/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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>He goes past sl80 in ds3

First for best outfit.

>mfw my Ashen one is in and I don't even remember posting it

First for my queen and our savior, lady friede, conqueror of the painted world and keeper of the dark. Long may she reign in her cold world, with us, her loyal subjects hopefully living to see the day she calls on us for our service. Let us pray to see that day when she requires our backs to walk on to avoid the rotted pulp of her basement, or our tongues to lick the viscera and grime off of her soft, perfect extremities. Join me in praise of our one and only highness

>split damage Moonlight Greatsword

>gwyndolin and he's just a teenage fuckboy
Is gwyndoling tight as fuck with a cute little penis?

Very slim and tight, most likely a small penis due to his efforts to be feminine and no bulge in his cloth robes. He smells like moonlight and is a pure virgin

I've been rolling SL 125 on my quality build for awhile now and recently been thinking about moving up to 150 (want to expand available weapons). How active is it there? Should I just stay at 125 or meet in the middle and go 140?

"dark" souls 2

>mfw Nat The Lich souls girls art
>mfw Rosabeth and Chloanne
I gotta commission this guy sometime

>still the most stat efficient greatsword
>still shits out tons of damage

Ok, so whats the best level range for invading, and is a Faith build any good for invading?

Likewise, I think he’s /ourguy/ for souls art now. Does he lurk here or did an user just find his tumblr?

Fuck me, I thought Lorian wouldn't aggro on me over there and I was careless with the downscaling. I'll attune some healing spells.
Also, could you please not summon Sirris? Her damage is literally nonexistent and she does nothing but add health to an already tanky boss

60 for balanced pvp but a faith build will struggle, 90 for the occasional host+phantom with good faith, 120 for gankspanks and complete faith build

Quick, need a fun pve build for DaS1. NOT A QUALITY BUILD, done that about 5 times. All suggestions welcome.

Pls respond...

muscle wizard

leeroy cosplay

Pure sorcery if you've never done before. You'll be able to experience magic before miyazaki ruined it.

>Pure virgin
Not if that picture of him with a giant is anything to go by. You know the one.

To answer your earlier question, the closest is probably Lothric. I mean if you're a desperate degenerate enough to specifically want a shota there's The Monumental in Demon's Souls but sort yourself out m8

I think it's because I namedropped him after user asked source for the Chloanne images but his art has been posted in the general before, I definitely seeing the Karla images a couple of times.

Scas definitely browses /dsg/ and /bbg/ and he did a really nice footfag thingy for me and I didn't really even directly request it, just audibly wished.

>we will never go back to DeS magic
>regen builds make you undying
>hit bosses for 10% per hit
>never see scraping spear again
i actually don’t know the one but now I want to

>Hey Friede, our world is starting to rot. I think we should let the paint loli make a new one and burn down the old one
>No, we're better than the outside. We're not just gonna keep kindling a flame through endless cycles.
>Friede, there are flies and maggots everywhere and the vikings and wolves are going insane.
>No, we will stay here. We're better than the outsi...
>We know about your giant gimp and his perpetual torture bowl.
>...we won't continue this cycle of burning and rebirth. We are better tha...

SL1 but improve pyro and use a full range of reinforced clubs as your weapons. It was fun, but beating Manus was tricky.

get that bloodshade shit outta here

What's the story with the bowl? Is he trying to make a Lordvessel from his own blood or something?

i guess ill go 120 cause ganking is what ds3 invasions are about, thanks miyazaki

Explain please.

>Cosplay a character whose armour you get after beating half the game.

Might look into it, skeptical about getting through the mobs before the bosses tho.

Might try it, was just rewatching vegeta311's one shot challenge series where he mainly used pyro, pretty op.

How do I have fun playing DS3?

jesus, just how old is ludleth?
he mentions he saw the death of the first firekeeper

I miss him, bros.

For fuck's sake what the hell am I even doing. I'm getting 2-shotted by a boss I can usually dodge without taking a single hit and god damn Sirris is being more helpful than me on a character I've cooped a jillion hours with.
I'll give it one last try but if I fuck it up again I'll just give up. Clearly there's something wrong with me tonight.

I'll make sure not to summon her this time. Lol


I refuse to admit I am playing this poorly. I have never not managed to carry someone through a boss and today will be no exception. I need to get my shit together and stop being an absolute retard.

I shan’t forgive this transgression, who are you to speak of milady in such a vulgar manner? She is to be referred to as Her Highness from a commoner such as yourself, not “nasty bitch”. Were I not so composed I’d cut that vocal scoundrel you call a tongue right out of your filthy mouth and teach you a lesson. Milady is perfect in every way and while you may lack the intelligence to understand her plans and her visions of the future for Ariandel, that is no excuse for your ignorant portrayal of her actions. You should pray for forgiveness as it is rare that we should see such beauty in our lifetime and yet you squander it, thinking you would know better than a goddess!

you gotta dig and crawl and claw and bite your way through 4v1 invasions and murder their overleveled phantoms with guerilla tactics like you're a fuckin goddamn vietkong and whittle down the host's estus and when you welcome on top of their fading, running-in-place form and pound the three estus you have left, and spread out to bath in the fury of the Disconnected from host... message, you will have attained Fun

Honestly was there ever a better souls content creator? Comfy, Chill, Good. ymfah has memes but vegeta will always have our hearts.

what's your ultimate duel tryhard build?

>wearing the same fashion as every other shitter
Yes you do

Rose of Ariandel
>A flail used by the bulbous Father of the Painted World to shred his own skin, producing blood to appease the flame. Both a weapon and a miracle catalyst.
>Ariandel, being the restorer of the Painted World, knew that it was painted with blood, and only blood could protect the secret.

The bowl contained flame (so probably a lordvessel-like contraption) and his blood was used to keep it from burning down the rotting world.

He’s using his blood to sustain the painted world, similar to how undead kindle the fire to keep the light world going.

I've only ever seen one other person wear it though?
I just wanted something to go with the Carthus CGS

>I've only ever seen one other person wear it though?
People use that headpiece + armor + leggings combo about as much as people cosplay Guts

This time will be the time. My low level is killing us

>the one time I was invaded by gattsu
Had to roll off a cliff and save myself the cringe.

What the fuck, really? In hours of invasions and coop and arena and everything I've only ever seen it once. Fuck me, now I need to find something new.

We'll get them. If this time isn't the time I'll switch to another hopefully better character.

To do something beyond level 100+ with a pyro I should upgrade to 60/60?

60 total is the cap, so go 30/30 or adjust based on the spells you need

But 60/60 does something or is just a minor improvement? I'm doing NG+ and took Yoel, now talking with him and the nigga offers upgrade but i dunno if going for 60/60.

At 40/40, your spellbuff is 207. At 60/60 it goes to 221. Unless you're going for a high level build, you're better off staying between 30/30 and 40/40.

Here we go. Was about time I played correctly.

Thanks bigtime my friendly phantom for your help with Princes. Your fashion isn't lame, dont let them tell you anything else.

I mean you can, and it'll make you do more damage, but the softcap is a combined total of 60 between both stats and is what you shoot for when you're budgeting your levels. If you just don't give a shit and are going to go to SL infinity, then by all means, go to 60/60

Anyone down to do a random pve run tonight?

Contrary to popular belief buffs aren't that bad at just 30 int or faith. Gold pine bundles add 120 elemental damage though, and DMB/CMW add .95% of your spellbuff, so if you want to add more than those your spellbuff only needs to be 127. You'll have that much before even hitting the minimum requirements for the spell. 26 or 27 str with 40 dex and 30 int or faith is only around 6 or 7 more points of investment than 40/40 depending on how much int/faith you start with.

They aren't that good at 30 faith either though, my point is just that it won't feel like complete garbage. If you just like having a buff for some reason, 10/10 flame arc adds about as much as regular resin for basically no investment on a knight, and also has extra duration. Its not worth scaling though.

Sadly you can't just use an ivory catalyst and GMW like in 1 though. Don't try to go 18/18 crystal chime either, only attack spells benefit from both halves of the scaling.

That's some neat fashion you have there

>tfw I've actually been wanting to do this but have work to do for once

>want to make a hodrick build for invading
>want to make him low SL at first (raw or whatever), lightning later (25 fth for warmth) at mid SL and chaos eventually for maximum ripostes
>check infusions at +2 and min STR/DEX (and base INT/FTH)
>fire: 253
>chaos: 292
>SIMPLE: 273

Is soulsplanner broken or is my base reqs Hodrick actually going to be using a chaos weapon? What the fuck.

i've been wondering this too, i have a str/fai character i'd like to take to 150

>that fashion
>right hand manus catalyst
>left hand gold tracer
>those spell choices
I like it. DaS1 was so nice more more gimmicky builds.
But I can't. Work and I also don't know if you want to start from starting SL or SL100+.

is demons souls worth spending 200 dollars on a ps3 for? is there a port happening in the forseeable future?

About to fire up 3 for the first time. Are mages viable for PVE and how do I do it?

No way. Depending on your PC, you can just emulate it too.

>Are mages viable for PVE and
>how do I do it?
level INT

3 blows so you'll be playing a character with a sword and some backup spells for a very long time

my pc is a piece of hot garbage, it can barely run ds1

>Are mages viable for PVE
>how do I do it
You use one spell (great heavy soul arrow) until very late game.

SL1 fists are viable so yes, but it’s a pain in the ass. Level int, get orbeck early and honestly just read guides on the spells cause finding them takes stupid long.
It’s worth it if you know what to expect going in, the frame rate is god awful in some spots and there’s almost 0 online experience. That said, it’s a great game and worth playing, but you could wait to get a better pc instead then emulate it

Oh, well there's a small chance that demon souls will get a ps4 port soon after the ps3 servers shut down.

heres hoping

I hope you’re joking, this has a less than zero chance of happening. I’d expect a DS1 remaster before I expect a port of a niche game like DeS

Great Lightning Spear or Sunlight Spear?

Demon Souls Remastered will be a preorder bonus for From's new ps4 exclusive game, trust me.

No. Lightning Arrow or bust.

If you have the stats, Sunlight Spear.

>ds3 on pc
>need 13 swordgrass and 20 concord ears

ok so i cant invade shit for the farron covenant, understandable, from what i see it only works with low levels.
but i can never get summoned as blue phantom, would getting to a higher SL help at all?

>DaS1 came as a bonus for XBone DaS3
>but not for PS4

This makes more sense and would be a great selling point for older fans, let’s hope From doesn’t cuck us and make a new Kangz field

>Like my offensive miracles char.
>To get the highest damaging miracle I need to beat the game.
>To stay mid level, I need to beat the game at SL 60.
I guess I will enjoy the game on NG+, plus people beat the game at SL1 so no problems there.

But I noticed that sunlight spear uses up alot of FP, I can only cast 2 spears before needing a sippy

I drew some shit

Asked my Atlus people about it, they say it isn't a thing there, so odds are no remaster. gg no re

Finished Dark Souls 3 today. It was fun.
Nameless king and Gael were really nice fights.

I felt the game was way easier than 1 or 2. Am I wrong?

How much FP do you have?
If you are playing pure FTH sure, but if you are doing it as a mixed melee / fth, don't even bother with it and do arrow instead.

Our lord drawfag is back with some nice boss art, did u rike them more than others or did you pick them randomly?

Why are you even asking the question then

its just the four old ones from 2 bro, freija, OIK, Sinner and rotten.

That said i do love the Lost Sinner fight

Gold Pine Bundles only last for like 10 seconds though. I guess I can say I'm putting levels into increasing the duration.

Just tested it because I had to know: it was correct. idonteven

It can also do like 900 to 1200 damage in a single hit

No. You're already at least 40 levels too high for active Darkmooning. You are now in the huge pool of mid-game Dorkmoons who must compete with each other for limited slots.

CE Question: The family share setting in the CE table, the script for the api key goes ?key=123456&steamid="

now, that's literal, isnt it? as in, ?key=123&fuckface=" or ?key=123=fuckface"

and how exactly does that work? seems a bit too good to be true, a setting that bypasses a softban

What kind of playstyle does dark hand allude to? Well besides the enjoyment of fisting people.

>unlock framerate for DS1 to get 60 frames
>game doesn't even launch
>game will ONLY launch with 30 fps

If you're using DSfix, and have a 144hz monitor you need to change it to 72fps instead of 60 otherwise I don't know your issue.

And to whoever told me to play DaS1 sorcery thank you its so much better than DaS3 my god, and limited number of casts feels better than mana for some reason.

Also turn off Anti-Aliasing in the actual game otherwise issues will happen with DSfix

Didn't work.

Just unlocking the FPS prevents the game from launching.