nobody wants to make a thread for a dead game - edition
League of legends general - /lolg/
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Then why is d2g up?
we did it!
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
first for I want to matingpress sona and breed her over and over again until she finally starts to moan!
xth for how the fuck i can get even more farm? I had to run arround killing fed veigars and shit and getting dragons because jungle and top were trolling and it happens all the time.
The life of Vayne is hard
xth for the serbian mongrel should stop attentionwhoring around here
vel'koz is easily the best champion in the game. no other champion can even compete
At what point somebody gets fired for this shit?
please submit a ticket for that im also tired of this
>1 Diamond 5 against 5 Diamonds
xth for my wife Syndra
should i play tomorrow? i feel like having one of those lazy days but i still kinda wanna play to get enough ip to buy xerath
How do you feel about you cheating on Syndra with a faggot slut that has erp sex with literally everyone from the thread?
Aren't you ashamed?
>tft when you get two feeders back to back
s-s-so the f-feeders will b-be on the enemy team n-next time r-right..??
xth for cute raka
don't be le rude to le syndor, user >:(
just 1v9 bro
Wouldn't Syndra be the cuck there?
They're both cucks.
I bet Syndrafag also ends up giving Syndra aids because of swift and they all die.
Step 1
Step 2
>season 3 silver
>still silver
>obviously a smurf
Can somebody explain what the fuck this is?
Is this guy getitng boosted or what?
soraka is a dirty cumslut and dreams to gobble up all the worlds cum
Final Step
I wish i was shyvana
That's a funny way of spelling Ahri.
>no tomboy champ that has 2 forms making an age gap
yeah its russian
How big is her cock?
>tfw Swain might know LeBlanc's secrets and have her on a loose
>tfw he may be above the illuminati bullshit
can't wait
>not bothering to show whether it's ranked or not
if it was a normal game who the fuck CARES
>tfw no typical, average run of the mill "wizard" archetype champion in legend league
ofc because it's riot we've gotta make it a furry.
>No anal whore champ that can 1v3 at any point in the game
if this didnt have niggers and anal id be into it
Ryze isn't a standard mage. He just zaps people and is "saving all of runeterra".
I just want a mage that shoots magic missiles and calls you a fucking idiot.
Is sonas chest TOO big?
>I just want a mage that shoots magic missiles and calls you a fucking idiot.
Literally Ryze
>Caring about the men
>Not liking anal
why does botlane always int in my games /pol/?
first post ending in 3, 6 or 9 decides the next purchase.
Because your support picked Alistar into one of the slipperiest, most bitch-made bot lane combos in the game.
i want a typical pseudo-intellectual mage archetype that shoots spells out of his dick, thinks everyone is an idiot without being able to explain why and isn't a blue dicked freak/.
Is hashinshin the most 4chanlike streamer ?
dodged a bullet there
>Have not having Koggy yet?
Do you having cute things?
I miss that time after soraka's rework and before forbidden idol stacking when she was secret op and people had zero idea how to play when she was in the game
Now I get focused more than my adc and ironically no one is there to help me
Does anyone know any female streamers who play unusual for girls champs like lucian or garen, etc
That's like saying Dekar is the most 4chanlike streamer. They both pander to reddit and are pseudointellectuals that do what Destiny does and resort to calling you an autist if you so much as disagree with them.
Yorick or Camille ,flip a coin
hate having cute things
I should really start proof reading things
sauce pls
Boxbox is the most 4chanlike streamer.
Im sure there are girls (male) that do that because every other regular actual grill plays lulu,karma ,sona and tristana
He is autistic and self-absorbed like many of us, yeah.
but thats just like Veeky Forums instead we call you a nigger if you disagree
Syndra is the cuck. Syndratard doesn't even give her the decency of loving her above all else. Why else do you think he spoilers the "my wife" portion of his spam yet always eager replies to swift every chance he gets? It's because she is literally second to some random homo dude here.
yeah but dekar, hash and destiny say that saying nigger makes you an idiot even though they've all said it in the past.
See it doesn't work, nigger.
all 3 are literally rick and morty tier pseudo intellectuals who think they're hot shit because they have more than 10 viewers on twitch
syndor on suicide watch
>buttholes are cute
>kissing and licking is fun
>licking buttholes seems like the best thing ever
Is eating ass as fun as it seems or is it just a meme?
yiff in hell
its a meme
its fun unless you like the taste of shit
if you would stop watching porn for 5 seconds you would realize women are just as disgusting as us and probably dont wipe their ass after every shit because they are too lazy
Anything revolving around ass is just a meme.
Do you get turned on by the thought of eating ass? Then yeah it'd probably be fun for you if the butt you're eating was kept clean. It doesn't illicit and unknown sensations though. Same with going down on someone.
not to mention that they've all defended 'ethical/pragmatic' child porn. Not talkin loli but real. Like damn nigga.
but they have a point tbqh
swift is a homo slut
>enemy picks lin beifong
>literally doesn't even deny putting Syndra in second place
Fucking kek nice "devotion" for your waifu there fucker.
What does Sona look for in a partner?
finally a fucking avatar reference
how do i get over the first show and korra? i feel as if they changed how i view the world and im less toxic in game unless someone calls me out specifically
I've already tried doing that and you told me to fuck off, so I ain't gonna give you any more explanations, you can post whatever you want as far as I'm concerned.
Swift is nice and cute
> lin beifong
Big, fat HP BARS
Tell me a secret /lolg/
im every poster in this thread excluding you
and hes never going to look like a girl and he will always have a dick. You could find some cutie gf instead of wasting time doing erp with some fag. Do whatever you want though,im just giving you option
250cs for a 33 min game is not bad for a soloq game. Don't take LCS/competitive as the standard