Now, this is a bait shitpost.
Let us deconstruct it to understand it
Shall we?
Now, if you observe on the very first sentence. You can see the individual is attempting to cause an uproar by approaching his victim with an extreme discontent with the game foundation. Despite not being centered as such.
This time are their favourite servants.
Second he continues to follow his subject, only thing time mentioning 'males' servants.
This, causing an uneasiness about the perception of the game. Many would agree this is indeed a female servant's dominant game, but that is not the case. There are lots and lots of male servants as well.
He proceeds to mention about this game being targeted to male audiences,but this is factually wrong. A lot of females too play this game as well, and so they preferences are quite different from males. Of course, this is not always as it gives.
Many people do not pay attention to they character's gender, but personality, traits, character, etc.
Also, he uses a mistaken term for this game's characters. He addresses them as "units". The former being a dominant term used in a social discussion website called 'Reddit'
Thus leading to assume he is an avid user of it.
Next he places the sentences with a rather distinctive form. This is a characteristic that is predominant on said social space. This makes it easier to assume he is from there.
Third he wraps it up with a rather daring but precarious sentence
He implies he does not play this game at all, but rather he describes the series itself by its own indifference.
He uses this in order raise an unwanted amount of reject on him, to the point he described himself unknowingly or deliberately as a "newfag". Though, it is safe to think he did so on purpose too.
Now with this matter taken care of and the situation being brought to (You), I have only but one question?
Why do you reply?