/svg/ - Shadowverse General

World's best mom edition

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis

>Rotation, formats, new class
>No nerfs in December
>New Year Crystal Special
>Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

Useful links

Official Website

Official deckbuilder and card database


Other urls found in this thread:



>really want puppet sleeves
>don't want to slog through ranked any longer


Does the game quene you with harder opponents if you have too high score? I have 46k MP points in AA3 and I'm fighting only masters now

How is Sword doing this expansion?

i'm AA1 and i'm fighting grand masters
it's pretty fucking dumb

There are not enough players in this moment, please understand.

>low masters meme connoiseurs
>stronger than tryhard AA
>this plus free -70/+150
you don't know the first thing do you


secret top tier

>11 one drops
>going second, mulligan all cards plus 2 draw still doesn't give me one in hand
>turn 2 draw 1 drop
I fucking hate this game sometimes

Neutral sword is secretly top tier
Pig is god

secret shit tier

>Go first against Shadow
>1st Hedgehog Zombie Party'd
>2nd Hedgehog Zombie Party'd
>didn't put enough pressure the early turns due to a shitty fucking 2 pp 3 damage spell, Thane and Eachtar follows and I don't have 9 Bahamuts in my deck
It's pretty comfy against shadow if they don't draw Zombie party though.

I apparently do not.

I'm doing fine with midsword in rotation, eating most of shadowniggers but lost horribly to dirt rune.

>took me til the end of last moth to get the last sleeve reward
>already have the last sleeve this month
fun game!

chests will cause a person to do unspeakable things

>tfw 10000 score but only 1600MP

Stop playing maymays.

Can't stop won't stop

>dread combo
epic one bro!

kill yourself cuck

what are the chances haven has a prebuilt with snow white and aether, I want to craft wallet haven so bad but I dont want to craft 10 fucking leggos

What the fuck am i playing against

Would running BnB in wolf-phant to fill in the midgame be too greedy?

It does fine against Shadow and loses to everything else of relevance.

>shadow stole spawn
>shadow stole albert
What's next?

honestly this game would be better with 20 card decks, the game is decided in the first 5 turns anyways. 40 cards is just too much RNG

It's clearly ward reina.

>already got Daria, Cerb and Exella
Saving for Moon desu.

A bricked temple maybe?

>shadow stole spawn

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was it.


You forgot Sibyl and Otosage

They did, except it's shit.

snow white

Is the chest campaign over? I haven't gotten one in a while.

If it's unlimited, then PTP

2pp 2/2 aegis [Enhance: 8pp gain +6/+6]
Necromancy (2): gain storm
Necromancy (4): can attack twice a turn

I completely forgot about Shadow Spawn. I haven't seen it once on the ladder.

How much did you spend or are you the ultimate luckshitter

>spam ouroboros
outskilled i guess

>Last three cards in deck are Atomy


SFL around 150 packs. CG aroung 200 packs.

they arent even hiding their shadow bias are they

it was eidolon ptp, i outptped him though

*blocks your path^

Belenus is basically reverse snow white.

at least I glad for dirtbros and their rising from meme

>unlimited shadow buried bahamut t2
uh oh

Trying out homebrewed Support Cannon. If the opponent doessnt drop Bahamut, i win.

Could be worse, at least you'll have a chance to remove it when he Ceridwens it T5.
If it was Zeus he could just storm your face.

dirt has been strong since the last half of WD

I want Luna to straddle me with her abyss!

You need to kill yourself. The deck is even more cancerous than the other two.

I just ignored it lmao

spotted the shadownegro



>Opponent bricks harder
Truly this is Master level play.

Play lamp.

See, you wouldn't have been able to just smash his face in if he had buried Zeus.

Glad blood is dead.

Sibyl. Oh wait...

This is actually pretty salvageable.

>we can never have good end game neutral legendaries like the other forms of Satan, Luci, and Bahamut, because of ramp existing
Just gut ramp already, a fucking class' mechanic being so much better than everyone else's shouldn't fucking punish others by denying them good neutral support on top of it. Just make the mechanic overflow and they have to reach turn 7 like everyone else (oh the horror).

>couldn't play Elana because of Bahamut
>couldn't play Leonidas because of Bahamut
>couldn't play Ginger because of Bahamut
>can't play Temple because of Bahamut


Bahamut is going to rotate out soon,and get reprinted.

>mfw Chain Lightning 4 times

Close shave. If Skull Ring had revived any given 2 attack follower, I would have died to Aisha.

>>couldn't play Leonidas because of Bahamut
>>couldn't play Ginger because of Bahamut
Those two are because they are just terrible, actually.

That thing should be 6pp

t. Shadownigger

The problem isn't even Bahamut, it's fucking turn 5, 6, and 7 Bahamut. Bahamut is a strong turn 10 for sure, but its still balanced considering other turn 10 plays. At fucking turn 5 and 6, most classes are playing weenies or 4/5s, not a fucking 13/13 board clear.

I am so fucking angry, nothing works for me today. I guess I will try later tomorrow. Fucking card games.

looks like a normal winning hand for dragon

Delete Summit.

Has anyone tried ptp with portal?

Same here. I just ragequit for the day, I'm so mad.

Oh right, sorry nobody's allowed to complain about your deck.


It's a decent deck, would be good if PtP was in rotation. Unlimited games don't last past turn 6 thanks Blood and roach, and when they do, there's a 100% chance it's control deck running Bahamut.

Sometimes when no ones around I like to shout card names and what they're doing like I'm in a card game anime.

Need a little info, when Ginger comes into play, the followers you play after can't attack the enemy leader as long as Ginger is in play? So if she dies, they can go face?

I love cucks so much! They always have 5 more PP on my fifth turn! Cucks are so strong!

Are you ok?

>implying anyone uses it outside of Oz either way

Can you throw Golems into regular Dirt or does it need a deck on it's own?

It's fun

Welcome to the club, luckshitter bro. My only experience using Shadow this format has been one take two run, and I absolutely love her.


>he still uses the spats

the "control" decks you're talking about are dropping baha on turn 6-7 too

Of course, I forget it's standard card. No fun allowed.

Maybe he just loves spats, like me.

someimtes when Im making coffee in the morning Ill say some lines without realizing it, most of the time it was lucifer for some reason

Rotation was a mistake.