Ezreal, the later years edition
League of legends general - /lolg/
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My teams seem to have gone full retard in diamond recently. Has this unusual experience happened to any other /lolg/ diamonds?
xth for sexually conquering the vastayan race.
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
a+ game
how the fuck do i get an S on sejuani jungle
if any of you cucks say FARM MORE XDDD
after I complained about having to play selfish last thread
well, its preseason, expect more retardation than usually
>Playing ranked in preseason
>Acting surprised when your team is full of retards
Dumb anime poster
Reminder to love your waifu no matter what.
>Ezreal is bigger than either of the girls
Someone doesn't know proportions.
>adc hovers vayne
>statistically over 98% of the games the adc was vayne they have fed an we lost
>ban vayne
>adc locks in troll pick
>somehow I'm the bad guy
comfy bfs~
What KP% is that?
>Wanting to be a soft and fertile girl
>Instead of a towering Void Monster with a massive phallus and multiple tentacles for pleasing your mate
he got fed and they didnt
Wth is with those retarded faces? Was this made on purpose?
8 hours in paint again.
Here is a 3 cocoa cups combo by a new champ (Peengoo).
I want to see cho'gath and the other void monsters use Lulu as an incubator!
Season 8 when
A is for Angry ADC Mains
Qt petite waifus with big dicks.
20 total kills that game
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
Sorry but I'm a Sarahfag.
That does sound interesting but it's not my thing, sorry! I'd rather be the one being bred
Do you think Cho will get a Warring Kingdom skin? He was on the list of upcoming skins. Or is another batch of Dark Stars on the way?
I wonder if Riot is ever goin to update Ezreal model, he looks like shit, you just have to compare him to the newer champion
Either the 8th or 9th.
>he looks like shit
Perfect. Just as intended.
He belongs in a dumpster anyway.
I want to be best friends with a squad of League girls as they recruit me as their newest member!
Also is LCK schedule up anywhere yet?
>tfw nunu buffs
>he looks like shit
It reflects his playerbase
Eventually they are going to rework him.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
And having to update pulsefire again, probably not in a couple of years, if the games still alive in 2 more years
>Not just eating the girls
>Not wanting them to struggle futilely as they slowly make their way into your belly
Farm more, take more objectives, do more damage
how do you make a clean webm
i recorded one and it looks like eye cancer
I'm hard.
just buy his skins goy
Who will be in the middle during the threesome?
Pls Riot give Swain rework.
8.2 is going to be a good patch. And it's going to be even better if Nunu gets a skin. Maybe firecracker Nunu?
Don't you mean have we started the fire?
Only the fat ones get eaten.
I miss tagging along with a jungle Nunu and helping him invade the enemy jungle early, steal buffs, and kill the enemy jungler early game. I hope he gets put in a good place.
Yes its like all the nut jobs are out of the wood work. I'm plat 1 but play with diamond ever game so.
>nunu skin when hes due for a VGU
doubt it man
Why is the guy hotter?
That still technically makes you a chubby chaser.
>It'll be fairly soon. We generally treat VGU teasers like new champ teasers, not giving away their exact dates or details ahead of time so I won't mention anything beyond fairly soon."
Soon friend, maybe like Evelynn the rework would be out tomorrow
swifting blade twitch 300
/lolg/ switches opinions every thread. Half of us say shit just to be contradictory.
But seriously the answer is almost always farm and vision score. KDAs come in all shapes and sizes but vision and farm are markers of "better" play and seem to get higher weight.
stop spreading this nonsense
we got every objective
i had 2nd most damage
the only game i got S on was 65% KP, 15 KDA, 6.7 cs/min
should i take green smite and sweeping maybe
How many things can I bind to a single key? Like when playing Brand in URF can I just bind all the abilities to q since you just spam anyways?
If Jhin can get 3 skins in a year and Jax can finally get another skin I believe anything is possible.
Just replace the girl with this Jinx if it makes you feel better.
>green smite
Not legitimately through the ingame menus. There was a way to mess with the config files but I don't remember the correct way to do it.
how can you tell if a vayne is scripting?
>tfw they won't acknowledge or actively shit on Swain's love of Sona's music
red smite blue smite and
what the fuck are you gonna call the other one
ward smite?
Can you bind two things to a single key?
Tracker's Knife you fucking simpleton
They shitted on WW and Singed friendship, so don't have big spectations
you are genuinely silver if you dont think green smite isn't the best of the bunch
How do you make league webm of 30 seconds and 3MB? cant get them over 20 seconds
Im expecting either a small nod to it in a taunt or nothing at all. Also on a side note i really hope Swain doesnt have reduced Vision range. I've been hearing people talk about this and it worries me.
Trackers? It doesn't give you a smite brainlet.
Smite because it doesn't modify smite at all. Alternatively call it trackers knife because that's the item
No, in game whatever the last thing you bind will always take priority and whatever was first gets unbound.
Positive KDA
You have to do it in the settings file, or preferences I don't remember what it is called.
use webm for retards
change size of the video
>having fun
pick none
less than 8 deaths in the first 15 minutes
Hunger is one of the most primal of urges, it's okay
Well it's only natural that the more "healthy" females would provide the most sustenance.
Okay what I'm really asking is can I bind my mastery emote to left click without the game messing up my left click's functionality
>support main
>managed to get to gold 3
>dropped back down to 5
>nearly got demoted
>managed to get back up to gold 3
>had nothing but trolls and shit show games today
>now sitting at G4 2lp (had to dodge to avoid some trolls)
maybe I should just stop with ranked until reset.
Kled is CUTE! He's my husband and I want him to smother me with his BUTT!
would you an Annie?
I don't see why not. My q is bound to laugh and it only causes issues because laugh stops movement but I'm used to managing it now. Mastery shouldn't affect gameplay at all since there's no champion animation.
I want to go swimming with you
>go up against literal dog shit lane opponent who probably got mastery 7 by accidentally having good teams
>lose and his teams spoonfeeds him kills after he goes 0/5 in lane because your team is just worse
jesus christ that ezreal was fucking horrendous. i took the wrong runes on my champion and had a melee support vs his janna and he still kept dying to me
Happily! Joyfully! ANALLY!
Would I make her my adoptive daughterwife and impregnate her as often as possible?
Yes, I would.
Do you know how? Doing it manually through the proper settings menu is proving impossible. I could bind it to mb3 but not mb1
can I replace the guy with her instead and give them both cute cocks?
I might like Jinx the best
>We are losing and cant come back
>Like genuinely no way, we are too stomped
>Not even the best koreans could come back from this loss
>Vote For Surrender Has Failed 3/2
>"We can still come back wait for late game"
League Folder/Config/input.ini I think? I don't have my computer available right now. I'm phoneposting from a train station.
i wish
Fine. But neither of them can be bigger than 4 inches.
>give them both cute cocks?
I’ve seen Swain’s model.
He has grayish white hair that’s slicked like back like pic related but no facial hair.
His missing arm is not prosthetic but looks corrupted like in his splash art right now. Though it looks more prominent and obvious. A bunch of very dark green vine-ish lines run through it
He has a staff still but no idea if he uses it to aid him in walking but I don’t think he has a leg injury from what I gathered.
Looks pretty cool
Understandable, I'm phoneposting AT HOME
I'm more than okay with these terms.
Middle, you said?
you can't help what your heart longs for
Does he still wear a bandana over his mouth?
which support(s) are good with vayne? weird that I don't have an answer. we're currently in p1.