP card
>1/2 AP EXP daily, Great and Super Success rate doubled until 10th January 12:59 JST

For other news open news link

New Year Paid Gacha

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


news soon

The gilfag will try to ignore this, but the jetfag was actually right about almost everything he said before the A rank down
>Arondight does have a swordbeam
>Lancelot stats are indeed without Arondight taken into account
>Saber can indeed use FSG and KoO with Arondight out
>Overload and the swordbeam are indeed different
>now Saber got the ability to double any stat at will too
The only saving grace the Gilfag has is that random rank down from A++ to A, which we still have to see where it will go from here (if Extella 2 mats list UBW as A++ again it's pretty much over), is the only thing keeping the gilfag shitposting around. Even then he got his fair share of BTFO by losing to Mephistopeles and Foreigner, and Failnaught implying Interlude rank ups are not canon.

It's an endless cycle of shitpost, one side can never ever get the advantage without getting BTFO himself in some way.

Nobu a CUTE.

This cute little slut is too lewd

Stop making me want Hokusai. You fuckers had better not post any cute or lewd Hokusai's in this thread.

Dango 3 soon.

Who should voice her?


Post paid gacha results and rate your level of disappointment

we would never do that

Stop tempting me, i dont want to roll my quartz to get nothing.




>>Arondight does have a swordbeam
>>Lancelot stats are indeed without Arondight taken into account
Zerk one? That's without Arondight but with ME boost right?
>>Overload and the swordbeam are indeed different
Technically the end product is the same since he still shoot out beams.
>>Saber can indeed use FSG and KoO with Arondight out
>>now Saber got the ability to double any stat at will too
First time hearing this meme.

Isn't it sad?

I would say Noto if she wasn't all over the place already



Be honest anons. How do you feel about us having to genocide a few universes for survival?

Gaijin are the new hotness, I guess.

Uesaka Sumire


At least it's not Mordred.
He's a great crit generator if you don't have Jack, I guess.

Me (true)

What bullshit do you expect on this year's Nerofest?

The hoont begins

My wife

How do we do that lorewise?

odds do paid gacha
evens use the money to increase the budget to buy a cheap phone

>Having worst idol with her
What did she expect?

Dupe. Slightly less disappointing than the Nightingale dupe I got last time.

dumb male master.

imagine the sounds of their heads cracking open when you kick them down the stairs

Meh. I already have Karna and Tamalancer, not to mention she is on rate-up today even without the paid gatcha.

Dat finger

Thats my wife though

Congrats on rolling best boy. Please take good care of him.

Not my first choice but hey, limited. Plus now I can field a team of Oni-blooded servants.

>not wanting Mordred
Are you perhaps of the homosexual persuasion?

Only when you're using his NP on three enemies.

Why the melons?

Live or die by the sword, what power do you hold in your hand?

My wife Abigail is so adorable!

I like this picture. If I play this game, can I own this girl?

watermelon at the beach is a thing in japan


I love holmes

She's trying to seduce a black guy

Some of Lovecraft's stories are weird as fuck
Or maybe I don't understand them

You cant marry your daughter.

Singles or tens? What do you do and how successful are you in rolling?

why your wife always dress like a retard?


She's on rate-up later on the 10th in Japan.

I wonder if any of the masters will get a Seiyuu

She's on rateup again in a few days.


Got Medb. Its a shame since I'll probably never use her. I don't hate her, its just that I have too many Riders I like.


Yes I can. She's already my daughterwife

I have rolled this mediocre abomination four times now. Four Mordreds. Fourdred.
She came up twice during a Nero Bride rate-up and twice just completely at fucking random.
I don't have any other 5*s that aren't shit. Amakuso, Illya, if it's an SSR and it's shit, I have it. Can't give me any of the other common pool 5*s like Jack or Drake. Just Mordred. All the time.
Fucking overgrown wad of fairy cunt discharge should just neck herself.

You can buy a quartz account which has 900 quartz for about $5 and roll for her on her rate up on the tenth

They attacked first, can't complain if they get annihilated in retaliation.

Best way to get these three? I'm only at the end of Okeanos.

By the way, if there's no fake HGWs in Lostbelts, that means most of the new Servants are going to be Lostbelt-related. No more situations like with curries in America?

Whats up user

Newfag here, can someone explain to me what a daughterwife is? Is it someone you fuck who is also autistic or young so you have to take care of her too?

Ok, I have 5 bucks to blow. How do I go about doing this?


Forgot pic

She's not Russian enough to really warrant Sumipe.
But I'll tell you who is.

Tickets are best.

Google it

Amakuso is good now according to the memelist.

Cute retard

Savior Kiara soon can't wait to hear this in her NP


Why is that squid man raping his daughter

Can you provide the sauce pls?

>I have rolled this mediocre abomination four times now. Four Mordreds. Fourdred.
Might as well go for NP5 Mordred and 10/10/10 for memes, bonus point if you grailed her to 100.

Go to ebay, kekbook or reddit.

Who are you again?

I like Martha

At least you got the cutest and sexiest Servant.
And you should have her alt outfit available, right?

Are you me?

wtf i love Hokusai more now

Why aren’t you?

I like you user

Which characters are popular but never get posted in fgog?

Why did you say that name?

It's consensual, they're married couple.



I didn't get dude in the paid gacha bros... why... I just wanted him so bad bros...

I am happy

>Mashu was part of A team
>Says they were all good people
>Suddenly they're talking about world domination, like they're totally different people

Gee its almost like there's another force at work that's brainwashing other masters, bringing us to our lowest point, and pitting us to destroy other worlds for some reason.

nice potatoes

Can one of the many femanons of /fgog/ tell me what it feels like to have a tentacle in your vagina?

“Sun” servant -You clearly have done that before so do that one again. Unless it was Tamamo Cat, then you’re probably fucked

Dogs - Go fight werewolves in Orleans or something

Mountain - Mt Etna or w/e in Septem

All else fails, use those apples we got and fucking do the story newfag

she is much better than Karna and fox slut