Swain main hype train of pain
Vlad is best husbando btw
Swain main hype train of pain
Vlad is best husbando btw
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
Vlad is a nigger.
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Tiger Rengar skin when?
xth for swift drinking bleach as soon as possible
He is south Slav/Italian
>Vayne finally is no longer trash tier that can get solo'd by a support Soraka pre 3 items and is actually somewhat meta
>getting nerfed next patch
>Meanwhile Twitch is still busted
>Meanwhile Zoe is still busted
>Meanwhile Orinn still exists
Fuck this shitty game
post skin ideas
Am I the only person who waifus Vi?
Yeah all fine but... What his abilities would look like?
> league has two succubus champions
> both are outclassed by a random musician from the Puritan socially conservative nation state
remember that lewdposting is dumb and if you want to erp you should fuck off to discord or kik like the literal children you are!
and remember that the CLIMB is only a few days away!
Do you think xerath should be nerfed as well?
>tumblr, the character
Manaband is retarded but it makes no sense to gut it for everyone because Xerath is dumb
post ign and i will tell you
>tfw the only way i'm comfortable playing riven is with Aftershock
I feel like I'm seriously half-assing her by not going full hardcore AD
>When you accidently queue Flex and you're up against a 5 man premade
gold premades lamao
So you mean a mongrel, got you.
>Mixing tan whites creates mongrels
Y lewdposting is dumb?
I love Kled! He's the cutest and he has the fluffiest ears!
Italians are mutts, the same way Americans are. They aren't white.
They cook so well though. I want Vlad to cook for me.
comfy bfs~
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get some balancing love (buffs)
>She's punk so she must be Tumblr
you must be some beta cuck
>a pure girl is hotter than some skank
but that's always the case.
>enemy picks ninja ap riven top
>"haha bro she's weak pre 6 just bully her lmao"
>throws shit at me every 4 seconds
>can't ever go in for trades because he shrouds and gets free cheap shots on me unless i run which i cannot because lmao it also slows
>if you ever get in some damage she just heals it up
nice champ
even if he lost it's still cancerous shit
>still no Shen nerf
>a tank that's also a juggernaut, a diver, an assassin and a support
i'm so mad, post cute fuzzy things.
Get gud
>Get vayne on team
>auto lose the game
Fuck vayne and anyone who plays her.
i miss when i could pink her right in the shroud and pound her right back to her fountain.
Better than you, Silvermed.
Do you love you waifu unconditionally?
>ywn capture lulu and keep her as a pet
>play Singed
>activate the gas inside bubble
>new stealth mechanics means she's lit up like a christmas tree
gg ez
> Complaining about "muh adc"
> Under 50% win rate
Try again dumbass
They are going to slow down the snowballiness
maybe this game wont die yet
League of lolis
>it's another newfag straight outta reddit who doesn't understand what waifu means asking retarded questions on fourchan
People need to start posting CP on this site again to get rid of you trash.
And of course I love my waifu unconditionally. Have for over a decade now and will forever.
Dumb nigger.
>>getting nerfed next patch
Wait really?
i mean i hate vayne's "you have to win by 25 or i can kill anything in 6 hits, but does she really deserve nerfs
is it really a problem with her or the fact that stealth is uncountable now
What is the purpose of large breasts?
What are some good filters to make /lolg/ less shitty to read?
I need to filter all lulu, waifu and cute related shit, but what else?
Twink, bara, trap, crossdresser
lewd, suck, dick, pussy, tits, ass, fuck
>They are going to slow down the snowballiness
theyve been sayingg that since season 3
still hasnt happened
>shoot 4-5 ropes of cum
>fap to Ahri
>7+ thick ropes
The semen demon magic is real.
To feed your son so it grows healthy, if you are a woman and have large breast, that means your son will be a failure and you are a vanity slut
I hope the next champion is going to be a Zaunite. I need my cyberpunk-y fix.
do you like the zoe otp account I made?
breasts, loli, husbando, comphy I love X, semon demon,
>Vayne is getting nerfed
Are Riot this fucking retarded? It's literally nothing to do with Vayne, it's the fucking RFC/Shiv/IE being cheap as fuck and HUGE power spikes in the game.
People thought the same shit with Tristana
I can't believe this shit lads. Vayne is finally playable at high elo and she's about to get dumpstered.
>lower the cost of all crit items for no reason
>ADCs mains complain that its too much
>ADCs in a good spot for too low
>riot proceeds to nerf every ADC instead of the items
Give or take a year later and were back at the exact same spot EXCEPT the game is faster because cheaper items
Nah bro, it gets better
>The only Ezreal nerf is the klepto rework, because they "don't want to risk nerfing him too hard" despite the fact that he has been the best ADC this entire preseason
>Twitch doesn't even get mentioned
Hopefully it's a Miss Fortune tier nerf
How do I play yasuo and abuse this broken fuck?
If they aren't going to nerf him I may as well abuse him
It genuinely bugs me when leddit fucks like you say this. Aside from the RNG bullshit on her W, she has the healthiest and most unique playstyle we've seen in a long time. All of her abilities are tricky skillshots that are equally hard to land as they are to dodge. She's also completely cucked by a frontline, all of her damage can be soaked just by standing in front of it. Oh, and she has no escape aside from summoners.
But a bunch of whiny faggots will get her nerfed into irrelevancy while 0 risk bullshit like Leblanc come back.
Filtering is for redditors. If you don't like what's being posted, fuck off to reddit. Never understood why you morons insist on being in a thread when you don't like it.
Zoe main?
t. buttblasted waifuautist
>pathetic small amount of free mana every 60 seconds
>heavily outclassed by ult hat and even magic shield
>still needs nerfed two patches in a row
what the fuck is riot doing
>Vayne getting nerfed
>this piece of shit isn't
it's not her rng w. it's her rapid fire e.
Your bronze needs shining
Grown Up Annie Ultimate Skin when?
Nice try Zoe main. Your shit tier zero skill champ is about to get shat on
>Zoe main calling ANYONE "zero risk"
>*spams cc at you then 1 shots you with no counter play*
yorick buffs when
twitch is immune to nerfs
its a good thing that they nerf vayne, she doesnt deserve to ever be S tier
Taking the best out of a champ? Never please
No, I'm too shit at her to play her at Diamond and do anything but feed. Retards only see the one shot combos and think "wow so broken" but don't consider how fucking useless she is if you dodge or block part of it. She's legit high risk high reward.
>Vayne becomes meta for half of a preseason
>meanwhile Twitch has been meta since conception
Are Vayne mains the Punished Snake, of League?
True that.
Twitch is cuter than Vayne and he smells better.
He has a better playerbase too.
Vayne is cancer.
nobody likes vayne except vaynemaynes and nobody likes vaynemaynes
>all of her damage can be soaked just by standing in front of it.
"The counterplay is to have someone else stand in front and die so you don't have to!"
Ivern isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a champion with such ability and utility in League of Legends? Ivern puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a champion with such ability and utility for the game again. Xin Zhao breaks records. Leona breaks records. Ivern breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.
>Someone steals my Penta on Jhin
>Be happy because I got Four
Graves buffs when
Nah, I'm a diamond toplaner (still shit but better than 95% of /lolg/, including probably you) and I agree that she has a cancerous kit.
Her shroud was designed when pinks were in the game and even then it was bad design because interaction with it consisted of buying a pink and placing it. Now it's just even worse because she can sit in that thing for two weeks, do her amazon shopping, get banged by five dudes, take a nap, read a book, and then have her cooldowns up by the time it wears off.
It's broken right now because Riot fucked with stealth and haven't gotten around to fixing her yet. Most champs bar very few can actually do anything at all about her shroud.
You should try reading her abilities some time. E is a damage amp that fucking DOUBLES the next damage taken, so unless you're asleep, even a max range Q isn't bad. Especially for a tank.
Delete this gay shit
Is Hecarim the only champion who can make use of the Predator rune?
yeah shes cancer as fuck i had a 68% win rate with her in mid diamond and i barely played her before this year they need to nerf the shroud imo
Also warwick, eve, kayn, xin, jg leona, aatrox, and any melee champ really
I've seen a vlad and a skarner run it.
This isn't right. You can't do this to champions.
>people unironically think the Vayne nerf is going to do anything
Yea, just like the Miss Fortune nerf.
Are the raising the price of IE? Statik? No? Well, enjoy Vayne being busted for another season, because that's what's making her so damn fucking strong
inb4 they just rework the damage of her W a little meanwhile Caitlyn is still trash tier
Preseason is fun~
What is his best skin and what keystone does he take?
This. Crit items are the problem, not the champs themselves. People thought ADC would go back to being trash the moment Ardent Censer got nerfed.
Guess what, ADC is still the only relevant lane
Ive played with it a couple of times on skarner but its not good
it makes his ganks slightly better but the tree itself isnt that great for him, your post 6 ganks are already extremely good
predator itself gets cancelled by taking damage and skarner needs to get fairly close before he can ult so youre going to need flash anyway, its not that good
heca and annie can easily get in range
i believe it has much lower winrates than other keystones on skarner too
I want them to raise the price but also the stats on IE and Zeal items. Crit should feel like a hyperscaling build again instead of just a slightly slower and slightly different power spike.
i ran it on quinn earlier today, was fun