Fat cat is better.
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Fat cat is better.
>Current Event
>Patch 4.18
>Job Guide
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9 beet on Mateus anyone?
When's Catboy Quest 2018?
Even with medium sized breasts I love how deep cleavages are in this game.
hello haters of kaori, abe, mado, stratos and vjera.
>max sliders
>breasts are still b cup
what are you talking about user
nice guy
very hostile but not a bad guy
nice guy
hostile and autistic
literal human garbage
Hello Putt
Question xivg, I've been gearing up dragoon and I had a Shinryu Lance laying in my retainer, would getting a 340 lance be an upgrade? The statweights say it would but the substats compared to shinryu seem a lot less impactful!
Or even if it was an upgrade, how much of a difference would 335 vs 340 even make?
I believe the mantra is ilvl and weapon damage are king, everything else is dross.
Reminder to avoid and report/ban Kaori Irving on sight.
same difference between 340 and 345 weapons
quite a bit
Substats are literally negligible
Kaori is a vile toxic piece of refuse.
Hou, that so? I'll keep the shinryu lance for now until I upgrade.
Thanks a bunch!
Friends, does there exist a level 50+ set for DRK that isn't edgy, or if it's inescapable, any dyable sets?
Hi /xivg/, I hope you have a good day today.
yeah it's called glamour your shit every 5 levels or stay an edgy looking pos til you're 70.
DRK is literally edge incarnate. Try general tank armor.
Cum inflation.
Lalafell lover.
Size difference.
Multiple accounts.
Alts everywhere.
Friendly facade.
Shut the fuck up
Some outfits impact breast size more than others. A 100 in some outfits might not look the same on some other and coatees are known for giving a lot of padding.
so i havent played in fucking ages, im still like level 62 or something. whats the fastest way to level other than msq? nobody does fates anymore
hello hater of chemo
kaori shill
Xth for comfy gardens.
Hey guys, Puttel here. Ask me anything. :)
Post midlanders in lewd glamours
>tribe quests
pick your poison
ankoku kishi no ito
Do your fucking msq and only msq until you hit level lock then do roulettes that matter > current dungeon > pvp > or other shit.
>google living liquid
>get this
kiba no daku
Does it hurt orbiter?
Cum inflation.
Lalafell lover.
Size difference.
Multiple accounts.
Alts everywhere.
Friendly facade.
Remove Kaori Irving.
Ignore the mentally ill
Do not reply to them.
Consider the following.
>actual pedophile enters the thread
>sees random dude calling some other pedo
>he gets interested and asks for more info
>real pedo contacts supposed pedo ingame
>they get really friendly
>real pedo invites supposed pedo to his house and they go together
>they get in and real pedo has a kid for both to molest
>-what the fuck man? that's disgusting release that kid now!
>-i thought we both wanted this, everyone on Veeky Forums called you a pedo
>-no man, i just jack off to lalafells
If you see this, can you log back on?
does "LF ERP" searches in party finder actually work? asking for a friend hehehehahaha.
This feels like an always sunny bit
just hopping in the tub, i see u btw
Find out, let us know.
how much gil do I need to get full crafted in 4.2? I'm on behemoth
when the patch actually drops I'll get back to you
nigga I don't want some soy boy taking a screenshot and making it the top upboat on leddit
Nigga, if you're that concerned about people wanting to know about you wanting your skinflute fiddled go look around for some erp FCs
Mateus. ERP. Anyone?
>tfw snuggled up with Eri at the sleepover RIGHT NOW
Cum inflation.
Lalafell lover.
Size difference.
Multiple accounts.
Alts everywhere.
Friendly facade.
Depends on what you are and what you like.
will u b mine
Come clean.
How much is Solace paying you?
The time has came for me to return. Pass onto me your blessings, sisters!
>Mom found the pringles poop cans
what is wrong with you
quite a thread tonight
If it fits, I shits
>Meemaw found the rangledanga
mate, are you ok? Need an ambulance or something?
I like to think it's some dude with a megaphone going off, with everyone kind of ignoring them.
>kill yourself
I just want a thread with fat cat and people to be slightly on topic.
To be fair, I imagine with the amount of people who couldn't get past it at the time statistically some of them would have developed stockholm syndrome.
I don't miss you, I never loved you, and I wish you were dead. The past is the past and the future is better without you. I'll find people smarter, better, and someone willing to actually buy me the things I need and get me a fanta when I ask for one. It's over.
>window out
>forget was logged in
>come back after like an hour
>got ERPed on
You're just being ironic, right? There's no way people can actually be this petty.
>The current state of /xivg/
And I thought it was bad four years ago
Is Vjera a boy or a girl?
>sit down in Gridania
>AFK for no more than 10 minutes
>came back to a "you two make a cute couple" message
>nobody there except me
its literally the same shit from 4 years ago
He's not human, do you see the color of it's skin?
Size difference is literally the most patrician fetish.
say that to my face
This but only if it's tall girl, small cute male
You reported it to the Yellowjackets, right?
of all the places for a weird al reference I didn't expect to find one in ast quests
>imagine having such a small dick that it was physically impossible to penetrate a female.
That's what I imagine all the faggots in this general are.
A bunch of small dicked betacucks.
>molybdenum found the carbohydrate portions
When will catmen get to be taller?
sorry but you are 2 buzzwords short of having a noticeable post
When they release Ronso.
What are you? 13?
Human metabolism and deficiency[edit]
Molybdenum is an essential trace dietary element.[78] Four mammalian Mo-dependent enzymes are known, all of them harboring a pterin-based molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in their active site: sulfite oxidase, xanthine oxidoreductase, aldehyde oxidase, and mitochondrial amidoxime reductase.[79] People severely deficient in molybdenum have poorly functioning sulfite oxidase and are prone to toxic reactions to sulfites in foods.[80][81] The human body contains about 0.07 mg of molybdenum per kilogram of body weight,[82] with higher concentrations in the liver and kidneys and in lower in the vertebrae.[37] Molybdenum is also present within human tooth enamel and may help prevent its decay.[83]
the more you know
Stop giving the mentally ill attention.
molybdenum is in xiv
Our brains are too small to control any body larger than what we have without running into dinosaur related issues.
but I wanna be big NOW!
If I've already used my Recruit a Friend code once can I not use it again? I can't find a space for it on the mogstation page.
pffff what are you insecure or something
I want to cut my dick off.
Avoid Kaori at all costs.
Cum inflation.
Lalafell lover.
Size difference.
Multiple accounts.
Alts everywhere.
Friendly facade.
t. wanna-be trap
queue up for rab on aether
19 perfectly legal mt friend im in my teen years still but somees you just gotta work with it alright?? loves ya...
Post your character
If they're cute, I might.
For far too long, catmen have been ridiculed. We will rise and come back, stronger than before and we will be _________TALL
Avoid the Wishmaster always.
Heartborne, 7th Seeker
Is Serrit a one pump chump? I need to know because I can't have my potential boyfriend being so excitable