Why did the Civil Rights movement fragment and fallout

Why did the Civil Rights movement fragment and fallout.
Was it because they all wanted equality but weren't united on equality of outcome or oppurtunity.
Can black power be blamed for Whites thinking enough had been done.
Or is it the fault of the ghetto dwellers refusal to cooperate unlike the Southern Blacks

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>inb4 butt mad /pol/fags with hurr durr nigger arguements

thank you sir for derailing the thread, as a longtime browser I know that if you include that in your OP then people will shitpost as they know it annoys you.

Bit of both. You had one side who didn't hate white people and genuinely wanted to get along with them, (based MLK) and then you had Malcolm X who was a bit of a dickhead with the whole black power shit.

You tend to find that movements or ideologies which preach for unity without discriminating against one ethnicity (As opposed to BLM doing horrible shit to white people or black people who disagree with them) will last longer.

MLK is a pretty good bloke in my books. I believe in equality of opportunity, but wanting equality of outcome is not fair.

Tl; dr black lives matter a shit, MLK good

What do you think of him leaving Jesse Jackson in charge of 'Operation Breadbasket' which boycotted shops until they hired blacks, and also demanding federal intervention to improve the Ghettos.

Also how exactly did 'Affirmative Action' come about, was it something put in to stop riots or was it genuinely thought to improve race relations. As from my point of view it seems many will whitewash any bad black getting a job as because of affirmative action and stopping a hard working white man getting a job, thus breeding a cycle of racism.

You know who lost their shit when Malcolm X started speaking out against the jews, martin luther king was assassinated, and the rest were not nearly as influential for various reasons

It was never about civil rights anyway it was just jews wanting to spite whitey and once they did that they dropped them like a rock
NAACP was founded by jews and didn't even have a black president until like 30 years later

How do you know it's a jewish supremacy, and not because of the fact that jews were mainly middleclass and so looked to the lower class as their allies. Much like modern Hwite middle class american hipsters.

AA in colleges, which is what I assume you mean, came about because it was something universities as independent entities could do to increase opportunity. Part of the problem is that college is seen as both opportunity and outcome, and colleges really don't have the power to dictate AA policies where they might be more effective. There's also the separate history of quotas in general, which were not necessarily positive discrimination, just supposed to be a safeguard against negative discrimination.

But could you say that the reaction to government mandated AA, in jobs as well as colleges, lead to positive discrimination instead of stopping negative discrimination.

Aa is negligible as a % of admissions.

You guys talk like blacks were ever united in our goals. We were never.

My family were proponents of Dubois's talented 10th, they were blue veins and later Jack and Kills a society club for upper class blacks who usually descended from legitimate children of America's wealthiest and powerful white families both in the North and South.

For a long time they cared only for their own means and empowerment. Even in the deep south, in the heights of White Supremacy my family's blood associations with the White Elite brokers deals of greater autonomy consolidating our positions as the top of "coloured" society.

Now of course there was the Booker T Washington who believer our subservience to white elites circumventing black elites would secure vital avenues of reliance but by then Irish, Italian and other groups were whittling it away for decades so his plan would keep us serfs.

By the 40s and 50s Dubois' plans were creating a broader middle class of those with some or even no Blue Vein links who intermarried into them. As such a shift for this broad middle class occurred that ultimately had to abandon the poorest, MLK and others sought to further the economic system so all the poorest could benefit but they were killed.

So we are left with poor in the urban inner city and rural deep south, they could not gain because the system of the whole could and would not budge.

So yeah. I think I just did your homework but here.

COINTELPRO intentionally broke up a lot of black movements.

More generally, mass frustration at the slow pace of progress lead to race riots, and black communities were destroyed by social and economic pressures in the 70s through the 90s.


> Malcolm X who was a bit of a dickhead with the whole black power shit.

didn't malcolm x eventually reject that kind of black nationalism?

Federal intervention to help ghettos sounds fine by me. As for the forcing people to hire blacks, you have to understand it was a different time.

Today, I think affirmative action is a fucking joke. I believe in universal education, but if you're going to have affirmative action, it should come for people who come from low income households who might not be able to afford education. Their race doesn't matter.

>commie head smasher

Yeah this doesn't look unbiased at all

>jews were mainly middleclass
................are u fucking retarded

most jews from the early-mid 20th century were immigrants who had to toil for their living. it's why jews, alongside the irish and italians were known for being involved in organized gangs

one thing has got nothing to do with the other.

developed rational hate is not disingenuous.

The Civil Rights movement transformed into a poor people's movement by the time MLK was assassinated. These large movements are by in large conducted by young highschool/college aged people- who have the luxury of free time. Race and poverty are related, of course, so it's not really a proper fracture that took place internally. What you might consider internal fractures- the socialist, communist, marxist, and liberation movements within the black community were torn asunder by the U.S. government. Black community organizers were murdered and imprisoned, and red scare propaganda successfully quashed genuine public discourse on the merits of marxism, socialism, communism, and liberation theology. The poor people's movement transformed into a pro workers' union movement in part and a criminal justice reform movement (arguing injustice in the courts and prisons). All of these "fractures" are areas that severely impact the well being of the civil rights movement- so in that respect they are still centered around attaining equality for black people. Movements like justice reform and worker unions usually have tangible and specific goals and demands which makes them more easily obtainable than say the nebulous concept of civil rights. It's also worth mentioning that some people who were in the civil rights movement joined the feminist movements and gay rights movement- both of which improve black lives. (although there was some resistence to both movements in part by black churches who were against homosexuality, and in part by radical black liberationists and communists who saw feminism as divisive)

>black power
Had roots in empowering black people not to consider themselves victims. Their plan was that black people would be in charge of their own protection- since the police force could not be trusted to do so fairly in a way that wasn't detrimental to black communities. It also meant galvanizing academics from black perspectives.

>ghetto dwellers southern blacks

There was lots of cooperation both on the west coast with the black panthers and in the southeast with the marches and protests in Alabama. Not sure why you think otherwise.