Tell me Pesti Bro how do I play this man? I feel so vulnerable trying to heal
Jaxson Reed
the only answer can be "until you got good". I played with /brg/ dude and random 3v3s today and random didn't use Ex and just made basic mistakes. I checked his account after games and he had FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED games played. You definitely can't stop being shit after 20 hours but also you can play for 1000 and still be.
Jack Kelly
>Freya spaces in >E's >and counters >allies don't hit the counter >mfw
Charles Reed
Was the random /brg/ dude any good I mean if you have 5800 games you atleast have to be good at what your doing.
Kayden Young
There were /brg/ dude and just random from my friendlist. Random played 5800 games and was nowhere near good.
Blake Edwards
When new players ask more experienced players for tips, they're a bit lofty in their expectations. What one can reply with is vague stuff because the actual answer cannot be condensed down to a simple reply. I mean how do you respond to, "How do I get good with Bakko"? Most experienced players would rather focus on mistakes new players make rather than answer the actual question, because at this stage they're just looking for direction or something to focus on improving.
But if you send a GC player an odeum clip, and you'll have 100 different things pointed out to you as wrong. As a new player that is overwhelming, "How do you expect me to actively think about all that and still play the game?" The fact of the matter is you don't, it's second nature to GC players at this point. You can't teach game sense, because that requires going over every single possibility in every game ever. The only way to build that up is through experience, which is a slow and layered progression.
A new player might spend a while letting Rook's Space flat out hit them. Over time they will finally react to it, sometimes a bit late but the effort is there. Then they reach a state where they can dodge it consistently, only then to find that people can cancel-bait it. They have to re-train their habit of always reacting the instant they see the cast animation, and get a feel for when people cancel and when they don't. Then maybe they find themselves getting tricked by Rook flicking the space onto them, or struggling to deal with the mixup at close range. Eventually they'll have built up a good sense of Rook rush in general, an excellent one for their character matchup, and habits of other players. It wasn't even human limits of reaction speed playing a part here, it's clear now that they are capable of dodging it now. But you ask them how they used to get hit by it, and it will seem very silly to them. That's just one ability on one character, and we went on a journey with it.
Carson Jenkins
Pushed all the way from gold 5 to plat 5 today /brg/ bros. It was hard carrying like 90% of the games and constantly 1v2ing, but I won enough times that I finally got the rank I wanted!
I think I can go a lot higher, but the push today was only to get to plat. So happy rn guys!
Luke Gonzalez
Well done a lot of new players get hard stuck in silver because they don't understand how or what there doing wrong. One thing I would recommend is learning how to flick in certain matchups also what rites do you use? Plat is extremely good place to be
Josiah Gutierrez
I'm still shit after 1000 matches. I have some people who put up with me and started to edge closer to 50% at last.