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>team tilts me slightly
>feed on towers all game

you sure showed em champ

It gets better
at level 16, you can increase dva's pilot attack range to 6.7
her dps at this point is 403 (without big shot)
raynor can barely get above this without a ton of seasoned marksman stacks, spamming inspire, or using an ult
and with this talent dva's attacks SLOW

Just give me Raynor with Valla's 20 quiver range talent, baseline.

Not him, but you almost never pick Suppressing Fire at level 16 as D.Va

Raynor does need his E moved to trait though; it's pretty ridiculous

What if they made his basic attack damage match his animation, where it splits each shot into 3 shot bursts?

>someone first picks raynor
>joh keeps dcing
>just want it to be over 25 minutes in
>lose after 35 minutes
I never want to experience this again

That would be pretty good against Block.

>stuck in retard hell
guys I want to get better, but I literally cannot learn when my team is full of brain dead simpletons that wander around alone 15 minutes into the match and ignore me when I tell them to group up

and would make him marginally better on blackheart's

You don't get better in game. You get better after.
Watch your replays, watch people better than you, think about the game when you aren't playing, put the things you learn into practice, and over time you will improve.

That would be okay for balance but they're probably just going to change him entirely.

Probably doesn't even need that much to be good, if the only concern is that he's low tier. Maybe move his waveclear talent from 16 to 4 (so he can actually get Seasoned Marksman stacks before 20), and make heal activatable baseline instead of level 7, and suddenly you have a decent laner. Maybe also up Vigorous Assault and Hamstring shot to what other characters get (20% heal and 25% slow).

I like that.

so I'm just supposed to lose literally every single game thanks to retards throwing?


>two-times leblanc dash in quick succession
>spell Thornmail
>30 rengar Q's in quick succession
>talon passive
what the fuck were they thinking

so then how does my MMR ever go up?
I get so low that I'm playing among vegetables and I carry my vegetables against the other vegetables?

be slightly less of a potato than average player
play a lot and eventually win 51%
go on streak, reach goal then quit

what the fuck am i reading

I think it's Genji

Genji, user.

mada mada

The most cancerous hero and MOBA character. Zoe could be first but Genji just takes the cake because she's not as mobile as Genji is.

Which LoL champ would you add in this game?

This does literally nothing against bungas and memelords throwing matches with mistakes that could get them killed in the beginner tutorial.

Found a new mechanic with blaze guise.

If u wanna escape you use oil and fire first with the slow ignited oil talent then use E with oil leak after walking in front of oil. So you get hp first then escape with E

If I had to pick one, it would be Braum, but Reinhardt is probably already in development.

Is it me or is it the case that 4/5 times the last pick guy who says he can fill can't actually fill

Camille or Singed, simply because they can fuck mobility in HOTS.

nephalem necromancer hero when ?

Would Genji be far more tolerable if he can't dash through terrain?

>Masters HL
>Someone tells me to go offlane at the "very last second" because they can't
>Hastily pick thrall because I do not want to lose 600 points
>The rest of the team complains that I picked a 3rd melee in the comp and have probably reported me for doing so after the loss

how the fuck am i spouse to grind rank when every second game someone dc'es and never come backs?
i refuse to believe its always a problem on the end of the users this is fucking bullshit.

Malthael was right! Gas the Nephalem, Eternal Conflict now!

Why am i not getting stimpacks from chests?

because they rare af
usually get 2-3 leggos before a stim


Would also make him actual bottom tier.

>No poke
>No waveclear
>No sustain
>Entirely dependent on dragonblade

What do you guys think about Firebat so far?

I can't afford PTR, looks fun as heck though. Got my 20K saved up.

>Embarrass myself with my play on someone else's stream again
>They don't know that I somehow bugged out with queuing movement waypoints without any way of removing them which resulted in me getting caught.
I've tried many things in Try Mode and could not replicate it. It was not my Shift button getting stuck. I've tried S to stop and H to hold.
I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Smart minimap clicking option enabled.

why does butcher destroy at the lower ranks?

>it's a towers of doom game

teams don't coordinate to blind him during charge/stun him right after charge nor to focus him down and bully him out of lane to prevent him from stacking meat

low skill floor (compared to other carries) and thrives in an environment with feeders (even more so than alarak)

uh easy to play as a low mmr player against other low mmr players
lower mmr has more people dying, especially in quick match
people don't know how to counterplay him
general overextending stuff

he's just really good against bad players

clip from replay?

ok. im trying to learn new things to step my game up once i get out of bronze. generally what i do is get my team to group around me until i get all my meat and then i go off and do whatever (lane/camps/push/get more meat) until obj

>watch people better than you
who are some good people to watch?

Be careful, butcher is an easy counter and even some bronze players will know what to pick against him. So you can't play him in every game, and butcher will get harder and harder to play as your opponents wisen up

Kala, look at vods

Sure, but that'll just be an opportunity to bait out and play around stuff like blinds.

>blaze still not on live yet
Explain this blizzcucks. They've been teasing this hero since last year.

>doing placements
>literally every match someone on my team picked raynor
I'm never getting out of silver am I?

Webm related

my only issue is that you need to decide between slowing fire or bigger oil + slow fairly early in the game. I mean, running away in stream of oil is still good, but I think the timing in the matches kinda make it impossible to make it an informed choice.

we should start a petition to remove overwatch from hots so they can get their own fkin moba


QUICK someone post some ludes


>Last season almost got out of silver (high silver 1)
>This is surely the season I finally do
>Get placed silver 5
Everyone who says there is no difference between bronze and gold is talking shit, I'm contemplating suicide every other match down here

there isn't bro, people just tilt faster and faster as you go up until you hit platinum
that's all that's different

QUICK someone post some lewds

some lewds

>finally get a match nobody picks raynor
>get a butcher that retard charges in to fights
>he is at half health before anyone can even do anything

>Mecha Tyrael is full legendary with replaced voice lines
>Tyrael is also giving an announcer and new voice lines
Is this leading up to a Tyrael rework?

why are greymane's ults so boring?

>cursed bullet
very small audio cue, almost impossible to see, just chunks people like blood for blood point and click ability with no visual cue

>go for the throat
he already has a diving ability in worgen

I don't know, aren't ULTIMATES supposed to be visually distinct? like thrall pops either of his ult you can see them

It used to be worse


Spotlights used to be so much more informative, actually highlight a hero's weaknesses as well as strengths.

I imagine that they are keeping things vague now because heroes get reworked so much and don't want their things to look too outdated

They still do

God I hope yes

are you enjoying the towers update?

>look mommy I can spam my abilities and push structures without anyone reacting
nice 12k hero dmg in 12 minutes, league is gold?

I'm a Master-level player. At least that's what hotslogs tells me

what did he meme by this

I think that he meant that he's a Master-level player, at least by hotslog QM standards

>hiding names
Now you'll tell me you weren't playing against the AI.

It was QM

Can you still repair the core with mule or that is that done?

>he never comeback from 1% core to 100% and won the match

ever heard of xul?

no, it still works
they've pruned it from most heroes, though
just slug left is it?


Cursed Bullet used to be a different, shittier ult or something so I don't think they put too much thought into the design.

Go For The Throat's cue is that the person he targets dies.

Honestly idk what they could do to make it more interesting. Bullet could have like a trail or something, which is meh, and what do you do with Throat? Make him grab onto their neck then fling their ragdoll around for a second?

Okay then that aba last game was full of shit.

Isn't basically everyone Diamond or higher in their QM list? I've never seen anyone below it.

99% sure anyways

decent talent on maps like sky temple

mhm, plat or dia

Xul is not a nephalem retard

(all plat, qm)

Oh wait I'm not actually playing hots any more haha fuck you niggers

Pretty cool hero that can solo lane decently.
I think a lot of people will just auto pick the adhesive fire talent, and end up trading the godly 40 percent slow oil slick that lasts around 6 seconds for crap damage that they can now run out easily.

Well gj on not playing the game or stalking your QM teammates online immediately afterwards.

These are Veeky Forums regulars. They all suck.

Akaijii is actually a reddit regular. It's just that these nice FUCKING retards of Veeky Forums decided to prefer him, a silver-league redditor (literal) communist, over me.

why should they do it? like what kind of kit do you want to see? xul already got most of the iconic talents...

they should rather do a d2 druid or assassine, but before that better give us baal,mephisto,andariel

Nobody, and I mean fucking nobody, likes you hotsbabby retards. Not your parents, not God, not even Cthulhu. I hope each and every one of you is chemically burned to the point that your skin is nothing but peeling, diseased husk and I hope that everyone you ever love emotionally destroys you. I hope that your tears turn to stone in the corners of your eyes and I hope your hearts turn black as coal and just when you think there's no love and happiness left in the world, I hope someone comes along and just rapes the shit out of you, beats you, breaks you and leaves you for dead. And as you lay there, weeping at the crushed, splintered remains of your joy, I will come along, I will unzip my jeans, I will free the sack and I will dunk it lovingly against your foreheads. Each and every one of you. I will teabag every single fucking one of you, with these nuts that can only love dead faggots.

nice I haven't seen this one before


but if one does not wish to be graced by my commanding and inspiring presence since it makes you remember your own shortcomings, fine. I understand. This is why I have made my Veeky Forums interactions to minimal and only hostile.

what is objectively the most useless talent in the game?

>Team is split on blackheart
>Enemy controls mid 100% of the time
>Team just defends
>Slowly lose despite having a great team to beat them

What a fucking waste of time.


>Stealth change fucks Sam hard
>Everyone still try to play him the same
>They end up shocked he is worthless

You not even sneaky trying to take camps.

Bile Drop.

You're joking right? that is objectively the best talent on zagara's 7 tier even if she never completes it.

The correct answer is possession. Though vikings do have some dated talents.

Astral Presence.