/osg/ _ Oldschool Runescape General - osrs rs07g

Me far right edition

>Latest news
- Dragon slayer 2 released with new solo boss Vorkath
- Rev caves added
- Christmas event gone
- Wildy Chaos Altar updated
- New f2p quest Corsair Curse + new area


>Clan Chat

>/RS07/ Highscores and XP Tracker


>DPS calculator

>Prices & money making

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Previous thread:

first for niggers

I need to fuck mod wolf! Every time I see him I become light headed and go into a cock hungry trance! I want to passionately kiss her until we're both out of breath before having passionate sex long into the night. Sorry needed to get that off of my chest.

gay boss

kill yourself immediately

hoyl shit nice ironic name lad, thats a good1

gz user

How far and fast do you guys think Wrath runes are gonna fall?
IDK who the fuck uses standard spellbook damage spells after level 80+, maybe the new spells with make it more viable though.

>people that burst in ahrims

Some people don't wanna save up 200mil before they get some magic xp

>bursting off task

its not ironic

literally only useful for people who want to do metal dragons while alching and baby pures

they will fall until they are below 1.5m gp/hour

Fug I'd better hurry the fuck up with DS2 so I can actually make money off of it.

fuck i wanna pk with ma pals tbing and doing 45s with fire surge

at least effective kills dont require a task
making the head a guaranteed drop is stupid since they didnt make all heads auto drop at xkc

they made the head a guaranteed drop?

at 50kc you will get the head
dont die like a retard

is melee viable against vorkath?

>release skeletal wyverns
dead content
>release grotesque guardians
extremely dead content
>release vorkath
dead content once everyone has their heads
>release rune/addy drags
dead content just like mith dragons what a shocking surprise

what the fuck is jagex doing

is melee viable at all?

you forgot inferno
that whole area is dead af

he also forgot revs and mage arena 2

every thread until you like it

>balance a bis item around the top 100 pvmers/wealthiest 1% of the playerbase/max cape holders and lock anyone else out of ever being able to complete it
what did they think would happen

Why is the fishing guild so comfy, lads?

>As an integrity issue we'll be exploring death options in general in the very near future.
t. Jagex_Wolf

I hope you fellas enjoyed the ability to bring as much expensive gear as you wanted, wherever you wanted. You all forgot about the game always having actual risk, and risking losing everything if you couldn't retrieve it in several minutes, didn't you?
I know I did, I take the ability to bring infinite wealth to whatever enemy for granted. Even RS3 has that risk of losing gear.

Umm sweetie, it can be done with a rune crossbow, so it's balanced.

they aren't going to make it so you lose things
at most a gp cost to get your shit back

people die?

DC's happen friend
Do you really want to bring 50m in gear to that slayer task, when you could potentially lose it all to a random disconnection? You better not take the chance...

they aren't bringing back the old death mechanics if that's what you're hoping for
your items won't be risked and they definitely won't be able to be picked up by other people

I know that really, it's been too long for us to go back to the old ways.

I just hope they aren't too lazy with whatever system they add

did you see the tweet about how much gp they removed from the game just from DSII recoveries? like 7b on the first day

it's hardly better than firecape, who cares

it's also a lot of fun to try

>wahhh wahhh this is dead content that's dead content why's everything dead content!!!

>continues to pay for membership and continues their subscription until the next big update that will also be dead content

>fun quest
>whole thread says dead content
jesus christ lads have fun with the game, make a pure or something

I finally got a task so I'm about to try out the new fun boss

I was thinking of this as my setup. I know I don't have a max cape but I'm thinking I could get away with this once I get a feel for the fight


rs isn't supposed to be fun

if the game wasn't based on tiles would the game be more fun?

>doing boss on task when salve ammy is better AND stacks with void

tiles and ticks make the game unique

minecraft has ticks and tiles too

slayer helm + anguish > nezzy + salve

o does it not stack with slayer helm lol? I've never really used it for anything xddd

are you going to melee it lmfao?
arma helm+ammy is like 1.6% more dps than slayer and anguish you fucking inbred retard

>you can move inbetween tiles
>ticks are shorter than in osrs
minecraft sucks :)

Is there a consensus on DWH vs BGS against Vorephille kath?

bgs hits more often so its probably better for k/h especially if you multikill trips

dwh reset spamming will get you a faster pb and easier kills with shit stats

pure speed bgs wins in the long run

by reset spamming do you mean spec xfer with an alt?

wrong idiot

technically thats faster but i mean poh

youre wrong
whether or not you accept it is up to you
youre such a shitter that it probably wont even matter

>For players with undead Slayer assignments, the boosts given by the Salve amulet or Salve amulet (e) do not stack with the effects of a Slayer helmet. If a player owns the Salve amulet (e) or (ei), it may be worth it to switch to a better helmet and wear the amulet instead, since it gives 20% accuracy and damage bonus, as opposed to the 16.67% Melee or 15% Magic and Ranged boosts the helmet grants.

>However, this 3.33 - 5% boost from the Salve amulet may be less damage overall than if you were to have a different amulet with the Slayer helmet, as most helmets provide less offensive bonuses than comparable amulets. For example, the Amulet of Torture provides +10 Strength bonus, whereas a Helm of Neitiznot only provides +3. Overall, the Torture + Slayer helmet combination provides more damage output than a Neitiznot helmet and Salve amulet. This is also the case for the Amulet of Fury and Glory, as well as the Necklace of Anguish and Occult necklace for ranged and magic.

straight from the wiki get fucked nerd

do math idiot

arma helm with salve
>+0 ranged strength
>+12 ranged attack
anguish with slayer helm i
>+5.75 ranged strength
>+20.7 ranged attack
get fucked mouthbreather

no, you try to hit him with both dwh specs
if not a single one hits, you tele to your poh, drink from pool and go back

no more (You)'s for you nigger

i don't want (You)s from a clinical retard

youre the clinical retard though

if "clinical retard" is a synonym for "right" then yes

fucking do the math you dumb nigger

you do the math idiot i already did
make sure to get your mommy to check your answers for you

dps with arma helm and salve 8.382691915
dps with retard setup 8.359303661
both using addy darts

>trusting a meme dps calculator made by some random idiot on the internet
wow you're dumber than i thought

>not making your own calculator

>playing a game made by some random idiots on the internet
>not making you're own game

>double str bonus, double pray bonus, quadruple attack bonus
>Barely even better

Okay so is it still easier to kill frosty boi on task now or not?

you're the real brainlet for not being able to get the cape lol

you don't even need a tbow if you're any good at the game

>did you see the tweet about how much gp they removed from the game just from DSII recoveries? like 7b on the first da

This game doesn't need more gold sinks it needs fucking item sinks.
Bigger items are literally never removed from the game unless you're completely retarded.


maybe we should restrict the number of items coming into the game rather than trying to take them out of the game...

if you're good at the game you get a reward for being good

if you're bad you dont

wow woah v V controversial

off task is the same or better than task

18 hour clue.

is there anything more inefficient than alching nats

So salves ei plus some helmet is better than the imbued slayer helm?

salve ei plus arma helm is better than slayer plus anguish
salve ei plus another helm is maybe like 2% lower dps
conclusion: tasks for vorkath are pretty useless



Then I should bring a helm switch for the dwh specs I figure. I'll give it a shot!

woox speedrunning ds2 just started

>people complaining about dead content when the point of everything is getting 1 or 2 uniques and a pet
what the fuck do you think people are going to do when they tap out a boss or new area you dumbfucks? The only content that wouldnt be dead would be adding new bis skilling areas which you autists hate because ezscape

>balance your game around a few autistic ecelebs

is jagex the most incompetent videogame company in the world?

What you should be saying is

>complaining about dead content in an old game
If you want new content, fuck off to rs3. The whole point of oldschool was to player and older version of the game with less content and people bitch that there is nothing to do

definitely not
thats either EA or wildcard

no the point was to make the game go a different less shitty direction.

noted items in clues is such a cop-out

EA is still making infinite money, Jagex has failed at literally every single thing that they have ever tried since their first game.
And they somehow commonly fuck up that one thing which is working.

>player count (and assuming subscription count) is increasing
>hurrr jagex is fucking up!!!

>what are bots
>what are alts

I didn't say they're fucking it up entirely, I just said they do "commonly".

yeah the number of those are increasing as well because the real player count is also increasing stupid fuck

>lol its barely even better
>ok it is twice as strong but you're the brainlet because you can't get it

upvoted :^)

clue doggo incoming

alching whips

50% me thanks!

is it more of a cop out than rewarding raw gold?