/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2584

Fire Grid Inspection Edition

>Recent News
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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first for toontix

tomorrow la

This is Vira, the most beautifl Granblue girl, praise her!

Theres nothing wrong in starting with light

what if the New Years ticket transforms into a Surprise Ticket?

and Lyria is all like
>wow sugoi danchou
and vee is all like
>I'm not a tokage, de arimasu!
then Katalina rapes him

boom hire me cygames

Post those old toontix memes from last year

What happen if Ilsa put on Korwa dress?

Same as dark

Reminder that Grape is still strapped to her bed in the Grancypher, and the last time we saw her, we told her we'd visit her parents

>zoi keeps going back to her default stance while she has ougi whenever a skill is activated


Except wanting to kill oneself

also what was the 200m


Help! What else should I put in shy boi?

that would be very surprising

>strapped to her bed in the grancypher
hot desu

Who's ready?

best dark team right here

So is light bad for newfags or not?
The debate continues

>people are going to unironically ticket Ilsa
>Ultima gun in earth

Fell for the f2p agni back in like january 2017
I'll probably put back a 2nd spear over the 2nd axe

remember that there are tons of characters with cliff hangers like that and it should be made fucking illegal

So did anyone who got unbanned yesterday or today get their Winter stream items?

Debuff resistance. Wouldn't want him getting skill sealed.

Ilsa doesnt need a dress for that she is a natural born slut
She is the kind of woman that just looks and smells a cock once and instantly craves nothing but dick for the rest of her life

You are thinking with your dick, I like it.

5* never ever.
I only ticket cute. That said, I'm ticketing Sara.

Reminder that this is an excuse for her to get a 5* and make Light great again.

>Naru overdrive assassin mode on
>multi attack buff from GW dagger on
>Naru make a single attack

Where are your Six and SZoi?

Ultima isn't baha stop being retarded



why haven't you spent a single point on critical hit?

Why isn't your Percy sword uncapped?

Just ticket fingers la


Because six caps without crits while his problem is TAs

I dont like to waste gold bars and I also do not like cancer.

How do I use Naru

>SR Danua sent her dolls to hell and gained the ability to talk like a normal person
>SSR Halloween Danua is a mouthbreathing retard again and the dolls are back

They could fix her just by allowing us to heal her while she's cursed. It sucks she's already behind 15% her max HP.

what the hell

>no Zeta

You like?

I'm not a whale


>Fall for the enmity meme
>Boss kill whole team in 1 hit

Hit it for free enmity.


halloween danua happens before SR danua 5*
but i agree that its retarded

Just fight through it, fag. He's a fucking pussy, unless you've got so many cortanas, 1k hp murders you.

I never bothered farming Anat because Casino is horrid

oh i see

Best dark team is Beato/Zeta/Vaseraga though.

How dangerous is it actually to use pokerbot?

>He doesn't know

Wait 2 hours and it dispels itself.

>Earth has 2 new 9.0 and 9.5 characters
>water got zodic 8.5
>dark got limited 9.0 only good for Light boss

There is no real reason to use it.

>halloween danua happens before SR danua 5*
Obviously, but I've been waiting for a follow-upon the 5*. Look at Halloween Beato. That one actually occurs before Vaseraga's 5* and is mentioned continuously, since instead of possessing her, the sword changes costumes to match the dumb owner.

Not even, just remove the hostility up on her 3

i knew a guy? used poker bot, i never saw him again

Bea, Zeta
Vas, Ilsa, Eustace
Vas, Zeta, Bea

When the fuck do we get 4 in one element

maybe his butt hurts

>almost the 7th
>No surprise ticket news
uhhh kmrfags?

Saves me several hours of grinding in poker and/or bingo and getting mad, that sounds like a reason

More TA, more crit.


please understand
i just use yoda, get his ougi up in like 1 turn and then 3 stack him, works like a charm

What if I want gunstones?

>putting points in dodge

Literally tomorrow, retard.

>not using 5* esser at the back
u'r playing this game wrong

>fire is still fire

>How dangerous is it actually to use pokerbot?
It's fine, I've been using it more or less every other day since March last year

JUST don't be fucking stupid and have it running for hours(3~4+ hours) like you're not fucking human.

so use it

No. It's actually really useful for activating her enmity and when combined with her 1. I will compromise and say they could reduce the hostility to 4 turns, or boost her defense while it's up.

>light praying for lucifer or a new SSR
>wind begging for change in the streets
>fire no where to be found

When Lester gets released

It's pointless unless you have a nighthound MC fuck off into the backlines.

Would it be better to grind up to level 50 to get my Bahamut weapon rather than just leeching magnas at 0 damage forever?

>dodge is bad
nu-uh sweaty
*teleports behind your skyfall*
*kamiyan voice* osoi

Dirt Zeta soon.

>rank 13
The cutest of cuties!

>Light boss
She sucks on element fights too because she grows weaker against it the more turns passes.

She deserves to be 8.5 but Gameshill is on pure damage control for SVfags cuck waifu.

Is Lecia only good with Attack order characters? The buff order doesn't seem as good, and the other two are trash.

do both

She has a very sexy smile.

he's literally free if you have djannu

A bahamut dagger by itself isn't going to magically boost your damage very much.

>not having tonz of emp
>dodge on six, what?
just try it yourself u can always reset emp
emp is cheap anyway

poast the good version

Maybe give her a Massive Garrison passive like Vas/Razias EMP

I have 7 swords and 5 claws. No primals. What the fuck do I buy with my pendants now?

user, you're going to buy me D. Jannu? Thanks, buddy!

Attack order is the only one worth a damn. Lucky for you it is busted as all fuck and getting two nukes on your MC plus a character with two nukes (i.e. Gawain) lets you stack it in one turn. Last spot goes to Wind's true savior Nio.


>six can dodge skyfal with 100%
>levi is shit

What's the url to get close ups on character arts?
Like the one I have seen for Ilsa

i've done that countless times and i've had no problems, like, i let the bot play and go to sleep, like 6-7 hours, yet when i woke up the bot just stopped itself

>his Levi can't dode Skyfall

Lecia is good with buff orders too, but you should really only be using her for attack orders. Any serious player would have broken ass Nio in their party, so there's no need for buff orders.