Skelly Skeleton Overlord Collab
DD:DA pasta
DDON how to play guide
DDON beginner checklist
Skelly Skeleton Overlord Collab
DD:DA pasta
DDON how to play guide
DDON beginner checklist
Anyone know the quickest way to level pawns in DDO?
I'd probably say drag them along with you in high level areas and just let them leech.
I think they get bonus exp if they're lower than you. Mine are always higher level than me, so don't worry about it.
Add me in PS4: Sareys
If people remember me I'm the french (belgian) who sued to post here and liked big butt.
Bought the game for the 6th time.
My pawn is currently a low level sorceress, I just ask for beasts knowledge and BBI stuff so I don't to farm all that shit all over again.
BBI is stuff is optional tough, just keep her as long as you can so I can some RC.
Easiest or fastest way to powerlevel myself to lvl 200? I'm currently at 117 and that lvl 200 is only trophy I'm missing.
Why can't I find my friends pawn in the rift? Can they disable the renting of their pawn?
I was wrong
Warrior is fun as fuck
Offline Ur-Dragon. Should be able to kill it rather quickly at your level, just pop the exp/money charms just before it falls.
Do those EXP charms stack, like those STR charms stack to four I guess?
I don't know, but I would lean towards no.
If you're a Ranger, you can use that bow that also gives bonus EXP and it'll stack with the charms IIRC
I play Assassin, but I guess I should change to Ranger then and find that bow.
someone please rent my pawn so I can do the thing where I get bestiary and quest knowledge back
she's on PC, named Dawn, a level 76 sorcerer with none of those obnoxious long cast skills that pawn AI can't into
also she has a dumb unicorn horn helmet or something
Guess I'll hire her one last time.
Also, if you want hires, keep your pawn a Mage. My pawn got me hundreds of thousands of RC in this playthrough.
eh, I didn't really need RC anymore in the end
and thanks
How to not suck at Extreme Mission?
I'm already on the same level but they still hit like truck and my weapon has a pitiful damage
Are you the user who was here a couple threads back? You were having trouble where you weren't getting gifts/riftbux?
Just wondering 'cause I rented her out a while back. Did you ever get a sign someone rented her out? Riftbux, gifts?
yeah a few people did, my guess is that the results lagged by up to a few hours
If I'm doing a sorcerer build for my pawn and I, how many levels should I put into ranger for stamina? Or is it even necessary?
nah, just go mage to 10 and sorc to 200 after that
Gotcha, that's what I've done so far but I'm only at level 36 or so now.
>Item rank 94 overlord set
>can get it in gacha with real money
>need 5000 of that purple item if not willing to pay
fuck you capcom
monster hunter and SnK sets are easier by miles
Yeah it's grindy. They want to maximize the hype. And those item are distributed on 25th, so you have no choice but to play the game
It's not about "needing" RC, it's about being a riftbucks millionaire.
Well, jokes aside, you will need it in BBI, and if your pawn never gets hired, purifying Lv.3 stuff is gonna be a pain in the ass.
Anyway, I sent your pawn back after killing an archydra and a few Living Armors. Now just start a new game without going back to your old save and the trick should work.
i already started it but i havent gotten to my pawn yet, should i do it again?
Uh, that sounds like it'd just screw everything up. Go get your pawn, sleep in an inn, and report back.
well, i was set to offline, so i guess it's even more upredictable
Ok, good. Just wanted to know if you got the stuff I sent.
I rented her out again too. Like said, you'll need all the riftbux you can get when you have lots of level 3 BBI stuff.
>2 friends and I get Dragon's Dogma for Christmas so we can all use each other's pawns
>Raise a warrior pawn I'm very proud of
>Uses exodus slash and everything
>Everytime she comes back from the rift she's dumber and dumber
>Suddenly starts grabbing enemies or walking all the way across a room for an explosive barrel
>Got to the point where she would just walk around without attacking
I didn't take into account how badly my friends would effect my pawn. I completely started over as a sorcerer though in the hopes that this time they don't influence her
wait, you can influence inclinations of other pawns?
i got the knowledge and one scrag of beast from one of you but nothing from the other
I guess so. I know you can influence their behavior. I think generally it's not so bad, but since we've had each other's pawns through 30+ levels it's a lot more time to learn bad behavior.
I think as long as your pawn's been hired once, they'll get their knowledge back. Check your bestiary, travels, and quest knowledge to make sure it worked.
Also, I'm pretty sure I sent you a dragon scale, so it seems you didn't get any riftbucks from me.
nope, it was zero RC but the knowledge is there
didnt know everything would be unfamiliar foes though
I haven't sent back your pawn yet, and I sent you a staff or something a while back.
I'll let you know when I send her back.
Hey, your new Arisen hasn't seen the monsters, so of course they're "unfamiliar".
Anybody on PS4 want to give my pawn a rent? She's a sorcerer and it's my first time doing a magic build. PSN is cowboyweeabop. Let me know if she needs work on anything or if I should change any skills.
Cant find her.
she's gone now
Your pawn probably changed inclinations without you noticing. Other players cannot influence your Pawn's inclinations at all.
Give info anyway, need new meat.
my current pawn is a level 10 warrior named eliza, she has white hair in a pony tail
>Other players cannot influence your Pawn's inclinations at all.
But can't they still influence behavior? Like how pawns will start to copy somebody who does something over and over.
I sent Dawn back user.
I was being stalked by Dealth in BBI and didn't want to risk having her sent back with 3 stars and no items.
Am i missing out for not playing DDO? I have shitty pc so I can't run it at more than 25 fps.
>start new character
>go to bbi to get 2x rings of perseverance
>hey while i'm already here might as well grind out some dp and xp and lvl.1 gear/weapons
>several hours later i'm level 100 and rocking full upgraded lvl 2 weapons
>alright time to do the main story
>everything dies in one shot and gives no rewards
>get bored
>fuck it im gonna start a new character
>repeat whole process again
Every fucking time.
Yeah, you're missing out all new vocations that doesn't exist in DA and new boss to fight
>going to BBI early
Yeah I did some digging around and Seeker seems fucking amazing and is pretty much the perfect vocation for me. That said, the enrage mechanic or whatever the fuck it's called seems really stupid and I'm not a fan of mmos in general so I guess it kinda cancels out. But I will definitely give DDO a try once I upgrade my pc.
It's the only way. How the hell am I supposed to get 3-6 vocations to level 9 in a timely manner?
DDO isn't an MMO
Eh, that still leaves the enrage mechanic and the performance I get on my pc.
heck yeah
I just beat the archhydra in everfall as a warrior with 1 blue and 2 yellow pawns.
Just timed Arc of Deliverance to whenever the heads came down and chopped them off + took 1 health bar a go.
Super satisfying
Should I make my pawn a fighter or warrior?
I'm a Mystic knight and feel I don't need my pawn as a mage anymore. Plus I hear red vocations are Veeky Forums as fuck.
Just go solo bruh. My last five or so playthroughs have been solo hardmode and I haven't looked back since.
B-But I like my pawn.
I need to keep being reminded that wolves hunt in packs or I'll forget.
Just chuck em into the birne, get autonomy and you will never look back.
>These threads will never be full again
We are not the vessel.
why is 20 minutes enough to get to page 9
How do you get the musketeer as a non-backer?
Asking for a friend. Also, lives may or may not depend on it.
Only played the game once here, I feel like replaying through it. Is defense/armor really that important or can you just fashion it up however you please like you can in a Souls game?
It doesn't really matter, just go with whatever looks good.
You're in the wrong /ddg/, friendo.
Alright, thanks.
Also, can you beat BBI with a normal character? Like a simple character you used for the main story, did 2 or 3 vocations with, this kind of stuff? Or do you need a minmaxed best-geared character for this stuff? I've never bothered much with it.
You can do BBI literally as soon as you kill the Ogre in the encampment. BBI Lv.1 weapons can be obtained without needing to kill anything and BBI Lv.2 Weapons can be farmed off Condemned Gorecyclops. I highly recommend you do some research on how purification works, since understanding that will be vital to gearing up in BBI. Also while you don't have to fully minmax you should get the relevant augments and periapts to make things a bit smoother.
Danke user, much appreciated. What about the post-grigori dungeons in the pit ? I don't remember much from that part of the game, but I remember them being full of boss monsters that I couldn't do shit to, archydras and shit that basically killed me and my offline-gathered pawns in 1 or 2 hits.
I'll probably just beat the game casually and do some research afterwards to try to have a character that's not utter dogshit
Is it a bad idea for me to switch to magick archer after leveling purely as red vocations so far?
In my opinion, the everfall was pretty much made obsolete by BBI. I always just skip it.
If you are a casual player and don't plan to skip progression or minmax, it doesn't really matter.
I suppose it was meant to be full of endgame loot that is completely worthless compared to what you can find in BBI? Isn't there some kind of dragon multiplayer superboss thing or whatever it is at the end of the everfall or is that at the end of BBI?
I remember being amazed at the weapons you get when you beat Grigori, and then finding out they're not that special against the new mobs on the overworld. Good times.
>I suppose it was meant to be full of endgame loot that is completely worthless compared to what you can find in BBI?
Yeah, the everfall was meant to be the endgame in vanilla, but was pretty much overshadowed and made obsolete by BBI.
>Isn't there some kind of dragon multiplayer superboss thing or whatever it is at the end of the everfall or is that at the end of BBI?
Yeah, that's the Ur-Dragon, it can only be fought in NG+ and is not really worth it as the rewards are pretty shit. It's only really worth it to fight him if you want to see the fight or need the materials he drops for upgrading your shit.
>I remember being amazed at the weapons you get when you beat Grigori, and then finding out they're not that special against the new mobs on the overworld. Good times.
Yeah, they look pretty damn cool. They are some of the best looking weapons in the game. Too bad they aren't that good and are made obsolete by BBI equipment.
I'm guessing i should play DD:DA before i get into DDO?
It's a different universe.
DD:DA has best dragon. DDO has a crummy old boring dragon.
The last full thread was last week. Went over the bump limit.
But it took weeks to get there.
At this point I think it might be better to just make a discord server.
No thank you
I just don't want to let go
I'd rather die with the threads than become a discordfag.
Bad idea, trust me
>/ddg/ pawn sheet
>last updated in November
Should it even still be in the pastebin?
>19 (nineteen) posters
Should this damn general even be alive anymore?
It was fun while it lasted, lads. Hopefully we will meet again in better times, when DD2 comes out.
Stop giving me false hope, user.
I was only hear for a short time (since ps4 ddda launch) but I'm going to miss you all. This was the first general I was ever a part of, so thankyou. Guess it's time to let it die
dd2 will be ours one day
Hope dies last, user.
One day, friend, one day.
I remember seeing someone mention a mod that doesn't pause the game in inventory a while back, is that a real thing? I can't find aught on it.
Was pretty disappointed with the world difficulty mod, I expected more encounter variety but it was mostly the same with different saurians and wolves where regular saurians and wolves used to be. Double checked I installed everything too.
Oh well. Just looking for a reason to jump back in.
>a mod that doesn't pause the game in inventory a while back
Why would anyone need this?
I am so upset that I just discovered this game and now have basically nothing left to do in it. How dare a game with such fun core mechanics has such a criminally short amount of content.
Did you finish BBI and kill Daimon? If so I would just recommend starting another character with a different vocation.
I did. twice standard and three times awakened
I dun wanna lose all my progress and those fancy outfits I farmed, but I guess that's what copying a save file is for.
Get on my level noob
Today I beat his normal form for the 3rd time and defeated his awakened form 4 times in one day. Maybe I should go to sleep, but BBI runs are addicting man.
>can't beat daimon's awakened form
H-How do I git good like you?
Bow to your new god: Skull Splitter.
For real, what I do is go with Instant Reset and Hundred Kisses, mount his chest face, and start hacking away. He'll stagger eventually, and if he does his immolation attack, I just emergency IR dismount. Seriously, that strategy works every time, he can't even do his rift vortex for more than 5 seconds, because when you're climbing your stamina doesn't decrease nearly as fast.
Though the first time I ever beat him, my pawn got killed in the first form, and I just spammed Splitter on his legs. Took about 45 minutes.
>tfw no pawn hires in DDO
But you can
Have another IP, I haven't played any DD in awhile but I was reminded of it, and the fact that the west still doesn't have DDO.
I played through DD:DA once way back on the PS3 and have been wanting to do a new play through, is Hard Mode enjoyable or does it just inflate damage values and things like that