What are some good colony-making sims??
Screw that this is a RIMWORLD THREAD
Colony Sims other than rimworld
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Dorf Fort is genuinely fun and the addition of Z-levels can offer a refreshing change to Rimworld's formula
This. Only takes a couple of days to get past the ascii and bad ui but it's a brilliant game that I've still barely touched the surface of.
i tried to make a rainforest colony with average temp 170 in winter
i got past day 1 if i microd real hard but then would die to dumb shit like the raider knocking out one of my 15 air coniditioners needed to cool my 4x4 room
t. /dfg/
make your coolers form a circle at the center of your fridge
the underscore is an unroofed area
rimworld needs some vehicles mods
It has a mod with mounts, for what it's worth.
Are you not setting the temperature low enough or has there been some update that fucked up refrigeration?