/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2583

event with Naru soon™ edition

>Recent News
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A
Granblue Fest happened
- Day 1: pastebin.com/5W94vG7c (embed)
- Day 2: grancypher.com/2017/12/23/granblue-fes-2017-day-2-news-roundup/
Balance Update went live - pastebin.com/yMve0nK6 (embed)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

12/21 - 1/4 - New Year's Special (pastebin.com/d2L4VpvH
12/31 - 1/4 - Legfest

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

1st for toes

lightlads are lazy

If you're not using Zeus, you're not really playing light.

warlock>any IV row>CR
prove me wrong


If only we had've had all showdowns on for a week with half ap yesterday.

Im so hyped!!!

>grabble is serious esports
>but AL, a fucking mobile game with a 1mil dollars prize pool in their last invitationals, is a waifu game
ummm gbftards?

Gomenasai, my name is Mirin-Sama, gozaru.

I’m a 18 year old samurai (eastern islands warrior for you skyfarers). I update my journal by travelling to distant islands, and spend my days perfecting my swordsmanship and eating superior eastern cuisine. (Noodles, Ramen, Onigiri )

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon type in the Skydome. I bought my sword two years ago, and I have perfected my swordsmanship by training in the Phoenix School.

I speak Eastern fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. Gozaru! I know everything about Eastern islands history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Skyfarer license, I am moving to Phantagrande to join a prestigious skyfarer crew to learn more about their different culture. I hope I can become a skyfarer for Gran's or Djeeta's crew!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Phantagrande. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Eastern as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Gozaru!

Wish me luck in Phantagrande, gozaru!

Whatever fag I was too busy grinding other shit.

Thomas's daki is better desu.

guys i want jannu but jannu isn't sword character so then I need to ticket S. Heles or something but you can't ticket S. Heles which is sad so what should i do


Reminder that Minaba designed Lyria with three hair styles: long, short and braided and we haven't seen short haired Lyria yet.

Some people would pay top dollar for that kind of breakthrough.

Is it okay to reduce the normal ecke sachs? I need sword stones.

Gran, your parents are no one, they were sky bums who sold you for some money, you know this to be true

shut up Clarisse, your parents are hicks

this artist sucks and you too

Shin when

>short haired
This is peak female performance

Reroll your life

Who do I suptick?

>Naru/Okto event

I'm gonna replace my spymurs with a baihu claw regus and a atma/ultima sword so I'm free from 20% HP cut


It's Okto's chance to make up for being a jerk to Naru-nee!

When's Xeno rerun
When's ROTB so I can get my ciphers
When's the next event I need dama crystals
When will I hit rank 155 so I can upgrade my atma
When's the next GW so I can MLB my summon

WHEN I hate waiting

i just love jannu but only when she's happy
d. jannu purification doujin when

>Naru event with new SSR earth Naru and SR Naru
>Birdman event with new gatcha version of him
>Feather and Randall event with SR Randall and SSR Feather+Randall dual character
>Sevilbara event with 5* Sevilbara and SSR for his brother in law
>Mellau 5*+3rd SSR sister alongside 3 sisters event
Which ones are you most hyped for anons?

Perfect height.

Newfag here, I'm supposed to do the story missions for crystals and levels or there's a better way to get them?

Which light hits hardest per attack?

Near 1,2k EP, got 2 claws + one from 5k pendants
How am I doing bros?

Okto's chance to put the attention whore cow back on the dumpster.

Kind of depressing how the game itself says that the father has no saving grace and her mother is equally useless. Clarisse is only worth a damn because she closely resembles a woman who has been dead for thousands of years, but lacks her intellect.

I'm pretty new. Started rolling on Dec 28 and only started playing the account two days ago.
I've been reading some guides and a lot of them all say that Light is a hard element to start with. Should I ditch the right account and play on the left?
The left account is fresh while the right account has 700AP/60EP because I was ranking up too fast during the 1/2AP event and bonus exp event. It's also on ch25 already, mastered all row 1 classes including DE and has Lucifer summon.

>dual character
Suck a dick

Can I play on two accounts at the same time, using one on PC and one on my phone?

Feather for the Tsukako art

>Vira's started eating her hair
did this uncap make her retarded

Dagger is 10/10. I'm sure Minaba can deliver again.

Do all Draph women dress this way?

You'd be insane not to pick right.

>Getting excited for a event when KMR is on a cucking spree
Dumb cowfags

Don't take out your lack of preparation on me. I reached hl week and half ago too, and finished my class weapon the next day.


>only naru gets to have a waifu pillow
truly the best girl


ticket jannu anyway you don't need a full ultima team for general stuff

Birdman (Fire)

I'm pretty sure it's the primal bits

You're right I should have prepared better, my apologies for attacking you with that foul language.


They are breed as sex slaves only so yes.

So a little boy?


i would hope the 5* is nemone but if it was melleau then i want her to actually use her mount during combat not just with ougi
also birdman event will most likely be just birdman event character, no new gatcha version

iam most hyped for the feather event tho, his fucking cool dude and its shame i havent rolled his SR yet
how stupid is it to ticket SR characters?

user, remember how women in Africa go around with their chest exposed? And how in some cultures masturbating in public is ok?


Why does this image exist

What's so good about the right? Both accounts have Lucio and Clarisse, the only difference is Ferry and the Lucifer summon.

If Lyria has sex, does Gran/DJ feels it too?

>Luckshitted Lucio TWICE.
Delete both accounts, and then delete yourself.

I'm in a similar situation, got a good light team with Lucifer and just started around Christmas.
Lucifer seems to be more than enough to carry you with a light team. Without him it would probably be a different story. Same with Bahamut for dark.

Why not?

don't be dumb user, you don't have to roll gacha ever again

to remind us that tracksuit fantasy artist has moved on to fgo

lucios shit la

Cog got one too, remember?

>Cutest light (Amira)
Not even a contest

A cute boy from RoB

This is an user from here right?
Hope you got something out of my macula

Your teams are fine. You just have a lack of limiteds. I'd spark or luckshit harder if I were you.

They do an offical manga for this though

Are you flexing or are you just retarded?

I read here that summons don't mean as much since you can just pick Lucifer as a support summon.

I'm still new. No idea he was good.

Paste her id here so we can thank her properly!

>having brains
Remembering is too hard

>leech host from earlier baha is also leeching other raids

>that doujin
I guess I'm a degenerate now

Seruel is unironically one of the best Light characters period. He's not great until 95 but at that point he's probably going to be your go-to pick for a lot of content

I'm retarded. I don't know how to play this game since a lot of it seems overwhelming.

But I'll stick to the light account then.

Sorry, already closed the raid window. I don't want to post other anons' IDs anyways.

post it. i know she doesn't have one

Can I save up two sparks from now until August, provided I haven't done side stories and most of the free quest yet?

I wish they'd give his Veil a cooldown reduction.

Post yours then!

>kmr adds SSSR rarity characters
>can only be rolled in a special gacha that comes once every 2 months
>can't be sparked or suptixed
>powerlevel-wise they are as strong as uno 5*
>they have 6 stars and each uncap requires you to use up a copy of their weapon

we brave exvius now

I can't blame her. I'm sure everything about Cog tastes delicious.


Why do stupid people make posts like this? If you want the game to die so badly just stop playing.

>new SSR earth Naru
>not Naru 5*
Super unhype

Allow me to refresh your memory.

Is this true?
The light team I'm running is Vira, Rosamia, De La Fille, Seruel, and the new Zeta since I don't have another light SSR.
How could I improve this team with the two tickets I can get?

aside from the special gacha, that shit is already happening in other games that are doing fine

>doesn't even show what he has right now
But 2 sparks without money is reaching in any case.

make song *5