/svg/ - Shadowverse General

World's best mom edition

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis

>Rotation, formats, new class
>No nerfs in December
>New Year Crystal Special
>Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

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Official Website

Official deckbuilder and card database


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Ded game ded general

>shadows are infinite
>can't even summon balanced man because of early soulsquasher removal
Mata asobi masho. Nerf kektar, bone chimera and albertina btw.

Just got these two from my free 10 pack, are their classes any good in this rotation?
Also why did the bronze card have this weird flair thing when I unpacked it? is it any rarer than normal?

You know what, he deserved it for playing such degenerate of a craft

What's killed the hype?

>Also why did the bronze card have this weird flair thing when I unpacked it? is it any rarer than normal?
It's unironically the rarest card in the game. Rarer than any legendary.

Blood, Sword and Shadow niggers shitposting.

>reddit mods

>spend resources to kill one bnb
>turn 7 second bnb



Dragon ruined rotation ladder due to being uncounterable, while unlimited is (predictably) just an aggro/roach circlejerk


See? This killed the hype. Shadowniggers&cia trying to cover up its free wins.

>instant deflection and namecalling when criticized
How much of a child can you be

>trying to cover up again
I wonder who's the child.

Wooow he's providing actual statistics and data, how dare he cover up my anecdotal experience exclusively playing dragon

People expected rotations to 'save the game' even though December CG was arguably the best meta we've had in months, but instead rotations came in and made things massively worse for everyone, to the point that the game actually needs saving now. It's not worse than the nblood meta, sure, but nerfs alone can't fix how badly they fucked everything up this time, which puts the game in a much worse state overall.

Woah, what. Who ever said that?

As someone who only plays haven & forest rotation did save the game.

so hows vampire for rotation


ebin meme


You in response to this post >but I didn't literally say it!
You directly quoted and implied it, but whatever helps you save face over not having a real argument.

Control vampire is tier 0

I've got a few of these too
It's always enjoyable to poke fun at these children




>People use Dork General leader


in a week every deck is gonna be saha isra baha with storm finisher, elephant for forest, aisha for shadow, etc.
screencap this post i'm not kidding

Honestly wouldn't be surprised
I even saw a portal with the neutral saha package today

Where's that PDK user at, I want to talk about dragon decks that aren't saha ramp and how best to apply them

You fell for a meme

>rotation kills every fast deck
>people are surprised when the game shifts to nothing but prolonged value wars ended only by the few soft wincons the game still has left
rotation was a mistake

it's already started, latest JCG winning mid shadow list has 2x bahamuts
it's only a matter of time before even shadow goes full wallet

Followers that are generated from shadow/necromancy should be banished upon destroying them

Neutral decks have been good for a very long time now. Why is anyone surprised?

It's not like unlimited doesn't exist, friend.

>mfw making Dirt players surrender with reverse Yurius

Tell that to western tournament organizers, friend. Tell that to the devs, for that matter. Also, unlimited is worse off due to CG too, since the cards from CG that were meant to be replacements for rotated cards have ended up making certain archetypes insanely consistent compared to the rest. It's not as bad as rotation, but it's nowhere near as good as the December meta either.

It's just a coinflip simulator until the banlist comes in

Once it's fixed i'll never touch the rotation dragonnigger circlejerk ever again

>dies to orenawa
How do you do it?

>the tier 0 deck last expac is now a meme
It can't be true, I won't go to the brickfest that is saha ramp

>wanting the banlist
Fuck entirely off, they need to actually nerf cards to tone down how insane certain archetypes have gotten, not literally delete those archetypes from the game. This is my biggest complaint with unlimited, the fact that it's not actually going to BE unlimited, it's just going to be rotation lite unless they use actual proper nerfs instead of bans.


I agree that roach should be nerfed once and for all, 0 costs that don't need board space were a mistake.



Just increasing roach's cost to 3 would be enough to slow the deck down to a fair speed without making it completely unplayable, but odds are they're just gonna ban it - which sucks, because it's literally the devs flipping the table and saying "we refuse to try and balance the game any longer". It's laziness, pure and simple, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

>evolves andrealphus
>hits useless golem
>eats andrealphus with necro assassin and destroys my ogler

wtf i'm a sword main now

Now I'm curious, have people actually tried making a wallet Shadow build work? Or has no one even considered it because Mid Shadow is a thing.

I tried it once and got as far as rank b but that was before unlimited.

This. Ban/restriction is something a kid would come up with, not a proper game designer.

Why is Shadow allowed to steal one of haven's mechanics ?

3pp Roach would kill it imo. 0/1 probably is the fairest change.

You need strong board tools and strong finishers to play a neutral wallet game. Forest is a better wallet deck because of board clear cards like Cassiopeia and strong game finishers like Jungle/Wolf+Elephant. Shadow has subpar board clears and the finishers require you to be somewhat ahead.

Isn't Aether kinda garbage with Summit temple haven? You pull DANZAI without storm, Dark jeanne and Judge of retribution without their effect and cudgel for 6pp is laughable. It's only good for Aegis or an defensive Heavenly knight which probably mean you already lost.

Roach is the same deck it's always been without 0 cost Wisps, which clearly wasn't a problem last month. Having 0 cost Fairies enables you to use them to survive the mid game for 1PP Airbounds, Tia, Pixie Mischief, Crimsonbow Elf, or whatever tech people are running in Unlimited. You don't get nearly the same milage if you only draw Feena and no Arias. Without Wisps you actually need chip damage most of the time and can afford to trade spare Roaches into threatening things. I've won so many games with turn 7 20 damage from one Roach while grinding to GM. Killing people through 3 wards with 2 Airbound + Pixie Mischief is something that happened a few times for me as well. The freedom to return Wisps and max out on defensive cards like Cassiopeia/Aerin because you'll almost always win on turn 7 or 8 regardless is ridiculous. Wisps staying 0 cost has to be one of the worst designs I've seen in this game and will only lead to more problems down the line. I agree with much more (in addition to fixing Wisps).

Thank you, KMR!

You pull something else when played before turn 8 + she technically gives +1/1 to your board

>Climbed 600 points with MidShadow earlier
>another day of fuck nothing chests though
>alright lets try with Dirt then, faster games and all
>-700 points
Unironically the worst performing deck i ever played

What decks give you the most trouble?

I don't use her and didn't even try to as I don't have her but the effective +1 damage and pulling lion isn't that bad
That said I agree that she still isn't worth it

In the whole grind to GM, only bad matchups were Storm Haven (too many stats to remove with Cassiopeia/Aerin and the tempo swings were too much to deal with), Aggro/Vengeance Blood if I don't open with Circle+Brambles, and Aggro Forest. Liza is too much of a cockblock when I was relying on Brambles, Barrages, and Cassiopeia. Everything else felt like I was at a huge advantage because they couldn't kill me fast enough. Although the Dirt Rune matchup would go bad quickly if I didn't draw Aerin and/or Cassiopeia.

is venomfang medusa the only card in the game where the "payoff" is actually a drawback

Fuck farming chest today and fuck Rune and most importaly fuck Isra EVERY FUCKING WHERE

Y'know, fair enough, those would be better changes to make the deck playable but not broken. I was thinking a cost increase would slow it down due to max pp limitations, but it losing an attack would serve almost the same purpose, and also let it continue to be tutorable. As for the Wisps, it seems obvious that the change there should be that it's only 0pp the first time you play it, but with how much they hate nerfing legos it's unfortunately not a likely change to happen, especially since she isn't affecting rotation.

Welcome to SahaBahaIsra autofill: the format.


Bumpychung saikyou sushi

you deserve it for playing cancer

Fuck off blood braindead me new player me hit gm me 10k blood wins me know me haven broken dragon broken nerf heal wards

I'm sorry that you're mentally ill, user.

Just rat bro just orenawa bro

me bought vampy me play luna midfaceshadow me joined discord me avatarfag me weebo no casual check anime pic

back to your normalfag general

>Dragonnig is on 9
>Know he has SahaBahaIsra in hand
>Play Lilac so he doesn't Saha he does nothing but play card draw
>Next turn he hits 10
>He plays Bahamut
>Play Lily and Airbound
>Isra comes down
>Play another Lilac and kill it
>SahaIsra kills it
>Jungle Warden face
>3rd Isra
>Top deck another Jungle Warden face
>Kill both with will of the forest
>Fight to keep 1 thing on the board for a turn to gain lethal eventually get it 6 turns later
Just outplay them bro

I need a new Kusoge to get addicted with. Which is the best among FGO, Fire Emblem Heroes and Granblue?

papa mama luna hidoi

Play Granblue. Thank you.

buy a 3ds and hack it

>playing rotation

Fire emblem heroes, GB is way too grindy and FGO is just plain shit

Concede onegai

I'm already playing it.

This is my wife. Say something nice about her.

FEH is the best out of all of those

Left or right, /svg/?


Dread, Saha, Irasfil is broken. Eachtar and Thane are balanced.

left if you have balls, which by picking shadow, you probably dont

>tfw there are might be a lot of waifu simulator mobileshit out there you are not knowing exist.

There's a shit ton of them.
Valk Crusade was pretty popular in /jp/
Sid Story is also pretty good.

>left if you have balls,
But /svg/ told me thane is 7pp do nothing.

It was me Shadowbabs. The author of all your pain.

it was when games ended at turn 5