/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2578

>Recent News
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A
Granblue Fest happened
- Day 1: pastebin.com/5W94vG7c
- Day 2: grancypher.com/2017/12/23/granblue-fes-2017-day-2-news-roundup/
Balance Update went live - pastebin.com/yMve0nK6

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

12/21 - 1/4 - New Year's Special (pastebin.com/d2L4VpvH
12/31 - 1/4 - Legfest

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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wtf bros wheres the ubaha


Why do you guys always say Lecia is a good pick for a newbie when she's the LEAST newbie friendly Grand? She's fucking useless until you reach Chapter 75 and even then she's still practically fucking useless. You think Grimnir is worth more than a fucking golden ass team like Ayer, Mellaeu and Vas with fucking Alexial? Fucking unbelievable this general I swear to fuck.

lewd as fuck senpai

Is he going to give her EBOLA?

Nerf Wind

>my biggest experience

This isn't the beato thread I was promised

So what's going to be the next bandwagon element after wind?

Stop dropping these you whore. I want the Olden ones. Not these.

>shivas 1+ years old, alex is 8 months
>"j-j-j-just you wait guys! g-g-ggrimnirs gonna be as common as them in no time!!!~"

Am I still supposed to do daily magnas outside of the half ap events? It costs so much...
How many pots can I afford to use every day to complete them?

so is it worth spending choco bars on the JK dagger or nah?


You mean >the biggest experience


>this backpedaling

because getting a great limited and an unticketable summon to match is better than an array of ticketable characters

>being this assblasted

Post Beato

Why bahamut don't drop the horn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wait until fire gets saved

Where the fuck is my beato thread?

>account 1: Lecia, Albert, fire Zeta, Grimnir and Agni
>account 2: earth Vas, earth Melleau, Ayer, Korwa, Altair, Agielba, Rosamia, Lady Grey, Sarunan, Azazel Alexiel and Zephyrus
Not the user who posted this, but I wanna see blood.

Dead like her

If that user won't make use of the Grimnir account he better give it to me

She's the best girl of the bunch that user had to pick for

I lied

second by a country mile

wtf bros lecia is shit noobs cant use her -_-

>grimnir vs ayer(ticketable) and alex

f2p wind > f2p titan.

>>>Keep both. Use 2 as main, and friend yourself with 1 for Grimnir call and a nice alt.
this was the right answer

I love Zeta!

Account 1

No, he'll give it to me.
I'm the one that asked him for it in the last thread and he wouldn't have posted that without me!

this user gave the best answer

2 is the best option

Which characters say happy new year in english? Like merri kurismasu a week ago

Honestly I'd say it's not worth chocobaring anything for a couple months until the anniversary or we have a better idea of what the new weapons do. We've got class weapon FLBs, magna II, and arcarum weapons to look forward to at the very least.

Is she Gransexual? Could she become Gransexual overtime like how Catherine and Metera did?

I would argue about Lecia being a great limited, especially since that Earth Starter pack is a hell of a lot better than just a grand and an unticketable. Maybe if he didn't get Alexial with the account I'd say pick the first one but I just don't see why you would choose an inferior account with less SSRs just because it has one Grand that can't be used until you reach a certain point in the chapter and Grimnir.

Remember the first account only came with One Grand and 2 SSRs, the second account came with no grands but a really good starting Earth Team, one of the best supports for an early player (Korwa), Two Okay Dark SSRs, irredeemable trash in Fire, and Two Okay Light SSRs. He can practically save up for a F2P spark from the get go with that spread.

>Think Im done farming mats for GW chara
>60 rainbow prisms off for some reason
>nothing to reduce
>just missed violet trial by a day

it hurts bros...

why would she be, did you even play the event?

First account is the correct choice. Lecia + Grimnir by themselves are already much better than most of the shit in the second account and you can suptix most of that shit anyway. Anyway who thinks the second account is the better choice is either a dumb UNGA BUNGA earth shitter or retarded wind hater.

So people keep saying Yodarha is going to carry my non-HL ass up to HL, how?

Just about all of them if you poke them on the home page. Some even have a couple more lines, shame they're not translated.

No and no.

How does slimeblasting work now? Do you still have to hit a certain amount of honors?

>You think Grimnir is worth more than a fucking golden ass team like Ayer, Mellaeu and Vas with fucking Alexial?
That user even got Korwa, she's a better character for a newbie than Lecia.

>running violet trial
just play the game, rainbow prisms are the ultimate measure of actually playing the game. if you don't have rainbow prisms you need to try logging in and doing shit more

She loves Vaseraga, tho. How are you going to deal with that?

He makes getting pendants easy.

>There are people in this world who would choose 1 over 2 because LOL GRAND CHARACTER IS LOADS BETTER THAN TICKETABLE CHARACTERS

If you choose 1 over 2 then you have brain damage.

She wanted to set him up with another girl. Why are cuckfags so delusional.

static 1mil damage on ougi. He becomes useless as shit once you get an MLB grid and good characters (not fire/light).

Ive had plat for the past 3 months, I havent been playing as long and reliably farming out 50 more prisms from omegas isn't going to be a simple feat.

I'm making primal wind an account 2 has a full earth team and alex. It's better.


Anything if possible with a cake wanting to be married.

>LMAO dude just pick 1, you can get everything on 2 for free at 30$+++++++

wtf bros!?

i had no idea that click on the little sparkles in the home screen gave you free draw tickets

what the shit

Because they're subhumans. They literally are not people like you and I.

>b-b-b-but this website made by some foreign guy put a 9.5 next to his picture, i dunno why though

Enjoy never using them in ubaha hl, enjoy never using them when unga mvping baha HL or 6mans. You can ticket ayer every 2 months.

>cake who wants to get married, likes people with MC qualities who are competent like Gran in her bio

>Event Carren's 3rd skill
>Asshound switch skill
>Zoi + Magna eckes
Comfy Turn 1 ex+ farming

Come back when you finish her fire version Fate episodes.

>crying potato
>laughing potato
What's next?

you fucking dont understand how great melleau is now for exactly those kinds of raids

>implying anyone would even bother suptixing any of that shit in the first place
>also being a poorfag
Fucking laughing at your pathetic life right now.

Take it from someone who did a couple rounds of violet trial for some prisms, you're better off leeching baals or proto bahas. The droprate on prisms in the trial is awful, and only really worth it if you're drowning in ap pots with very little berries.

Excuse me /gbfg/, the second option is much better because it has Korwa, a full Earth SSR Team and Alexial. Lecia is dead weight until you reach a decent way into the story and if your argument is well he can just suptix whatever he wants in number 2 so that's why one is better, I fail to see why you would want someone to spend more money on surprise ticket than he should. Also you can't suptix Alexial.

>Cog new year is basically her telling you to spend real money
What a cunt

yeah that anons just going to hop into ubaha at rank 1 right

defend this


What team?

Vas is really good and wind only gets on ubaha hl with zeyphr. There are no mana hp weapons on wind.

No ass.

When are they giving therese a SSR? Her voice just makes me diamonds

>You can ticket ayer every 2 months.


>no xenos

>expect yugu to flip swords for stones since grid is done
>she's actually doubled the selfie flips even though I already have enough quartz for the whole flb grid and ultima
stick grid here we go

The dude is a retard for sugesting accont 1 but stop saying shit you don't know about either please.

I am thinking about picking Zephyrus for the anniversary. I don't have JK daggers, only 1 Lecia Sword which I hope ends up being good. What do you think?

Agni is literally pay2lose


Nighthound/Lyria/Yuel/S.Carren + Zoi swap to front for enmity.

>tickets Fingers
>use damas on them
>spark Benedia
>use damas on them
>still lose to FUCKING MAGNA WIND in fucking UbahaHL of all things
Why is this allowed?

Too many normal weapons.


>bro, look at all these fucken SSRS breh! (sarunan, feena, sarunanD, light la fille, light la fille 2, clarisse, clarisse event, clarrise dirt, event charlotte, agielba, dark jk, anthuria, chat noir, baotorda, kamina potato, arriet, meidos, etc) THATS LIKE 500$ WORTH OF SUPTIXES BRAH THERES NO FUCKIN WAY A SINGLE BAHAMUT IS WORTH MORE THAN THAT!!

this is how stupid you sound.

>Account 1: Rough start during beginning phase, Lecia is garbage without her third skill, fine in late game
>Account 2: Easy start during beginning phase, middle and late game

Please, how do magnas other than water and light get into ubaha hl? Unless they are leeching. The hp minimums are there for a reason.


This can't possibly be real.

Man I fucking hate it when wind gets brought up in this general.

why did you save a shitpost I made from two years ago user

>wind only gets on ubaha hl with zeyphr
t someone who's never done ubaha

Quatrebois (and other cute bois) are recruiting. Just play the game and like Quatre.

Strike time: 6-7 am and 10-11am JST for now.
Crew buffs: 2 green potions, 30% ougi charge and 20% drop rate.

Check the pastebin for more details.