/wowg/ World of Warcraft General
1st for goblins
what's Thrall's new questline going to be about lads?
>"Simple. Elegant. Perfect. A love letter to the anonymous chan community." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
so where is thrall in bfa?
Tfw want to level Dwarf Shaman
Tfw need to wait for BfA for superior Dark Iron Dorfs
Forging a new weapon “fit for a Warchief.” Next patch he helps us take out Azshara, reforging her crown into his own and strapping on his old armor. Patch after that he kills Sylvanas and takes back his throne “For the Horde!” As he turns his rage to Jaina, who in his eyes betrayed him personally, and the Alliance for following her.
>he has forged two shields and is dual-shielding as a fourth spec
>8.2 more hints towards a shaman tank spec
>nothing happens
It's really not going to be the same without his Doomhammer.
>pissado thread
>Maraad and Admiral Taylor die in joke expansion
>Nearly every troll in the game that has a name is dead
>Pandaren added ignored
>Garrosh character arc is "potential warchief into maniac hitler"
>Voljins last act was making the least horde character leader of the horde
>Illidan comes back, interacts with only Khadgar, and leaves
>Finish up with the titans, only thing left to fight is each other I guess- yo lightforged you want in?
very nice story progression
So it's suggested you report and not post in it. Stay in the other thread or make a proper one.
>Pandaren added ignored
but thats good
so glad we are done with furfag shit forever
worgens failed, pandas failed, hm tauren aren't going to get many new players
So why is the Alliance a Dynasty?
Why has Anduin inherited the role of High King from Varian? Why not have Tyrande or Malfurion or Jarod Shadowsong or Velen or even fucking Genn?
Why are all these semi immortal, powerful races letting a 19 year old lead them?
probably still off crying somewhere.
Thats a big list of things that will never happen, if anyone kills sylvanas and takes over its gonna be Saurfang.
Probably him taking a spirit journey in which he discovers his love for dwarven cocks. They've already ruined him in everyother way, better just finish him off and turn him into a tavern slut in Kharanos. A fitting punishment for all the stupid choices and underserved hero worship. Thralls hasn't been cool since Classic.
We all know his new weapon is just going to be the Doomhammer again.
I wouldn't mind an ethereal/lightning version of the Doomhammer, as if it's uncased from its physical shell and looks almost like our offhands.
because dude humans lmao
Because despite the chitchat of acceptance the Alliance is racist to the core. They didn’t even bring back a Night Elf district to Stormwind because they’d rather have a giant cliff side for a single grave.
Other races swear fealty to stormwind
Stormwinds king dies
Prince becomes new king
Races still swear fealty and have seats at alliance council
I wish some of our artifacts just got better send offs than “chuck at big Sword lol” because some of them are way too powerful to just melt them away against a bigger sword.
>night elf district
You mean the mage quarter?
Following the high king is optional in the alliance so if they don't like it they don't have to send their troops to him.
Does the Mage quarter have a Moonwell now?
It wouldn't be called king, if wasn't now would it? The real mistake is the high king shit in the first place. It was better when there was some ambiguity as to who leads the alliance.
Because the alliance is lawful.
This is why the horde will always be the better faction, no hereditary monarchies, total social mobility, actual equality and strict meritocracy. The horde is true neutral, the best alignment, not bound by anything and able to adapt to nearly any situation.
>Horde is true neutral
>2 of the last 4 warchiefs have been evil
>implying Thrall's baby boy isn't going to lead the Horde.
>accept aliens
>accept furries
>accept magic hating elves
>sensibly dislike the races that slaughtered them
>meanwhile, the horde tries to forget what they did to the quillboar
This narrative is too retarded desu, I'm glad you're just ironic shitposting.
>Tyrande/Malfurion capable of leading even just the nightelves
What is it about high/blood elves and worgen and humans men?
only thing Tyrande leads is my dick into her butt
>and worgen
>horde doesn't win AV
worgen are just improved humans so of course they go well togheter
>based sylvanas ever dying(permanently)
No, we're not starting another thread war. Just be glad it isn't the autistic draenei poster
oh god I hope he doesn't appear for a long long time
Completely untrue of the EK horde. Elves would follow another Sunstrider if they could.
inb4 he names his child Medan
>Playing this shit when Classic is 13 months away
you're all looking like a senpai
I’m want to start playing again which has less children on it? Alliance or Horde?
Don't much care for this event, don't blame alliance, just annoying
>join pug
>pop time warp
>implying there's a difference
What are the spaceship icons above the Broken Isles?
it is alliance's fault though
your faction is fucking retarded, mercing there is almost a guaranteed loss
>join pug
>drums on trash
honestly most twelvies play human paladin
Alliance always los-
>has to play in a premade or a on a low level twink
All of my younger brothers and their friends play horde and I played horde when I was a teen so probably horde.
tfw Velves cant be shamans
tfw no aesthetically pleasing alliance shaman races
I fucking wish it was that close. Classic probably won't be out for another 2-3 years.
Who are you quoting?
What's wrong with male dwarves and female draenei?
The person who has to play in a premade or on a low level twink to get a positive win rate on alliance
you can spawn portals below the spaceship and earn sentinax marks
Worgen Shamans when?
Dislike the stockiness of both, + male dwarf has the weirdest run animation.
Hooves, female dranei 1h animations are garbo
Sometimes I queue with one other person, is that a premade?
you aren't soloqueing in NA as an alliance 110 and getting that winrate.
It is if they are a healer.
I'm EU.
Then who the fuck cares about your pvp stats it's literally irrelevant
Take your meds.
americans, everybody
>double redditspaces
Why do people say prot war is bad?
because it is
>american spergs out in an attempt to pass as a relevant region
But why?
sco said so
Because legion tank balance has been horrible for the entire xpac where only bears and blood dks dominate.
never, autist.
Why do NA suck at everything they participate in?
Have NA ever won a WoW tourny? HS? LoL? DotA? CS?
When was their last World first mythic clear?
How can a country with so many players be so consistently terrible?
I don't get how a country bigger than all of europe doesn't have more skilled people by just being more, must be something in their water/food.
But aside from Mythic Autism are they any less fun to play than the others?
More normies.
Because Anduin is Arthas' son. The whole retaking Lordearon happens because of that.
>NA forums are just horde players crying about everything
Why is horde so appealing to american mutts?
I thought NA was alliance crying about velves—which one is it?
>Fem and Male belfs crying about flying and transmogging
And I thought the EU forums were bad
take your meds soyboy.
Only belves cry about velves.
>animetard thinks having more land makes you more likely to take videogames seriously
it's the yuropoors stuck in their 10 sqft apartments who spend all day playing games instead of going outside, weebshit
A bigger population, retard.
>muh high elves reeeee
In the broken shore cinematic it was so obvious that Anduin and Varian don't even look alike. And Varian looks like a tranny.
Anduin being Arthas son has been hinted at with the new chronicle and it's probably gonna be a thing, also explains why he is blonde.
>they literally created a containment thread for NA horde and helf babbies crying about void elves
Depends how you feel about ignore pain. Prot warrior is kind of boring imo, the only thing that makes up for it is all the mobility they have at their disposal.
>more land
Right, it's totally because of Arthas, there aren't any other blonde Wrynns
EG won TI