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Bride Tharja alt this year
Give me your honest thoughts on Camilla.
Do I play FE3 or FE11+12 to experience Marth's games for the first time?
Short hair is very cute
Shit armor
Did this user ever deliver?
I like her hair
I like purple
Things that won't happen
Why is Cherche so shit?
>new brides this year
why? they already released the best one
too bad, Sue is cute and deserves more love
Extremely overrated, fates has better waifus for sure
Tharja already has 2 alts.
>simultaneous first posts
I'm not really mad, but I'm apparently the only one who's willing to point out how many damn early FE4 threads have been made lately.
What kind of new game mode did you ask for in the survey?
>a bossfight where everyone chips away at a global health bar for a set amount of turns every other hour. You get rewarded based on total damage it took and how much you contributed.
>a mode that is just the Warriors maps but we keep them forever
Sue is wonderful but I don't want her in Heroes if it means another cav archer.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 crossover never ever
>Wanting a unit who already has an alt to get more alts
Greedy fucks like you need to learn to appreciate what they already have.
This is true sadly, they could make her tanky so its not cancerous like Brave Lyn
Do y'all like don't know how to filter tripcodes or something?
How do I build a budget Joshua?
She's pretty shit.
I did ask for a global boss fight like you mentioned. Would be a neat way to fight some of the large dragon bosses like Grima and Duma
or just ignore
why they feel the need to reply to trash I will never understand
Please don't post pictures of doot until I get her, thank you.
If Camilla, Chrom, Azura, and Xander can all get two alts then I won't rest until my waifu gets a 2nd one too.
To the user (and anyone else) wondering about the cryptic Xavier, and Thracia's other character recruitment requirements, I direct you to this. Granted, a lot of characters are still simple stuff like visiting a village or having the lord talk to them, but there's still a lot of stuff you wouldn't know without a guide. See Misha and Ilios for further examples. serenesforest.net
That must be your taste, user.
do 11/12 but you should play 3 too
Bros, this is a blatant attack from both BLM and /fgog/
Are we going to let this stand?
That's true.
Guard Bow Sue with a stat spread like a mounted Selena and demoted to 4* afterwards.
I suppose the problem is more that it would be hard for a cavalry archer that doesn't share Lyn's BST boost to find a niche. Even for baiting other ranged threats, Mulagir is pretty much the best possible bow.
>literally no mention of her expose back
Cherchefags are failures.
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
Why does FE cross over so well with Pokemon?
>Echoeschads characters get blacked, in official art
BASEDari! Black Boey and Black Gray are awesome. BLACKED! Shut up Tobin!
>Nazipas characters get blacked, in fan art
Nigger. Ape. Get that ape out of my game.
Why are Echoes fans so accepting, but Grandpas so racist?
>fighting about f2p mobile games
I want to fuck you.
Awakening spotpass units not in Heroes
Norne,Malice,Horace,Etzel,Hardin,King Marth (alt),
Moulder the Boulder,Marisa,Lyon,
Travant,Ishtar,Linus,Selena (sacred stones), Petrine, and Oliver the beautiful.
>Only rolled a few times
>Got +spd and -def
I love luckshitting
>autistic beaner with literally no life who spends 18 hrs a day on /feg/ and revolves his schedule around the 750 post limit timing
Not really impressive at all, just sad.
>Felicia uses a HOGE
Nice taste
>I suppose the problem is more that it would be hard for a cavalry archer that doesn't share Lyn's BST boost to find a niche. Even for baiting other ranged threats, Mulagir is pretty much the best possible bow.
I don't see why a unit has to be comparable or better than an existing unit? Why not just create units in spirit of how they were in their own games and let people use their favourites, people will find use in anyone they like regardless of stats. Ofcourse what I say is not marketable, so I am a minority in this opinion even if parts of it maybe be shared by others.
I'M not resting until this precious big brother is in and people remember that he exists, you greedy manchild.
What do i give her for A and B skills?
Bladetomes typically want +SPD over +ATK right? Finally rolled a Tilt with +ATK/-DEF and want to invest in one eventually
>rolled her twice back-to-back
>+res -atk and +def -spd
>Lewyn in spotpass and failtiu wasn't
>She gets in and he doesn't
I hate IS' waifu bias sometimes.
Cute FE characters plus cute Pokémon is just a good combo I suppose.
Yeah +spd is preferable because doubling is way more important than a mere +3 attack. Blade tomes get stacked as fuck with buffs that the attack IV is basically irrelevant.
>rolled her off banner in my final attempt to get one more Christmas unit
>completely neutral
Pretty good feel
>Worst Fates royal and an awful fire type starter
It's like concentrated shit the image
>”I’m sure to win because my speed is superior”
Literally nothing wrong with her A and B skills. She's fine how she is. Catria shouldn't be performing like Cordelia or Honkers to begin with.
I honestly like this guy more than Delthea, his crit quotes are fantastic.
I hate annoying little sisters
How much do I need to score to get into tier 20
They better give me my Anna alt this year.
This isn t camilla
Remember when /feg/ used to lose its shit over early Lucina/Tharja threads?
Well she did win.
And her speed is superior.
Looks like the color is on her side and the scales have been tipped.
Why do mommyfags always attack girls that are cuter than their mentally ill dragonfuckers?
>just realized we don't start each thread with that NES Sakura anymore
what happened?
It's more the issue of "how do I work this unit into my team when it's only function is performed better by a very similar unit?"
Like, it's easy to find a place for Fir in your team despite her being bad, because a fast melee with almost 40 res is pretty easy to find use for. It's hard to find a place for Navarre on your team, despite being around the same level of bad as Fir, because he has no niche that another melee red doesn't fulfill exactly, but better. He offers nothing over them, nothing sets him apart.
It's fun to use your favourites, even if they aren't great. Part of the fun is finding ways to make them perform well, giving them their own niche. But if they're a pure handicap, then it's much less fun.
>they could make her tanky so its not cancerous like Brave Lyn
That would be just as cancerous, really. A 2-range with rounded defenses that's a bitch to kill even for dragons.
I'd much prefer her noodle-arm but hayai stat spread she has in FE6. At least she wouldn't be as spammable as BLyn's strong atk and spd.
Drawing cocks in the maid’s face!
Both series used to be great in the past but the quality of both declined to shit.
>you must like Camilla to dislike Hinoka
Same, only mine was +Atk/-Def.
Just rolled a +Spd -Def Soliel. Without any merges or skills she has higher atk and speed than my +5 Mask Marth. Why is this carper muncher so strong?
Camillafags are insecure and defensive soyboys more news at 11
>this post
Go jerk off to your mommy's cowtits
Because Hidari’s art style makes everyone look good, regardless of race, while Tumblrshit looks awful in niggers and Arians alike
Most people are sadly only aware that he exists because Delthea is his younger sister. I like Delthea herself just fine, but Luthier is so genuine and likable.
"Pushing your luck, I see..."
The only good fire emblem characters are from Awakening, Fates, and Path of Radiance.
Beating Felicia in a Pokemon battle! Finding out she doesn't have any lunch money to take! Taking her clothes instead and leaving her butt naked in the middle of nowhere!
Kill yourself, phoneposter.
>weight: 87
why is mommy Ashera so heavy guys?
You should be ASHAMED if you personally find any Fire Emblem characters outside of those titles interesting
kagero and orochi are 100x better
camilla is too good looking to want male corrin
generally yes with a few exceptions, ie lilina and snacki can rock full attack for OHKO
Camilla is shit
Echoes characters are really attractive and they had to explain the dark skinned characters in Awakening somehow
I really should finish UM
>Anna getting an alt before the other Heroes OCs
She wasn't even important enough to get put in the Book 2 video.
This is incorrect because it's harder for the good characters from the GBA games to show themselves as support conversations are handled like shit, and characters from the DS games are forgotten about because the story is almost entirely about Marth or Kris. You also can't tell me that Jugdral isn't full of character.
Don't waste your time with that shit.