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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six Siege General
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>The game keeps randomly changing loadouts.
Can't you do ONE thing right Ubisoft?
Rhodesian operators when?
italian operators that tirano madonne when
What skills would they have?
Never. Losers not allowed
but they let grom in......
i want to suck IQ's toes!
only if 1-2 of them are cute girls in outfits roughly similar to those
Extra damage against Castle and Capitão.
data limits
>mfw finish 0/0/6
i'll just quietly kys myself over here if you guys don't mind
>bought the starter edition
>really love the game
>broke af & grinding for new charactesr
Trying to find some answers but every site and wiki is just barebones descriptions.
Do the barbed wires do any damage? Not sure what use they are so far.
>tfw go like 0/3/8
>lose 4-5
>basically the sole reason for the loss
some games are not good games
how many hours of playtime do you have?
every time i start playing for a night i get a few of these in a row before i get into it
>smashing in ranked
>12 kills a game, no problem
>get to mid gold
>start scoring 1.0 or less k/d on average each match
>OP says don't buy the starter edition
>buys the starter edition
>can't figure out what barbed wire does
i know that feel. I caved and bought some points and got a couple people but I bought dokkaebi which was a mistake
barbed wire just slows and makes noise, it mostly just makes noise when you're dealing with 3 speeds though because by the time you'll be able to react the 3 speed will have gotten through it already
>finish a game 10/4/2
>feeling pretty good about yourself
>play your next game, get super unlucky, random shots hitting you, yolo grenades, peeked, etc.
>finish 0/2/5, lose
>teammates call you out on mics saying you're a shitter
i-it was just this one time i promise
dumb frogs.
just unlocked mira desu lads
why do you idiots fall for the starter edition meme
>when someone brags about being good in siege
wew that's embarrassing
i'm literally retarded but that shit is just beyond me
ok reddit
I don't think I've ever killed someone after hitting them with a stun grenade or seen anyone else do it.
>implying I ever visited these generals before I bought the game
Quit after repeated GMs on Overwatch, fatigued with their streamer popularity contests and the same 100 people in GM&T500 with their smurfs.
Come to really like RS6:S but a lot of kids and drug addict ADHDs with hot mics.
Starting to think it's all too troublesome to play games since I don't like the company of 5 retards on my team.
Tell me now please is this game any stronger in ranked mode? I only bought this after the good reviews and supposed higher tickrate servers.
Big peekholes
Big breasts
I want to sleep on Mira's boob pillow.
I've been playing Buck almost nonstop since Black Ice. Took about a year break and I'm back at it, branching a bit into Zofia now - but can anybody tell me what they'd consider a 'flexible' character? Sometimes the way the match goes, entry fragging isn't on the list and there's a lot of floating and poking at Defender setups, countering peekers and runouts etc.
Buck is pretty good at being flexible, no idea how other Ops would fare at that kind of thing though. Would like to hear some input.
Stats in pic.
>match point
>last guy is a shitter
>mfw im that guy
Sure as hell you do.
>8.24 w/l
>2.69 k/d
>0.36 accuracy
I play on console. The aim acceleration is truly the worst thing ever and makes it very, very hard to hit things deliberately.
If you're not holding an angle already,
then headshots are either accidental or non-existent.
Do you use a mouse?
Can someone that is better than me fix the transparency in her left arm for both versions of this image?
I want to upsize them to use all wall papers
Gamepad. 0.36 is 36% accuracy though so that's not too bad, surely
How the shit are your other stats so high?
What's your rank? Why are you asking us for advice?
Still doing placements for this season, I took my big break just after the BOPE ops got released. I was plat in Black Ice though.
It's just been a while, not sure if any of the new DLC ops are good at flexing like my boy Buck can. Zofia's alright so far though, her custom AK-platform-thing is a breath of fresh air compared to Buck's C-'One shot and you face the ceiling'-8.
I'd switch to Hibana if the 556 didn't feel so fucking good to fire, such satisfying kills.
Mate, the Type89 is a Pavlovian lead dispenser.
This game pisses me the fuck off
I dunno what average accuracy would be for using a pad. It just seems weird your other stats are so high.
i bought starter edition a week ago.
how fucked am i?
look at this fucking normie
>Playing solo casual
>Rook challenge
>I'm just going to be bullied by plat ash mains and such because this is post Black Ice
>Thats if people don't just instalock him or just tk me for picking him
>Manage to get Rook challenge done in 4 or so matches with quite high kills because ACOG
Smoothest birthday challenge yet
Don't even have to play Siege now till next week.
>offense operator
>almost 2.0 k/d
>negative w/l
>unironically says "normie"
>bought starter edition
Your average PC player is far-and-away better than your average console player. I'd probably be somewhere around Gold 1/2 if I was on PC. If you play a lot of vidya, it's not hard to have good stats in console shooters since 90% of players are worse than PC silver-types.
This is a myth.
Go ahead and post the cherrypicked webms, too
I've had the game skip my killcams lately, what gives
No no, I'm saying that I wish they wouldn't rush so that I could actually be helpful with my Twitch drone. I never have time to drone during attack phase.
I take no credit for usefulness.
In Siege it's all about the win, baby. Gotta spend deaths to make deaths, Nahmsayn?
>This is a myth.
Maybe I just have more trouble on PC games than I do console games then. I do alright on PC but don't come anywhere close to consistent-first-place that I'd get on console shooters. I don't know what webms you're talking about but since you asked for a webm have something unrelated from 2015 Siege.
kill yourself frogfucker
>This is a myth.
It's really not, it even happens in non shooters like when the best For Honor players tried moving to PC.
Oh my bad for being rude then, sorry.
People just complain about their teams so much in this game when they're bottom 2 just chasing frags.
>being this good
lol what a F A G
fucking awesome guy!
lmaoing at your pathetic frogfaggot life
>thermite's body being held to the building for a solid 4 seconds before plummeting to the ground
Newfag here, can someone tell me why Ela is considered OP?
It can't just be her speed, there are other 3 speed ops.
It can't be her gadget since it's pretty average and there are other ops who have similar if not better gadgets, Lesion for example.
I know her Scorpion is very good but it can't be just that since I do occasionally see people use her shotgun.
So what is it?
New Mute weapon leaked
sauce on that pic pls
back to r/incels
900 RPM laser rifle with an infinite magazine, 3 speed and a throw and forget gadget that's actually amazing.
Thats okay, I don't like when people ME OOGA TEAM BOOGA either, even on enemy teams. Shits just rude, even if you carry your team theres no reason to shit on them in casual mode of all things.
>Canadian op
>Name rhymes with cuck
This was done on purpose, right?
Name one negative aspect ela has that's related to her gameplay.
boy im only really casually into this sort of shit ok, i dont have a phd in weebdom i just know the source for that pic and i dont even understand what the problem is now get off my back
>op from vancouver
>she's chinese
What's so good about it compared to Lesion's?
His makes you have to stop and pull the needle out or you continue to take damage.
>distorts screen
>can't hear shit
>turn speed is heavily slowed
>can't run
>can be placed above windows where attackers have no opportunity to shoot it out
Because it lasts like 10 seconds no matter what you do, on top of her being a 3speed with the best gun in the game.
Who are the best anti-roamers?
The game is made by Canadians, so probably not.
Anyone as long as you have a big enough dick
What makes you say Ying when Jackal and Dokkaebi exist?
Not much point flashing if you don't know what window Jager's about to hang his dick out of so you can come up behind him.
because she's 3 speed
AND has a great gadget that's difficult to counter, AND can be set or thrown
AND has two great primaries, one being the best defender weapon ever
ying is the best EVERYTHING especially flashing!
Jackal, Ash
Because her gun is awful so you'll play extra carefully when you pick her
>especially flashing
You cheeky boy, user.
ying blitzes the fuck out of the objective room
best anti-roamer is the one that finishes the objective before the roamer can actually do anything
Jackal for sure. Maybe blitz because 1v1 he's hard to take down and he can clear rooms out really quickly.
>Caveira and Ela pinning me (Buck) and buddy (Glaz) down a few rooms away from the objective
>Pub-player Blackbeard just waltzes the fuck in, shoots Smoke in the face and starts securing the area
>Ela and Caveira take so long to decide to make a break for the objective that they arrive just in time to fail to protect the biohazard container, and watch Blackbeard teabag them endlessly.
this is literally a console gold player, stay delusional consolefag.
Console players can be pretty bad when they let you get away with this shit. I'd consider this to be bad aim on my part, even considering it was like two years ago, but some of the stuff I see when spectating is truly the worst.
green hair makes it easy to spot and flick headshot her, this alone makes her mediocre.
Blitz + Jackal Combination. Literally unbeatable.
im terrible at this game but this webm makes me feel better
shit you got me
>misses a downed player twice at point blank
>proceeds to wipe 4 out of 5 enemy ops
The duality of man.
stop using that shit tier artists work as OP images