/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #318

Previous thread >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
"Your Reality" sung by (You):
[YouTube] /ddlc/ Sings "Your Reality" (embed)

>Don't let her go to voicemail
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.


Good afternoon, friends and family! How are you all doing today? It's freezing here.
Welcome back; I hope you're ready for some poetry!

Word of the thread is "world"~!
Alternatives are 'budget' and 'hate'.

So, hello again, everyone! You ready? Let's do this!
If you want to write a poem, go ahead and use one of the three suggested words above, or write about anything you'd like! The words are here to give you a guide or inspiration or a theme or topic or whatever, but don't feel forced to use them or anything! It's just a suggestion in case you don't know what to write about, you know? But still, if you do end up using one, it makes it much easier to share and discuss it with others since ideally you should both be using the same topic!
Anyways, go ahead and write something and please share it here with us!
Everyone is welcome, so please don't be shy!
Have fun, and I'm looking forward to reading them all! I'm greatly enjoying catching up on all of the ones I've missed~

Take over the world!

>the perfect height for 5'8-5'10

I love her too!

i would die for her


I want to hug and protect Yuri!

Can someone please make Yuri's breasts their appropriate size in this photo?
Don't make her a monstrosity, I just feel like they are too small given her in-game character model suggests they should be larger.

What does this mean for me?

Your doki but she likes sniffing your sweaty shirts

Vadians don't respect eagles, they see them as predators no better than coyotes or wolves, at best you can tame them, at worse they are a symbol of the savagery of man.
Camoflague is very popular conventional wear in Vadia, but mostly the colors or patterns before the current issue model. The Reserves, The National Defenders, wear something one pattern old, while most people wear two patterns old.
The M60E6 is still being used and is issued to every heavy weapons squad, as the PKM isn't in the right round, and the M two forty bravo is too heavy.
The salute of the Vadians is to have the arm crossed across the chest, with the elbow up against the hip and the hand almost clasping the opposite shoulder.
The flag is spoiled as an image. (Image limit reached, post next bread)
Bacon grease is used to fuel vehicles, it's not eaten. Bacon is something you eat if you hate yourself or sparingly.
The police do exist, but they mostly exist as heavily armed SWAT teams, since everyone is carrying automatic weapons.
What are you hiding from specifically? Do you enjoy being here? If so why? If not so, why not?

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you

>5'8-5'10 yuri

i havent been able to focus for a few days

yuo're waifu KILL!

she stuffs her bra user.

in my hand, is a pen, that will write a poem of me and yooou.

It's pretty cold out today, /ddlc/.

Agreed, especially with how they look in the 1,000,000 downloads group banner pic from the artist.

>gf 5'3
Nothing. Reign from on high brother.

What's it going to be, anons?

Its always cold for me user, make sure you stay comfy today


just gonna leave this here
even if you already saw it

is cute!

first for mohw pointman

Hi everyone
I usually post later but i needed to Come back
I needed some company
I don't want to speak much, i just want someone to reassure me that it's going to be fine
It's going to be fine right?

Pwah! Hilarious.

I hope it's shipping to Europe.

I can't tell you if the situation is all clear, if I don't know what the situation is, squadfam.

Would sympathetic Mindflayer Monika be interesting? You could cut the story into three parts.
First you got a typical hypno fic with regular Monika, the hypnosis book did the job and and pendulums helped but eldritch rituals to become a mindflayer are the logical next step.
Then part two you got her acting all domineering and psycho, ritual goes slightly wrong and she's a predatory monster that just wants to make user hers.
Third part is when she gets him, she starts eating his memories, sees his perception of everything that's happened and is deeply upset/disturbed upon realizing that she has no memories of her own of who she used to be. She puts user's memories back apologetically, he takes sympathy on her and leads her on a slow memory regaining journey, where she slowly becomes the benevolent, loving mindflayer monika people post about here

t. someone who had a weird ass dream and doesn't know how else to talk about it


Is this karma at work?

>What are you hiding from specifically?
Everything. Terrorists, dogs, spiders, social interactions, muggers, people from my highschool, responsibilities.
>Do you enjoy being here?
In some aspects yes, and others no.
I love eating, I love sleeping late, and I love that I have twenty four hours of no responsibilities. But on the other hand I just want to be normal. I would give literally anything in the world to be somebody else. It's too late for someone like me to change.

>mass-remove ddlc threads
>lose your "job" that you do for free
get fucked

I wanna give Yuri a kiss.

Repostan! Nothing ARG happening today. Maybe some Doki stuff. Who knows.

5'9 (176cm)
5'7 (170cm)
5'5 (165cm)
5' (152cm)

Daily reminder that this are the true heights of the Dokis.
Daily reminder that canon heights are manipulated by Dan so he can feel good about himself

>sympathetic Mindflayer
I choose to Smite Evil.

This thread has been pruned or deleted

It'll be alright user
It'll all be alright


Yuri is now taller than me

Didn't Dan himself say not to take the heights so seriously as canon?

At least I'm still taller than all of them
but still not 6', kill me Pete

Sayori should be shorter, the rest is on point.

wouldnt mind 5'10 yuri, 5'9 is still in the perfect zone though

Haha, oh wow. Eat shit, janny.

please don't make the shortposters crawl out of the pit with this

No, he just said those are the canon heights but he wasn't sure how well the artwork reflected that.
Those are still the official heights.

Taking Natsuki to Heart Attack Grill!


I noticed that first!
Do you go outside sometimes? Were you always like this? I don't think it's too late, I mean, you are under 19, I know that much. Shhh, don't give your age.

>Yuri is tallest
>still comfortably taller than her

I love Yuri! She's the best!


Act 2 Yuri but she plays merzbow and whitehouse when you and her have sex

This does seem to be a bit more accurate by American standards but I still prefer their actual heights cause short girls are cute.

i must unite the Sami peoples under one flag!

Just drew my wife Yuri!

Doki mod for Darkest Dungeon when?

alright here are the results
This time your doki, your favourite animal
Yuri, Raven

Pardon me? I'm not under 19.
And yeah, I've pretty much always been like this. I would give anything in the world to be somebody else.

Natsuki shouldn't be that short, she's small but c'mon man at least give here 160cm


>Dan on November
I have no plans to keep working on DDLC
>Dan today
lol too busy rigth now with DDLC

Can trust the manlet, I tell ya!

Isn't Sami included in the Finno-Ugric cultures?


He sees the profit, he starts working

You're making me want to draw her, too.

I thought it was more like this


What's the most painless way to kill yourself? I don't want any advice or people being "there for me." I just need a nice and quiet way out.

Yuri is fine being taller because of the supposed nice and long legs she has.


Pretty basic

old age

Monika - ISTJ
Monika - Arctic Fox | Or if we're allowed to big a broad group, cats in general.

> Yuri - 5'9
Thank god.

Waiting until old age.

Suicide is the best way to kill yourself

Your high school is scary, but you don't go to one?


>Sayori: intj
>tfw estj
feeling like an outcast

>yuri 5'11
what the fuck muh dick

The only people qualified to answer are dead.

>Male Yuri
Quiet poetic bookworm who secretly looks down on everyone and calls them plebs
Has a big dong.
>Male Sayori
Bubbly class clown type, uses humor as coping mechanism for crippling depression
>Male Natsuki
Angry manlet who's insecure about liking girly manga.
>Male Monika
Light Yagami

So i have a question for you guys, i've finally watched cowboy bebop, so i would like to know what other animes i could check out
I've been really depressed again since a few days
And i started to harm myself

You have no Idea how much this words matter to me
Thank you

I think he might have confused you with me, i'm 18


My namma Jeff


> Monika/Sayori
> Platypus

Can't beat old age my man

Get a sex addicted woman and her bisexual friends to fuck you to death, trust me. It's almost happened to me a few times, I was limping for days.

But she's still taller than you, hamster!


the poll looks like this so far

Yuri's big enough for the top of her head to get cut off by the border of the game window when she talks. She's huge, Danlet just shrunk her down to feel better about himself.




>tfw people again forget of VTEC

You filthy orangutan, not again!

What changed recently and made you feel this way?