Artillery edition
>Quickstart Guide, resource ref sheet and FAQ:
"""""OFFICIAL"""" EFT discord for beta news and numales:
Eod is really not worth it.
Artillery edition
>Quickstart Guide, resource ref sheet and FAQ:
"""""OFFICIAL"""" EFT discord for beta news and numales:
Eod is really not worth it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy more weapons.
hatchlings are really dumb
About time.
Have a few bad runs today. Lost all my shit due to shitty server, scav popped me from nowhere, no sound and shit. The other run I lost my stuff because my own fault, too careless about covering my tracks, can't really fight back because bastard shot my head real bad and I am really bad at CQB anyway. People pop in from no where always spook me off, still need time to get over that.
And Prapor quests that begins in Custom really sucks. Get the keys in Dorm? Okay I done that but I don't really understand the login behind it because that is a high traffic area it shouldn't be so difficult as a starter quest.
And after that I need to get that pocket watch beside a building full of scavs, some of them can throw grenade too. Fortunately they are probably being distracted, I got to killed one scav and loot that shit then ran away.
Took me two days and most of the time I need hide because Custom really pack with action. The map is pretty much medium size, but all of its routes are pretty tight.
>please end me.
Speak for yourself man, i've been doing my hatchruns and i got some nice loot as compensation.
>skier is the best trader
>you need him for armour
>he needs the rarest armour in the game to be of any use
>you need to trade in amazing armour to even think about buying shit armour
>somehow survive a wall of 7.62x39HP and a grenade coming my way as a naked scav
>even waste the PMC with my dinky pistol
>never make it to the exit
The only thing I ever manage to take with me are dog tags or piles of cash that I stuff into my alpha container. My wealth is growing slowly but I haven't had any real success. Feels mixed, man.
Still not sure if I should buy it or wait until some more features are fleshed out.
i have never even come remotely close to being killed by a hatchling, yet i've killed plenty of geared pmcs with pistols
pistolling >>>>>> hatchling and barely costs anything
I found a place that's not very high risk that has a high chance to spawn wooden clocks, but I don't think I can tell you about it since I don't want to start running into a bunch of assholes there.
Maybe in a couple of days when I've farmed more dosh I'll spill the beans.
No hard feelings. My trial is about to run out anyway.
>bought game 2 days ago, standard edition
>limited map knowledge, too eager to get into the fight
>only end up playing 2 real rounds in the past day, both are scav rounds
>second round i do really good, get 4 kills but i don't know where to escape
>have been trying to queue up for a PMC game the past 2 days, all the times i've waited more than 10 minutes to no avail
Was buying this game a mistake for me?
The matchmaking times are probably going to decrease as the trial keys run out over the next few days.
You can play the maps offline and figure out the exits I think or just buy maps from Therapist or look them up online.
Just found a bitcoin, it works for something?
>tfw you get a lucky headshot on factory juggernaut
h-heh outplayed
ezy just find a factory key forsafe and covert escapes
>doing good on a run of woods
>brought barely anything but managed to get a few kills and a lot of nice stuff
>start heading for the exit
>take damage. No noise of a shot, an impact, anything, just take damage
>hit the dirt, heal myself, crouch up and look around
>keep taking damage with still no sound of even bullet impacts
If they could maybe fix this desync issue at some point it'd be quite nice. That's maybe the third time i've died to it in the last week and this time I actually had loot I wanted to keep.
I-Its a skill thing i swear
If it helps, make sure you get your christmas reward, it includes a keybar. Keep that in your secure container. If you need a key for something again, as long as you get the key it'll always be available to you once you've stashed it into there. Means you don't have to do it all at once.
If you buy a map from the therapist (or just look at the online ones which are rather handier due to being labelled) you can find where the exits are. The map shows them but nothing else. It does, however, let you choose your spawn area on any map that allows that (all of them except factory I believe). Try a map you're going to play in offline first, get a basic feel for where the exits and anything else important are, and then try online with the map available to look at.
It's worth a giant pile of roubles. Therapist predictably pays the most. Peacekeeper will buy it too if you want dollars.
costs barely anything vs costs nothing
run in, hatchet 1-2 players, alpha/gamma the tags, sell them off.
made a fair buck selling to PK/Skier in backpacks full of them
I can now buy all the handguns I want.
factory keys are so fucking hard to come-by, I've done multiple runs to the dorm to try and get them when they spawn, never happened.
>be me
>do hatchling run
>go to dorms
>feeling ballsy
>slam open door (oh yeah big dick up in this bitch)
>start looting
>mid bag search hear noise
>panic hit caps lock
>stop look listen never know when a firetruck might be on the prowl
>hear foot steps, can't tell if above or below (poor fag no 7.1)
>start slow walking around room to room
>hear gun shots and screams, use to advance quickly
>figure go upstairs, plan to beat mother fucker down
>start doing my rapist walk
>hear steps, know it's down below
>start to go down back down
>entire russian army starts fire fight on first floor
>decide my dick is small
>sit in second floor bathroom
>accept fate
>20min pass, mad rush to fire escape
>run all the way to cross roads
>loot out a silencer, and some cash
>oh yeah bigest dick in town
lol ezy just get lucky u noob
but really i must have used up all my luck finding it
cuz i hit the factory filling cabnets and checked the corpses of god knows how many scavs and still no customs or marked room keys
>(poor fag no 7.1)
they havnt even added functioning surround sound yet your literally better off with just stereo
Holy shit there's actually an EFTG
>best way to beat punisher 3?
One of the prapor quests rewards you with a gort armor and kivr. I always thought skier was ceesy too until I found that out. I think it's the first punisher quest.
>factory keys are so fucking hard to come-by, I've done multiple runs to the dorm to try and get them when they spawn, never happened.
Don't go to the dorms then. Get a customs map, spawn at boilers and check the blue locker in the warehouse with the dead scav on the couch. I've found 2 there in 2 runs.
>pistol glitching is back, but now you can pistol glitch m4s with drum mags
These devs I swear.
>pistol glitching
>Shoot some random PMC that has a shotgun with an AKS74U with FMJ.
>Hit him 6 times in the chest.
>Die to someone else.
>Still somehow manage to kill two fucking people?
What the fuck is going on in this game.
ricochet bro
>getting killed by hatchlings
dude just wear a vest and helm lmao
There's no fucking way. a 160 degree ricochet? There were two dead people on the other side of a wall about three yards to the left of me. While I was firing at someone hiding behind a corner of a factory in customs.
ugggggg why does matching take so long
to many people man try customs try the other maps
I literally cannot play anything but shorelines as PMC. Can't believe I paid for this game and it has only become MORE unplayable over time
tired of them played all day did good for a lil bit, got fucked up a couple times now I'm broke so I want to get some extra money and I need to kill for a task,
How do I approach firefights in this game? I'm used to Siege peakfest. This game gives off the impression I should be slow and methodical, but aggression seems pretty strong, and I see all the Twitch memers not even using ADS sprinting around like COD jumping off shit.
Because they're stress testing the servers and there's a whole bunch of free to play codes out.
>bringing a saiga
Why user, why?
How are slugs?
pffffhahahaa yeah they're "stress testing" like theyve been doing for months now. What a joke
Um, yeah.
Defend this
Can't. Just play shorelines its currently the only map that can actually be joined
>inb4 this is shorelines
It's customs
>not him but I'm on shorelines
Yeah I can't even do my customs tasks.
I don't know what I expected.
Don't worry I'm sure this will be fixed by the time they release the full open world map
absolute garbage
Is it worth walking at the second highest notch stance by default? Doesn't seem to be a huge speed decrease.
they buffed 12 gauge my nigga
>instamatching shoreliens
>want to play literally anything but
Character creator or cute girls when?
Our pointman goes facefirst into the shit pretty often and can run and gun well, but honestly there are a lot of viable strategies. I'm a methodical listen-and-move-and-listen-and-look type, so I usually an the rear guard for the squad. The best strategy is the one your enemy doesn't expect, though.
As of some 15-20 hours ago they're quote on quote "getting new servers".
Did I accidentally buy a team game? I haven't run into many squads.
Why so dead
The game has gone from irrelevant slavshit meme to regularly being on the front page of twitch. A few big twitch dudes started playing in the past week or two. That and the sale and giveaway is what's getting servers so crammed. Trial code running out won't help matchmaking as much as new servers.
What's the best way of taking out multiple skavs at close range just playing peekabo and re positioning?
Nah mate it's whatever you want. I run some solo raids and have a great time with the tension and the freedom it gives. I run with a squad because I've got guys I've run Arma with for years and I can trust them and enjoy playing as a unit with them. It's just a slightly different game either way. Running solo is a tense realistalker affair, and running in a squad is a less-tense, comms-based genocide in diamond formation (and your buddies can save your gear).
Put on some heavy armor head to shoulders. Walk up with a silenced AR. Mow em down as they dont have enough time or firepower to really hurt you.
Just make sure they dont know about you before you start firing.
That being said- You will get fucking dunked if you assume that other people are solo. I'm pretty sure I gave a man a heart attack today because he ganked my friends and thought they were just a two man. Stealth-walked my ass right up beside him while he was looting.
probably be a breddy big backlash if you could mow down female scavs
This should be in the OP. Has all the maps (including shoreline) with most of the extractions highlighted.
Im still spending a quarter of my raids alt-tabbing to a map. Vital for beginners.
it will be added to op
hank for all the autistic arm chair generals who play tarkov and keep the thread running
link to discord where people actually play during eu hours
No, hank u
Must have me a scav wifu who I pack in to my tri zip after I play tears of the sun with.
>not the ppsh-
oh wait now i get it
>can't tell a ppsh from an mp40 within a femtosecond
>do the bronze pocket watch quest over 20 times fail every time even though I started with at least a pistol every time.
Why the fuck is such a difficult quest a starting quest?
Yes its a pretty weird quest to do so early. I tried a bunch of times with veprs and makarovs. Sure enough the only time i actually finished it was a lucky hatchet run with no kills.
I've lost over 200,000 Roubles doing this either I run into a train of players or too many skavs and get ganged up on. The reward for this quest is a pistol.
Nigga you walk up to a semi-truck for 5s how is this hard. Just don't get shot for 5s
Theres always some tacticool cunt who pops you with his silenced bitchgun the moment you start making your way out
That sounds like a
>I can't tell when an exfil is hot or not
Put that shit in your alpha case, numb digger
You can't, double nigger
The truck is right in the middle of the map. You have scavs and players going every witch way.
You're right. I was wrong, I'll give you that. All you have to do is exfil.
Yes construction is a big kill-funnel.
Hit the fucking woods immediately after. If you need to exfil then go fucking exfil and don't fuck around. I started playing a week ago and have an idea where scavs spawn and where players tread, and I don't get killed unless I'm looking for a fight. Learn how to be quiet.
>Learn how to be lucky
fixed. Its a quest you can try and fail a dozen times or stroll in and complete like a cakewalk on your first go.
Every time I do the quest I wait everyone out, and try to take things on my own but oh now Scavs respawn always fucked me up.
Last time I tried run to the construction site asap, surprisingly no one there, probably looting the warehouse. I grab the pocket watch and tried to make my way to the extraction points, by then I realized this is probably the time where everyone is going to the exit, so I hide somewhere. Fortunately no one found me so I make my exit when I am sure everyone is gone.
As a level 2 quest this is too damn hard. Hell, punisher quests are just a bunch of kill x and looks so much easier.
>Hell, punisher quests are just a bunch of kill x and looks so much easier.
To be fair, it's
>Kill 25 scavs in one hour on customs
>Kill 25 bears in three hours
Actually pretty tough
If you can't make it to your objective and to exfil you are just fucking bad at tactics. Wear some goddamn headphones and listen. You can hear anyone within 50m or so and if you can't position yourself safely then YOU are the shitter. Stealth runs are not that difficult.
I recently noticed the underbarrel slot on AKs, but I've never seen an underbarrel GL spwan. Are they even in yet?
I've seen the nades, but not the launchers. VOG-25 I think they're called
i dont get it
Anyone know how to unlock the locked safes on shoreline at the healthspa?
I found a customs key from the jackets in Factory I'm pretty sure.
Hatchling rush it, if you don't find it, don't just leave, go try and kill a scav with a decent backpack (anything but T-Bag), search it and it's got a chance of spawning customs, machinery or factory key
>do full gear runs on woods
>go in with suppressed TT and rush mem stick
>get out with 5 dog tags and a kiver
fucking new map spawns turning safe and ez maps into ufcking meat grinders
fucking gas station is instant death zone on customs now
rush fuckin radar station, grab the key in radar tower that spawns on locker shelf right infront of your face as you open the door.
10-4, thank you
Are all the people having trouble getting into matches playing in US? I'm in yurop and i've never actually had any difficulty. At most it takes maybe three or four minutes, tops, and rarely that.
>gas station
Scav one or the one near dorms? I don't usually have a problem there, but the intersection with the white car coming from old spawn always has like 10 people at it now.
>decide to do a fully geared run of Factory
>walk out of spawn and see a scav in front of me
>kill him
>his butt buddy comes out from hiding with a Saiga
>blows my legs out on the first shot
>next Scav I meet throws a nade at me
>dead with no chance to run away
I just lost a bunch of very costly (to a new player like me) gear to FUCKING SCAVS
>At most it takes maybe three or four minutes
I think that's what people mean when they say 'having trouble getting into matches.' I only ever saw it get to 10 mins once or twice during the open beta, but I just changed maps and it was fine.
new gas station.
If you're in there during golden hour or 5-10 mins after spawn there's guranteed full gear ppl there with a mbss full of grenades
scavs are like plaers dont be on equal playing field. SHoot them from rafters, kill them first shot etc.
Fuckin instantly on factory go rafters and shoot down
How long does it take for your rep to drop with the other traders once you hand in punisher part 3?
Who should I give it to?
>punisher 3
I meant chemical part 4
>decide to do a fully geared run of Factory
>new player like me
well theres your problem. Factory is a shitshow at the best of times. Certainly not somewhere id go in with gear i dont want to lose.
>hear dude running behind me
>turn a corner and wait
>he turns the corner runs inside of me and shanks me with one hit
This game is legit bullshit some times.
In fact I have been pretty stealthy and avoid other people successfully so far, it is just difficult to make a move on multiple scavs. they are too unpredictable.
They are downright stupid sometimes but once their aimbot mode got turn on it is quite ridiculous.